
Tenses: Preparation Test: SolutionsI. BASIC EXERCISES: REVISIONWhich tense is this?Past ContinuousPresent PerfectFuture ContinuousSimple FuturePast ContinuousPast PerfectSimple PastPast ContinuousFuture PerfectPresent PerfectPresent PerfectSimple PastPast Perfect ContinuousSimple PresentForm a sentenceLeave!Were you in the library?She works, doesn’t she?He didn’t believe you.ThoughtI had celebrated.I have written you several times.I will have been leavingShe has never plete the gridHe teaches, he is teachingHe taught, he was teachingHe has taught, he has been teachingHe had taught, he had been teachingHe will teach, he will be teachingHe will have taught, he will have been teachingMain Tensesto tear, tears, tore, tornto lie, lies, lied, liedto dream, dreams, dreamt/dreamed, dreamt/dreamedto sting, stings, stung, stungto become, becomes, became, becometo swim, swims, swam, swumto run, runs, ran, runto break, breaks, broke, brokento leave, leaves, left, leftto flee, flees, fled, fledto shine, shines, shone, shoneto fall, falls, fell, fallento steal, steals, stole, stolento light, lights, lit, litto raise, raises, rose, risento hit, hits, hit, hitto forbid, forbids, forbade, forbiddento foresee, foresees, foresaw, foreseento hold, holds, held, heldto speed, speeds, sped, sped5. Own answers, check with the rules!II. FILL IN/ CHOOSE1.DrivesWork, I am studyingIs sleepingIs rainingAlways rainsAre saying, is talkingIs currently writingAm goingAre normallyAreIs2.Were you doingWas trying(had) found, immediately went, turnedSaid, was, neededArrived, wasn’t, was studying at the libraryWas also watchingCalled, weren’tWas workingWalked, was talking, were busily working, were quietly discussingWas watchingWas, wasn’t listeningCalled, was just thinkingWas crossing, struckWere busily bargaining, were trying, were hunting, lead, were argueing, walked, was selling, boughtRescued, wasWas always leaving, actually expected(has) lived, was living3.Present perfectPresent perfectSimple pastPresent perfectPresent perfectSimple pastPresent perfectPresent perfectPresent perfectPresent perfect4.Has livedSankHas stolenHas fallenGraduatedHave seenHave walkedLivedI have cutLost5. Blew, had collectedThrew, had writtenShowed, had takenTold, had seenWas, had doneHad spent, wantedHad phoned, leftTurned on, had washedArrived, had already startedHad come, fedSang, had playedWatched, had goneHad made, phonedWas, had studiedHad ridden, met6. Has forgotten, have been waiting, has takenHas walked, have already orderedHave only beenHaven’t yet ordered, have been sittingHas even noticed, has been runningHasn’t looked7. had been trying, had had, had been waiting, had arrangedHad already picked up, had been waiting, had almost given up, had goneHad been, had missed8. Will callWill be using / will useWill have been stayingWill be flyingWill have movedWill carryWill have been workingWill be wearing/will wearWill have been presentingWill enjoy/ will be enjoyingWill have travelledWill I trainWill have been sailingWill seeWill be carryingWill have builtWill getWill have beenWill be practisingWill be disqualified9. He is still working on that assignment.He hasn’t yet called about the new date for the meeting.I had always been a good girl until I met him.I visit him almost never.We will meet in the library at 4 pm.He has only dared to call him after a long time.I’ve never been the same since I met her.By next week, I will have been practising for 8 months.She has clearly never cooked before.It was nevertheless worth the effort, wasn’t it?Is he worried about his results, however?He had been hiding here for nine years before he was discovered.She handed him the present.Have you finally been cleaning the house?He has recently gone bankrupt.III. Translation Exercises + apply the rule:1) Simple Present, Present ContinuousI’m leaving on holiday tomorrow. Present Continuous, Definite plan for the futureI usually take my bike to school. Simple Present, habit, routineSome trees don’t lose there leaves in autumn. Simple Present characteristic.Dogs can’t fly. Simple Present general truth.The Eastern European countries are optimalising their economy. Present Continuous, changing situation or development.I feel a bit blue today. Simple Present, verbs of feeling.He leads the most important department. Simple present, permanent jobThe meeting starts at seven sharp. Simple Present, fixed time schedule.That stalker is following me everywhere. I’m calling the police. Present Continuous, irritation, Present Continuous, definite plan for the futureAeneas leaves Dido to start a new empire. Simple Present, Historic PresentI am busy retiling the roof. Present Continuous, action going on now.2) Simple Past, Past continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect ContinuousBefore he went senile, he played chess every week. Simple Past, A habit, routine, hobbyAt some point he has won a medal. Present Perfect, indefinite past.There were a lot of poplar trees around our old house. Simple Past, CharacteristicsKaren rolled her eyes because Kevin was bragging about his marks again. Past Continuous,.Expressing irritation in the pastI’ve only just finished the dishes.Present Perfect, Recent past or indefinite pastSince I live here, I have been haunted by ghosts. Present Perfect, Time period with since/forI have listened to that music since I was a little boy. Present Perfect, A habitI have managed all the accounts since 1998. Present Perfect, A Permanent jobWe were both waiting for the train.Past continuous, action going on at a particular moment in the pastThings have remained the same around here forever. Present perfect, A stateLast night, I dreamed I was a unicorn. Simple Past, Verbs of feeling expressing a stateThe tests have not produced any results. Present Perfect, The result of an ongoing actionLast week, a dove flew into my apartment while I was ironing. Past Continuous, Circumstances or a longer background action in the pastWe have been interrogating the suspect for about 4 hours straight. Present perfect Continuous, Stress on the duration of an action going on in an indefinte pastJust one month ago my grandfather died. Simple Past, Definite past actionsI prepared hamburgers at the drive-in until I got fired.Simple past, Permanent jobs3) Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect ContinuousAfter he had left, I looked around in all the drawers.Past Perfect, Express a past action before another past actionWe have been cycling all day.Present Perfect Continuous, durationShe had mostly eaten at the diner on the corner till she got food poisoning. Past Perfect, A habit in the past.We don’t know when he has graduated. Present Perfect, indefinite past.We had been drinking non-stop ever since that salty lunch we had. Past Perfect Continuous, durationJust recently he has given an interview for the papers.Present Perfect, recent PastHe had been a performer up till the point when they offered him an acting job.Past Perfect, A permanent job in the pastThey have searched he house for ages without success. Present Perfect, “for”We had never felt that grateful before in our lives. Past Perfect, action before another action in the past.If her present only had cost that much, I certainly would have got it. Past Perfect, A state or a feeling in the pastHe has regularly visited his grandmother ever since she’s been ill. Present Perfect, routine/”since”The plane had circled the surface twice but could not detect survivors from the shipwrecking.Past Perfect, action before another action.She has been dreaming about this holiday for a long time now. Present Perfect continuous, duration4) Simple Future, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect continuousI will probably still be preparing the party when the guests arrive. Future Continuous, action going on in the futureI’ll love you forever. Simple Future, promise.My cupboards are empty, I’ll go to the shops.Simple Future, Spontaneous decision at the time of speakingI reckon it will be a disaster.Simple Future, a PredictionI will have finished reading before you do. Future Perfect, action before another action in the futureI’ll be leaving work at 5 pm sharp. Simple Future, volitionBy the time they get back, they will have been travelling the world for a year. Future Perfect Continuous, durationI’ll give that homeless person a place to stay for the night. Simple Future, Voluntary action.By the time you come home, I will have cleaned the house. Future Perfect, action before another action.We will have been studying the tenses for three years.Future Perfect Continuous, durationI will tell your mother if you don’t share that stolen candy.Simple Future, threatIV. Multiple ChoiceChoose the correct answer1. A Do you work2. C didn’t go3. D Does this word mean4. B that haven’t seen5. A burnt6. B have known7. C I’ll help8. C I didn’t do9. A for six months10. A have you doneChoose1. Has been rainingHaven’t goneWonderingPromise2. was growingwould have toweren’t used todidn’t remember3.triedhad leftfoundwere4. shallare goingwon’t beI’dChoose the correct answerHad been workingWon’t have finishedhad just eatenwill be lyinghad only been sleepinghad been waitinghad been lookingwas havingwill have been marriedhad been drivingwon’t have arrivedwill have been livingwon’t be drivingwill have been smokingwas just stepping ................

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