Grams/moles/molecules/atoms practice

Grams/moles/molecules/atoms practice

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1. If you have 7.88 moles of ammonia (NH3) how many grams of ammonia do you have?

7.88 mol NH3 X 17.03 g NH3 = 134 g NH3

1 mol NH3

2. How many nitrogen atoms are present in 3.3 grams of ammonia (NH3)?

3.3 g NH3 X 1 mol NH3 X 6.022 e23 NH3 molecules X 1 N atom = 1.2 X 1023 N atoms

17.03 g NH3 1 mol NH3 1 NH3 molecule

3. How many H atoms are present in 2.3 moles of ammonia? ( 4.2 X 1024 H atoms)

4. If you have 9.1 grams of ammonia, how many moles of ammonia do you have?

(0.53 mol NH3)

5. If you have 3.56 X 1022 molecules of NH3, how many grams of ammonia do you have? (1.01 g NH3)

6. If you have 4.1 X 1019 molecules of ammonia, how many moles of ammonia do you have? ( 6.8 X 10-5 mol NH3)

7. How many H atoms are present in 12.5 grams of ammonia? ( 1.3 X 1024 H atoms)

8. If you have 2.5 X 1028 nitrogen atoms and all the hydrogen atoms you need, what mass of ammonia could you make?

2.5 X 1028 N atoms X 1 NH3 molecule X 1 mol NH3 X 17.03 g NH3 = 7.1 X 105 g NH3

1 N atom 6.022 e23 NH3 molecules 1 mol NH3


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