Georgia Professional Standards Commission

Georgia Professional Standards Commission

Board of Examiners

Important Information for Member Nominees

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the GaPSC Board of Examiners! To better understand what will be expected of you should you choose to be nominated for training, please read the information below regarding the training schedule, expectations of BOE members and approval reviews.

BOE Training Schedule:

• BOE training consists of several pre-training tasks which must be completed by specific dates, as well as realistic simulations of approval review activities.

• Each pre-training task builds on the previous task and therefore must be completed in sequential order and by the specified due date. Your success at the March training event depends upon your completion of the pre-training tasks; it is critical that you complete them as they are scheduled.

• The March 2012 BOE Training pre-training tasks will include up to two electronic meetings (web/telephone conferences) with your fellow trainees; one instructional webinar; and your individual completion of computer-based training modules and training simulation documents. These tasks are carefully sequenced over the months of February and March. Check the GaPSC website at for the pre-training schedule (the schedule is expected to be posted on the website by 1/26/12).

• On-site training will begin on Sunday morning, March 18, 2012 and will end on Wednesday afternoon just before or soon after 12:00 noon. Training is intensive and extensive; sessions and simulations last well into the evenings.

• If your nomination is accepted and you are asked to attend training, you will be required to agree to a pre-training schedule designed to accommodate all the pre-training tasks.

Expectations of BOE Members:

• BOE members are expected to abide by the Georgia PSC BOE Code of Conduct (a copy was included with the nomination documents sent to your supervisor).

• BOE members serve for a three-year term (may be repeated by invitation).

• BOE members are expected to participate when called upon during their term; at a minimum, you should plan to participate in one review each semester (two per year) and you should be prepared to follow through on your commitments to serve.

• BOE members are expected to review approval applications, reports, and electronic evidence; and participate in team meetings prior to the beginning of the approval review.

• During the approval review BOE members are expected to review evidence, conduct interviews, and participate in team meetings; this work may be done on-site, electronically, or in some combination of on-site and electronic meetings.

• During the approval review a written report is generated collaboratively by all team members.

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• GaPSC staff will provide the necessary documentation so that BOE training and possibly BOE reviews may be used for professional learning credits.

Approval Review Quick Facts:

• The approval review process is based on the “Georgia Standards for the Approval of Professional Education Units and Educator Preparation Programs”. These standards are based on a national set of standards developed by educators. You may review the standards on the PSC website located at .

• PSC Approval reviews may be conducted on-site at a college/university, school district, or RESA; they may be conducted electronically using web conferencing technology and telephone conference calls, or they may involve both on-site and electronic meetings.

• Georgia has a long-standing partnership with the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). As an NCATE partner state, we have many NCATE-accredited institutions. When reviews are conducted at these institutions, GaPSC BOE members work jointly with national BOE members trained by NCATE to apply the same standards in the approval review process.

• Approval reviews vary in their format and duration. Reviews of programs typically last three to four days and they begin on either Saturday or Sunday afternoon and conclude on either Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon. Reviews of the professional education unit and programs may involve electronic and on-site work over a longer period of time.

• Some reviews are conducted to determine if an institution or agency is ready to begin a new program that will meet standards, while others are conducted to determine if previously approved programs continue to meet standards.

• The institution or agency under review covers the expenses of BOE members and provides lodging and meals during on-site reviews.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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