
Sajin furrowed his brow as he read the letter in his hand, not quite understanding why he would receive such a message;“Captain Komamura, in light of recent events we have made the decision to put you on leave until further notice. Please take the opportunity to recover, that is your most important responsibility at this moment in time.”Sighing, the wolf conceded that it was likely for the best, with everything that had happened lately. It had been a while since he had an official break from his position, so he was a bit unsure of what he should do with his free time. Before he could take a few minutes to even consider it though, his stomach let out an unexpected rumble. ‘My body must be feeling spent from that last fight. I’m sure I’d never hear the end of it if I wind up in the infirmary’ he thought to himself.Thankfully, he had quite the selection of food right there at his quarters, considering he couldn’t eat with his helmet on at the dining hall with the other captains. Opening the fridge, he searched the shelves for anything that caught his eye, an impressive selection of his favourite meats before him. Having difficulty settling on just one thing to eat, he grabbed up a few that immediately caught his eye and set them on the countertop, shutting the fridge with his foot.While he was by no means an expert at cooking, he was capable enough at it to cook up what he pulled out, the savory aroma only making his appetite stronger. Serving the small mountain of meat onto a tray, he brought it over to his dining table and set it down before he seated himself. Normally he tried to keep his manners in check even while he was eating with nobody else around, but his hunger was unusually distracting this afternoon. Skipping the formalities, Sajin wasted no time in lifting a whole steak up to his mouth, biting a huge chunk out of it and practically swallowing it whole. He proceeded to follow suit with everything on the tray, making very quick work of enough meat to feed a dozen men. It was a little unexpected for him, the wolf not realizing that he had eaten all of it, and in mere minutes as well. He was a bit grateful that nobody had to witness him indulging in such an act of gluttony, but he was only given a brief reprieve before he heard a knock on his front door.Getting up to his feet, Sajin gasped as he began to feel the extent to which he gorged himself. Normally his kimono was well-fitted considering his large stature, but it felt quite tight in the middle, even compared to after he would have celebratory feasts. He knew that it wasn’t an unexpected spike of weight considering it was nonexistent just an hour before, but he was nonetheless surprised to see a noticeable bulge poking out of his middle.The rapping at the door grew more forceful, and the captain knew that he would need to answer it if it were important. “One moment!” he barked as he stomped over and grabbed the handle, pulling it open to see Shuhei greeting him. “Oh, it’s you Hisagi. Is there anything that I can help you with?”“I was sent by the fourth division to check to see if you received your message okay. You seem a bit frazzled yourself, is this a bad time?” answered the lieutenant, not taking note of Komamura’s bloated middle even if it was right in his face.Sajin let out a sigh of relief as he let his guard back down. “No, it’s no trouble. I am simply… unaccustomed to being placed on leave like this.”Shuhei smiled, always impressed at how soft-spoken Komamura was despite his appearance. “It sounds like you got the message just fine then. Before I forget though, I was assigned to check in on you every now and then, since you get your food delivered in private. You’re on leave, so you’ll be able to make requests for extras if you want.”“I see” said the wolf, thinking for a moment. “Some extra meat might be nice, but only if it is no trouble.”Taking note of his superior’s request, Shuhei made a bit of idle chatter with him before returning to his duties. Later that night, Sajin would be surprised by a staggeringly large delivery of the society’s finest meats, plenty to last him for an indefinite amount of time if he paced himself well. But his willpower would soon be put to the test, the countless delicacies all within reach with seemingly no limit or restriction to them. In the coming months, the wolf’s routine had steadily changed as he found himself with little to do for entertainment outside of eating. His three meals a day grew increasingly large and began to get interspersed with plenty of snacks in between them. It was hard for him at first, the gnawing self-consciousness about it keeping him from going too overboard with his newfound gluttony. But every time, his hunger won in the end, the wolf winding up stuffed after every meal with the delicious food.His naturally large build made it hard for him to even notice that he was slowly gaining weight the whole time, the changes in his weight only becoming bigger the more that he ate. At first the weight divided itself fairly evenly across his frame, filling out the lines of his defined muscles that were invisible underneath his fur. He didn’t really take note of it, the sensation of having a stuffed belly stealing away any attention he could pay to his slightly fluffier self. Sajin’s ignorance to his heavier self wouldn’t last much longer though, as his extra heft started to settle noticeably on his middle, never vanishing even when his stomach was empty. His wiser side knew that it was bound to happen if he kept on overeating the way he did, but he was still thunderstruck when it finally set in to his reality, one morning when he woke up after a particularly food-ridden night.‘I should cut back… I couldn’t possibly return as a captain in this state…’ he thought to himself as he pressed his fingers into his paunch, his digits sinking into it by a couple inches. He blushed as he noticed how it stuck out noticeably past the rest of him and how it sunk down over his waistband just a little. He didn’t normally dress himself up in his captain’s uniform, but he tried it on to check its fit and grimaced at how difficult it was for him to keep it wrapped up properly without his kimono pulling apart slightly.Just as he was getting ready to change back into more casual clothing, he was interrupted by a knock at the door. Walking over, the wolf’s face grew flushed as he could feel his kimono beginning to pull itself undone some as his belly wobbled from side to side. Answering the call, he was greeted by Shuhei once more.“Good morning captain, I’ve brought your latest delivery for the next month” said the lieutenant before he got a good look at Sajin. “Is something wrong? You’re in your armor.”“I-it’s nothing!” stammered Sajin as he tried to deflect the comment. “Thank you for bringing my provisions, lieutenant. It is most appreciated.”Shuhei raised an eyebrow at Komamura’s odd behavior. He wasn’t blind though, and could see that the wolf’s uniform wasn’t fitting quite the same. He knew that it must have been a sore point for him, but he also knew that it was his duty to assist him. Not quite sure how to approach the subject, Shuhei simply blurted out what he saw; “Captain… have you put on some weight?”Sajin’s heart pounded as he realized that there wasn’t really any avoiding the topic at this point, his mind racing to come up with something before Shuhei spoke up again. “Sorry, that was pretty blunt. I’m surprised to see that you’re using this vacation to train yourself in this kind of way. I don’t think anyone will expect you to adapt your bankai like this.”Clearing his throat and doing his best to regain his composure, the wolf played along with the lieutenant’s assumptions. “Y-yes. I had meant to keep it a secret, but I have theorized that my bankai may gain additional power if I were larger, considering it is a direct extension of myself.” He knew that he wasn’t being honest, but the more he considered it, the more sense it made to him. At the very least, the look on Shuhei’s face was enough to let him know he wasn’t in hot water anymore.Picking up the delivered food and seeing Shuhei off, Sajin exhaled “that was a little too close…” But despite the captain’s relief, it seemed that it would quickly come back to him in the next few months. Not only had his habits continued to build, but Shuhei was under the impression that Sajin’s gaining was intentional, and had started to make the food deliveries larger and larger in an effort to “help” him.There didn’t seem to be any chance of stopping Komamura’s gluttonous streak, the wolf virtually powerless to keep himself from eating as much as he could of the luxurious meats. It had become hard for him to differentiate between his meals and his snacks, it all melding together into a food-filled blur. His weight gain had only accelerated as well, the fifty extra pounds soon turning into a hundred, then a couple hundred, if not more.He had been keeping himself dressed during the day by covertly requesting larger clothing from Shuhei in addition to the food deliveries. He wasn’t sure if anyone on the outside was beginning to ask questions or when his vacation would end, but his habits had become so ingrained into his daily life now that it was hard for him to think of how he would go back to his normal life. Even if he could go back to being a captain in his current state, he knew that it was going to be quite the feat to try explaining everything, seeing that he was over twice as heavy as he was before.Flipping the page of his calendar one morning, he realized that he had been on leave for an entire six months with no real contact with the rest of soul society outside of Shuhei. Uncertainty washed over him as his mind drifted from scenario to scenario of what was going to happen next. With his mind focused on his size, he walked over to the full-length mirror in his bedroom to examine himself.What looked back at him wasn’t a well-muscled wolf of a captain, but a pudgy beastman who looked like his most intense activity was competitive eating. His face had rounded out a little, taking the intimidation factor away from his normally imposing visage. His pecs had blown up into a heavy pair of moobs, sagging down onto his belly with wide side-rolls that pressed up against his arms. Whatever firm biceps he had were completely covered up at that point, his arms having grown fairly soft and cushiony with the little work they had to do.His belly had ballooned considerably, having gotten to the point where there was no hope for even the largest of kimonos to close around him properly. It stuck out a couple feet, obscuring his view if he needed to look down and constantly getting in the way of things when he was doing things around his residence. Even sitting down was a little tricky, since it prevented him from bending over and reaching things in front of him. His backside had been a bit of a problem for him as well, making it difficult for him to pull up his pants all the way, and being large enough that he needed to arrange a new extra cushions at his dining table to sit comfortably.As he looked over himself some more, the knocking on the door that he heard every month rang out again, signalling that he was about to get yet another stockpile of food to add to his waistline. “I’ll be there in a moment Shuhei!” shouted Sajin as he scrambled to get some clothes onto himself. He struggled to cover himself up completely, but it wasn’t the first time that the lieutenant would have seen him exposed somewhat, so he brushed it off as a non-issue as he lumbered towards the door.“Captain, I uh… bring some sudden news” said Shuhei in surprise as Sajin opened the door, a large, round mass of red fur greeting him. The wolf seemed a bit shocked, but he could still smell the aroma of the food so he assumed that it must have been something mundane. “Yes, what is it Shuhei? Does the tailor need updated measurements?”“Well, it’s not quite that. Your leave ends tomorrow, and you’ll be expected to return to your post immediately.”Sajin’s heart stopped for a moment as the realization of what Shuhei said set in. “I-I see. I… will have to make some preparations. Excuse me, lieutenant.”“Very well then. I’ll leave the food here for you and the measuring tapes for the tailor. I’ll look forward to seeing your new bankai in action, captain” said Shuhei as he bowed and left.Heart still pounding out of his chest, Sajin wasn’t sure what he was going to do. Not only did he need to go back to his post in his current form, but he needed to find a way to finish off all of the leftover food before he’d be expected to resume his on-duty way of life. He hadn’t been completely honest with Shuhei about his intentions, but he figured that he may as well give something a try even if it was last-minute.Entering his room and pulling out his zanpakuto, he knew of a hidden form that it could take that might work in this situation. “Debukai…” he muttered under his breath as a mysterious energy washed over him, filling him with a hunger unlike anything he’d felt before. He wasn’t sure if it would be enough to help him get through the month’s worth of food that night, but it was his final option.Returning to the common room, he wheeled the cart of food that Shuhei brought over to the dining table, loading it up with anything and everything before he sat down and began to devour it with his sudden surge of hunger. Anything that he could get his paws on quickly wound up in his mouth, the wolf barely making any attempts to chew his food before swallowing it to make room for the next bite.Slowly but surely, the mountain of meat was diminishing as Komamura tore through it, the dozens and dozens of servings making their way into him and onto his waistline. Steak, chicken, sushi, all of it tasted perfect to the ravenous wolf as he shovelled as much as he could into himself, his belly beginning to press up against the table as his stomach rapidly filled itself up.As easily as he was consuming the month’s worth of provisions before him, his debukai seemed to have another effect on top of simply allowing him to eat as much as possible without getting full. He was too focused on finishing off the cart of food that he hadn’t noticed that he was starting to grow a bit fatter as well, as if the food was instantly metabolising itself onto his already soft self.With every plate, a dozen or so pounds made their way onto the captain, filling out whichever areas they could as he wolfed down whatever was in front of him. His cheeks filled out until they were noticeably round, and his fingers became sausage-like as they grew thick with padding. The table became farther away as his ass and thighs swelled with inches upon inches of extra flab, covering up the many cushions beneath him completely.He wasn’t even consciously aware of it, but he had started to use his belly as a makeshift table so he wouldn’t need to bend over quite so much, its expansive surface being wide enough to fit three or four plates on it with no issue. His arms had become fattened enough that it was getting difficult for him to bend them completely.The tower of empty plates kept on piling high as Sajin started on the final round of food, the end within sight for the desperate wolf. As he needed to focus less on finishing his stockpile of rations, he started to become aware of the fact that he must have gained a few hundred extra pounds in that night alone. Finishing up the late of the plates, he exhaled deeply and patted his behemoth of a belly, needing to take a few minutes to rest.After a bit of recuperation, Sajin heaved himself up to his feet, having to catch his balance as he got used to his even larger size. As relieved as he was to get through the month’s worth of food without having to let it go to waste, he was a little concerned over the fact that he’d made himself that much fatter. He supposed that it wouldn’t be that bad, considering that he was still able to move around without significant trouble. But it was going to be quite a bit of getting used to so that he wouldn’t bump into things, especially since his belly was practically a furred wrecking ball stuck to the front of him with a trajectory of its own.Sighing, he realized that he had gotten too big to properly measure himself now, his hands not even being able to reach the front of his middle anymore. “This is going to be an interesting first day back… hopefully I can fit most of my uniform on me…” he said as he waddled back to his bedroom, squeezing his way into it. But that would be for another day, and though he would need to return to his position tomorrow, he could at the very least find a little bit of enjoyment out of being an enormously sized glutton for a few more hours, wondering if he could perhaps learn to live like this in the years to come. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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