Student Computer Contract for the Computer Lab-Mr

Student Computer Contract for the Computer Lab- Mr. Naas

I am very pleased that your have chosen to take a business course. I believe that all of my students are in class to learn and prepare themselves for the future. I will be my very best to provide you with a positive learning environment. I expect you to behave so that teaching and learning will take place. I hope you find this course to be both interesting and useful. As a member of this class, you must accept responsibilities and abide by the expectations and rules. These have been outlined below. Please read them carefully before you sign this contract. Your signature indicates that you understand and accept both the responsibilities and penalties outlined below.

• I understand that using the computer at inappropriate times, such as during a lecture, demonstration or when I have been assigned another task is not acceptable.

• I understand that the mouse and mouse pad are to remain in place until the teacher specifically indicates otherwise.

• I understand that students are only allowed to use instructed drives while in class.

• I understand that my personal work should be saved on my personal disk (flash drive). I am not to bring any other disks/cd’s into the classroom.

• I understand that I am not allowed to move, change or delete any system files. I am not allowed to download any files/programs unless specifically instructed to do so.

• I understand that the Control Panel settings (passwords, screen savers, wallpaper, sounds etc.) or any other established settings may not be changed. This is not my personal workstation. Other students share this machine.

• I understand that it is unacceptable to touch another student’s computer equipment, including the mouse, keyboard, monitor, CPU, and cables. Other student’s disks and work are completely off limits.

• I understand that no obscene or suggestive language will be use in any wok. All work should be classroom appropriate.

• I understand that I am NOT to be on an online chat at any time. I am not to use e-mail or games in this lab.

• I understand that no headphones and or MP3 players shall be brought into or used in the lab.

• I understand that no excuses will be accepted for breaking this contract. “It was an accident”, “I didn’t mean to”, “I’m sorry”, etc. will not excuse the action.

• I understand that if I break this contract, I will be removed from the computer station and I will be assigned a detention at the teacher’s digression.

I have read the above contract and accept my responsibilities, the rules, and penalties.

Student Behavior Contract- Mr. Naas

As a member of any group, you must accept responsibilities and abide by rules. These have been listed below. Please read the rules and expectations before you sign this contract. Your signature indicated that you understand and accept both the responsibilities and penalties for failure to comply with the rules.


1. To conduct yourself in a responsible manner.

2. To be attentive and participate in all class activities.

3. To use your time wisely and produce quality work.

4. To have a good/positive attitude

5. To follow rules as outlined in the student handbook and below.


1. No abuse of the equipment will be tolerated. No food or drinks allowed.

2. Other students’ disks and work are completely off limits. It is unacceptable to touch another student’s disk.

3. No obscene or suggestive language will be used in any work. All work should be classroom appropriate.

4. No disks other than a flash drive should be brought from home.

5. Respect for the teacher and fellow students is required. This includes paying attention and following directions. Students are not to talk or use the computer while the teacher is talking.

6. Only behavior conducive to learning will be tolerated.

7. Using computer at inappropriate times, such as during a lecture, demonstration or when assigned another task is not acceptable. All work will be saved to a personal disk or copied to the teacher’s drop box as instructed.

8. The Student Computer/Internet Use Agreement as outline will be followed.

9. Follow School wide Rules!

Penalties: 3 Strikes

1st offense: Verbal Warning

2nd offense: Detention plus parental contact (Possible Classroom Conduct Grade Deduction)

3rd offense: Office Referral (Classroom Conduct Grade Deduction)

Policy for Leaving the Classroom

Do not ask to leave the room during the first 10 minutes of class. At the beginning of class, 10 minutes is used to check roll and make assignments. In addition, do not ask to leave the room while I am giving instruction or going over material with the class! All restroom passes must be used during individual in-class work time.

If you need to use the restroom please do it between class periods or at lunch. I will let you leave in an emergency situation, but do not get in the habit of asking.

Restroom Policy: 3 Free Restroom passes per 9 weeks.

4th offense: Detention plus parental contact (Possible Classroom Conduct Grade Deduction)

5th offense: Office Referral (Classroom Conduct Grade Deduction)

Parents, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about your student’s grades or behavior. I am willing to work with you. You may call the school (613-9435) or contact me by email: Please read the daily assignments on the Assign-a-Day link on the FCHS website.

I have read the above and accept my responsibilities, the rules, and the penalties.

______________________________________ ______________

Student signature Date

I have read the above and will encourage my student to accept the responsibilities and abide by the rules to avoid the penalties.

_____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Mailing Address

_____________________________________ ___________________________ _______________________________

Daytime Phone Home Phone E-mail Address


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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