
Friends of Nashmore Parents’ Association

Meeting Minutes – No. 6, 2018

Halloween Howl

• Big success

• Over 300 kids attended

• Thanks to all the volunteers and staff. We had lots of help.

• We had some prizes leftover from the event but not a huge amount.

• Pics from the howl is with Mrs. Murphy – Lori to get card

• Lessons learned:

o Lots of water leftover. Next time to get less water.

o Didn't run out of anything really – were low on cookies but only about 15 mins from the end.

o Maybe assign someone to make rounds and refill the prizes. Suzie did it this year. Also look at distributing more prizes to the games with lots of winners – pick the nose, build a house, toilet toss.

o For next year look at how musical chairs is setup. Not all participants were given a prize. Only the winners. If the group playing was big and kids were out at the beginning they had to wait till about 20 mins to play again. Look at smaller groups and/or more prizes (top 3 or 4).

o Maybe building towers may have needed its own room.

o More signage directing people to top floor

o New teachers had feedback of preferring to be in their own rooms or the gym. Pre-arrange with teacher rep to put games teachers signed up for in their own room (did this the day of this year so a lot got changed around).

Teacher Appreciation

• Christie, Suzie and Brandi will bring things in for the teachers on Nov. 9th. This is during their PL Day.

• Suzie has a list that she will send Brandi on what staff preferred for drinks.

• Whenever there’s a larger purchase, submit receipts to Lori for reimbursement.

Shopping Spree (Dec 11th with 12th as backup)

• Taylor to confirm the snow date of Dec. 13th

• A form will go out in the communication folder to all the kids - they fill it out and prepay $5 per present.

• Forms are due back on Nov 30th

• Try to keep firm on this deadline – made it on a Friday in case a few come in latte. Last year a number of forms were passed in the day of the event – hard to prepare for.

• Gifts will be wrapped and kept ahead of time with one open on display for kids to look at.

• Volunteers are needed to set up and during the event to help kids pick gifts and wrapping the gifts.

• Donations required:

o Wrapping paper

o Bows

o Tissue paper

o Gift bags

• Some numbers from last year:

o 215 women gifts

o 194 man gifts

o 50 teen

o 68 kid boy gifts

o 61 kid girl gifts

o 20 baby gifts

o Additional 350 gifts in various categories from forms after first count

• Biggest category to buy for is men and women (includes moms, dads, grandmothers and grandfathers).

• Donations from the committee:

o Di will donate some bangles. She will also buy some things.

o Heather will buy some men’s gifts.

o Liz will make lace ornaments as well as small embroidered stuffies for boys and girls as well as tweens.

o Rebecca will purchase bath bombs from Northside Market.

o Jessica to look when shopping in US.

o Suzie already purchased some girls, tween, and women items.

o Not all $5 gift cards went last year. Lori to check if any left. Buy fewer this year.

• Need the original receipts versus pics of receipts. All receipts need to go to Lori for reimbursement. 

• Tag whatever is purchased for shopping spree and bring it into the office when dropping off.

• Email Suzie so that she can keep track of what is in inventory and what’s left to buy.

Christmas Concert (Dec 17th)

• E-Mail was sent out from school.

• There will be a raffle for a gift basket.

• The tickets will be sold before and during the event.

• Theme this year for concert is Christmas at the movies – maybe have a few movie-related items in basket (popcorn, movie tickets).

• We need donations for the gift basket. Suzie will send out an email to all asking for donations and/or people to approach businesses.

• For the gift basket we need donations. Here’s what we have so far:

o Heather will donate a gas card and get some movie tickets.

o Di will try to get some gift cards from local restaurants.

• Wait for shopping spree forms to come back before sending raffle tickets out.

School Clothing

• Taylor is checking on what support is required from us.

• To be held mid-January.

Book Drive

• Book drive from Nov. 13th to the 30th

• Librarian to send out flyer asking for book donations.

• Looking for 1000 books

• Tara, the librarian, needs volunteers to sort the books once they come in.

• Looking for gently used and new books.

Next meeting

• Tuesday, Jan. 15th at 6:30 pm.

• To discuss teacher appreciation and school clothing.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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