
828100-22247700 Elder Class Learning ActivitiesMonday 1st June 2020SubjectLesson discoveryLesson break downReading(30 minutes)Read Chapter 8 of the HodgehegRead Chapter 8 of the Hodgeheg, some children might need support with this. Chapter 8 is the penultimate chapter of the story. Can the children draw a scene from the chapter? It could be Max watching the children crossing the road, or Max excitedly telling his family about the lollypop lady.English writing (45 Minutes)Write a recount about their half term To get the children back into their writing, today’s objective is a simple recount or diary about what you did over the half term. This is what we would do if we were in school. The children can write about the whole week, or one day specifically if you had a particularly interesting day. Have the children try to include how things they did made them feel and they should write it in first person and in the past tense.From Tuesday the children will be building up to writing their report reflectionsMaths (45 Minutes)Converting Days, Hours and MinutesStarter – do a daily 10 activity online - It can also be found by googling daily 10. The children will need to choose level 2. They should then choose an addition activity.To get the children back into learning about time, the start of this PowerPoint involves telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes. Today’s lesson looks at changing minutes into hours, and hours into days. It is important that the children learn there are 60 minutes in an hour, and 24 hours in a day. This will be important for later in the week when we learn about durations. There are 4 challenges, and 2 extra challenges in today’s PowerPoint.Geography (45 Minutes)An Introduction to Asian countriesThis half term we will be looking at non-European countries. We looked at Australia in the Autumn term and now we will be looking at a variety of different countries from around the world. This week the children will be looking at Asian countries. There are PowerPoints on Japan and China. The children can choose one to learn about and write a fact file about. There is a blank template for the factfile. If the children want to learn about a different Asian country, then they are free to research their own country and write about it. Remember, they only need to do one PowerPoint.Extra Activities(Some things to do if you want toVisit the twinkl home learning hub - the Merton P.E. schemeDraw a picture of your favourite film characterCreate your own sport with it’s own rulesAll Resources also available as PDFsPlease make sure you have read the termly overview I have posted today as well ................

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