
Katie McCamleyFilm and TelevisionUAL Extended Diploma: Creative Media Production and TechnologyUnit 12 Specialist Study in Creative Media ProductionFigure 1 Please put your own, relevant picture here. Personalise!CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Chapter 1 - Who am I? PAGEREF _Toc501630498 \h 4Chapter 2 – The Report PAGEREF _Toc501630499 \h 5Chapter 3 - Experimentation and Skills PAGEREF _Toc501630500 \h 6Chapter 4 - Unit 12 Presentation and Plans for Unit 13 PAGEREF _Toc501630501 \h 7Chapter 5 - Weekly Schedule of Work PAGEREF _Toc501630502 \h 8Chapter 6 – Peer Reviews PAGEREF _Toc501630503 \h 14Chapter 7– Weekly Progress Tracker PAGEREF _Toc501630504 \h 15Appendix PAGEREF _Toc501630505 \h 20Appendices 1 – Unit 12 Criteria and Work to be Produced PAGEREF _Toc501630506 \h 20Appendix 2 – Students Calendar, Checklist and Scheme of Work PAGEREF _Toc501630507 \h 21Appendix 3 – Chapter Bibliographies PAGEREF _Toc501630508 \h 23Chapter 1 PAGEREF _Toc501630509 \h 23Chapter 2 PAGEREF _Toc501630510 \h 23Chapter 3 PAGEREF _Toc501630511 \h 23Table of Figures TOC \h \z \c "Figure" Figure 1 Please put your own, relevant picture here. Personalise! PAGEREF _Toc501626581 \h 1Chapter 1 - Who am I?Who am I? This is one of the most important questions, not only in this course but of all time. Who I am moulds and shapes my opinions and views, as well as my likes and dislikes and the very core of my personality. This will, of course, effect the media that I consume and what I choose to create. Throughout this chapter I will be discussing the ‘me’ that I know at this time, as well as looking back and reflecting upon the ‘me’ at the beginning of this course.Who WAS I?At the beginning of the course last year I made a mood board to represent and show exactly who I felt like I was at that time. I then discussed why I had chosen these images. Last year, this is who I was:I really enjoyed this task as it gave me the creative freedom to express myself completely in my own way.?I have included many different types of images in my mood board. One of the images that stands out most to me personally is the picture of the girl in the flowers. This picture represents how I feel like an individual in society that wants to break free and be creative without boundaries. Sometimes I feel like society just wants us all to act the same way, and be robots in their world of money hungry beings. But I feel like I want to be able to blossom as a creator. I want to be able to stretch to my full potential.Another one of my favourite images from my mood board is the television with ‘Walt Disney’ inside it. This image represents my inner child. Disney is something that I would watch literally everyday when I was younger. Now I am older I never seem to have to time to sit down and just watch a classic Disney movie. This image represents how we all have an inner child, and we have to watch how much we show it to others and how often we let it free.There is a fine line between liking something and having something that makes you who you are. This is why, to some people, having an image of Tyler Oakley on my mood board may seem confusing. Although it is true that I really like Tyler, that is not the reason this image is present on my mood board. Tyler is there to represent the LGBTQ+ community, and what can be done when you have some sort of platform to talk from. I think this represents me as I have very strong feelings regarding the LGBTQ+ community. Everyone deserves the right to be equal, regardless of sexuality, gender, religion and where you come from. Also, I think this image makes me who I am because I have always felt a need to try and inspire. It is a part of me that has, I think, defined who I am. I have a YouTube channel that (as of right now) has nearly 1000 subscribers, and the thought of being able to connect with and support and talk to all of these people has been something I have always wanted and aspired to do. There is just something in me that wants to talk and inspire and make people laugh.Finally, I decided to use a picture of one of my favourite quotes; ‘creativity is the ability to make or think or see or hear something that did not exist before.’ I decided to use this particular quote as I feel it sums up my mind-set and my passion. Creativity is what keeps me going. Even when everything around me isn’t going great, I can focus of my energy on something creativity. The feeling of creating something completely new is inspiring, and something I never want to stop doing.Who was I? (6 Months On):Six month later I decided to create another mood board to represent ‘Who I am’. In this short period of time you can honestly see that I have changed so much. As you can see, in this short time period my mood board has changed so much. Here is a bigger version of my ‘6 months on’ moodboard:A Movie Scene That Impacted Me: Before Time (Don Bluth 1988)The Scene I have picked is from an animated movie called “The Land Before Time.” I watched this movie a lot when I was younger and I always remember how much this scene would stick with me throughout the movie.In the scene before this one the mother of Little foot, the main dinosaur in the movie, saves Little foot and his friend from a Sharptooth, which is another dinosaur, but in the process they get separated and the mother dies in a really emotional and powerful scene.Although this scene was really moving, the scene I actually decided to pick was the one after that, where Little foot finds another dinosaur and talks to him about what happened.Although I didn’t fully realise this when I was younger, this scene tackles grief in a way that children can understand. Watching it now I can see that it actually shows some of the different stages of grief like anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. I feel like this scene was actually in some ways more powerful than the death of the mother figure, as it shows something I think a lot of people can relate to.I honestly think everything about this scene is perfect, from the amazing 80’s animation, to the music, to the incredible script that tackles grief in such a delicate way.Frej, F. (2013) ‘Great and sad scene – The land before time’?A One Minute Video Describing Who I Am: the ‘Who Am I’ video was a really interesting experience. Because I have a YouTube channel, I am used to filming in one long take and editing the vast majority out. Making a video without any cuts or editing I found to be quite difficult, but now I have done it once, I would be interested in doing it again.I feel like the video I made came out how I wanted it to because I wanted to represent and show that I am not defined by how I look. I am not defined by how I move my hands a lot when I talk. How I see the world and how I share my passion is what defines me.I found a suitable location to film, there weren’t many people around and there was an incredible contrast between the sharp edges of the towering buildings and the subtle, baby blue sky. By doing this I was trying to represent the harsh reality of life and society compared with what I want to define myself as. As a species humans are obsessed with routine and order. Everything has to be ‘inside the lines.’ But as an individual I want to step out of the lines and explore. I want to be able to let my creativity blossom. This is why I decided to pan down to my feet at the end, showing that these ideas are in my head are what I wish for, and that I have not yet accomplished everything I have set out to do to make me yet.?My Family:As I said in the ‘Who Am I?” video: my family make me who I am. They have shaped my opinions and my personality and I couldn’t be more thankful. Every single picture in this mood board means something incredible important to me.One example of a picture that means a lot to me is the picture of my Grandad with my cousin. This picture is extremely important as unfortunately my Grandad?passed away before I was born, and so having pictures like these show that even though some family may not be present any more, they are still a really important part of me and my life.Another one of the most significant photos on this mood board is the picture of me and my friends when we were in Italy. To me personally, my friends are part my family and so going to Italy with my school was one of the best experiences of my life: we had so?much freedom to just explore and find out even more about the country and ourselves as people. My friends and I have become even closer due to the Italy trip and have formed memories that will never forget.I really enjoyed this task as it gave me a chance to show how important my family are and how much they mean to me. I’m so thankful to have people around me that have been able to help me in the journey to pursue my passion to go into film and television. They always encourage me to follow my dreams and this mood board shows all of the positive things that we’ve been through together as a family.Who Am I Now?After looking back through my previous ‘Who I am’ work, I have been inspired to delve deeper, and to question who I am on a more precise level. Throughout the rest of this chapter I will be discussing a variety of different things that make me who I am. One example of this is that I will be producing both a skills timeline (which will details the skills I joined the course with, and the skills I have now ) and a skills focus (which details and explain the skills I am considering developing and working on for my Extended Project.) As well as this I will also be discussing one of my favourite media practitioners. I hope that this task will help me to develop my understanding of not only this skills I want to develop for my Extended Project, but also Who I Am.Skills Timeline:Whilst completing my extended project at the very end of last year I created a detailed timeline of my skills and how they have developed throughout the year. I truly believe that this detailed skills timeline is still completely relevant now, and really shows my development throughout the past year:Further Development:Although I do believe that this skills timeline shows basic skills that I have gained throughout the first year of this course, I do think that I have developed these skills to a higher level throughout this last term. Here are some examples:Lighting:Another thing that I have definitely worked on a lot on throughout this year is lighting. In one of my favourite tasks, we were given the chance to represent different situations using simply lighting and sound. This task forced me to think in detail about how to use different types of lighting to represent different situations. Overall I think that this was one of the most successful and educational tasks that I have completely so far. Here is my reflection of the task in greater detail:Teamwork:Overall, I am incredibly inspired and positive about the way our team came together today. This is by far my favourite task that we have worked on as a crew, and I am incredibly proud of the shots that we have shot throughout today. We worked extremely successfully as a team, communicating well between each other. We also tried to rotate roles throughout the production of these shots, so each person got a chance to work in role throughout the day. One really positive element of our teamwork is that we all acted professionally, and communicated well between each other if we felt as though a shot was not successful. One example of this is the shot set ‘in front of the television’. At first we used a dark blue gel on the key light to represent the television screen. When we all watched this back, some of our team felt as if the dark blue gel was too dark, and not representative of the TV set. This is why we decided to use a light blue gel instead. Looking back, this definitely looked a lot better. If we didn’t have honesty and good communication within our group, we would never have experimented with different gels, and found a shot that was far better than our original.Shots:Sitting by the fire:The first shot that we had to create, was using lighting to represent siting by the fire. Overall, I am really happy with how this shot turned out. One of the most successful elements within the lighting composition is the way that we flickered both the key light and the fill light to create the illusion of a fire flickering. The television set:I am also incredibly happy with this shot as well, I think that the added Foley Sound helps to add even more emphasis to the fact that the character is sitting, staring at her television screen. Reflecting upon this shot, I do feel as though we could have changed the tones of the colours coming from the ‘Television set’ slightly more, just to suggest that the scenes and shots of the television were changing slightly. This would have added a slightly more realistic effect, but overall I am still incredibly please with this shot. The added prop of the gaming controller has also really helped to the illusion to the character being in front of a Television set/ computer.Driving in a car:The final shot that we had to create was a shot of a character driving in a car. As you can see in the short, we used different tones of lights to create the illusion of streetlights going past the character. I really think that using the different tones of light, for example using a plain LED light with a diffuser and another LED light with a light orange gel, to create the most realistic lighting possible. Films:Throughout this term I have also had the opportunity to create a variety of different projects including these two short films below. Producing a variety of different productions and taking on a variety of different roles has allowed me to develop and improve as a creator. Screen:Green Screen Setup - Clarine, B. (2015, December 31). DIY Green Screen Complete Setup GuideOne thing that I learnt a lot about this year is greenscreen. This was an amazing opportunity for me, as it is something that I have always wanted to learn more about.After we set up the Green Screen for the first time, we then had the opportunity to shoot our own scene. Our group decided to make a short, 30 second clip of our Actor talking about Planet Earth. This is because of the fact that we all loved the idea of using the Green Screen to make it look like there were different animals in the background, as this would be something we, as students, would not be able to budget and do in a small space of time. We curated a short script for the Actor so we would have some video footage to experiment with in Post-Production.After Filming, I came back up to complete the editing of the project. Editing green screen is actually incredibly simple. All you have to do is:Add the green screen video to one video track, and the video you want to replace the green screen in another video track. Use the effects button, and drag and drop the ‘Spectra Matte’ effect onto the clip with the green screen. Go to the ‘effects mode’ button, and specify a key colour by using the paint tool to select the green of the green screen.You can now click onto the 3D effects button to scale, crop and manipulate your Actor or object within the green screen to how you would like it.Here is my first attempt at greenscreen - Confidence:Confidence is something that I have always struggled with slightly. Although I have confidence in terms of talking about Film, I often struggle when trying to have confidence in my own. Throughout this term I feel as though I have developed in this respect. I am now trying to pick out positives within my work instead of focusing on all of the negative points that I find. I am also making sure that I learn from any negatives that I find within my work and grow and improve by finding solutions to any problems or difficulties I may have encountered.My Favourite Media Product: feel as though I personally consume a wide variety of media products, so it is incredibly hard for me to decide and discuss one element that I deem to be my favourite. When I think of Films, the first type that comes to my head are the classic ‘feel good’ films. Personally, I like to watch a Film every single evening, it is my way of winding down after a day that could have been tiring or stressful. I guess I can sometimes use Films as a form of escapism. There is so much going on in the world, and it is obviously important to understand this and research this, but on the other hand it is also nice to be able to take a moment to yourself, to watch a feel good Film to make you feel revitalised. Therefore I tend to find myself going for Films with optimistic narratives and good conflict resolution. It is not that I dislike any specific genre or type of Film in any way, it is just that these are the ones I tend to reach for. Films that bring back memories, Films that make me smile and cry. One example of this is ‘The Greatest Showman (2017). I recently saw ‘The Greatest Showman’ at the cinema for the first time, after looking forward to it for over a year. I was in no way disappointed. Based on the true story of P.T. Barnum, ‘The Greatest Showman’ mixed a real life story with music, absolutely immaculate shots, well thought out lighting and a gorgeous script to create an incredible, feel good Film, that left me in awe. Since then I have seen this Film in the cinema again, just to witness it exactly how it was intended to be viewed. song ‘This is me’ (Keala Settle & The Greatest Showman Ensemble) sums up the film so well, with the lyrics ‘I am brave, I am bruised, I am who I’m meant to be. This is me’ sticking in my mind long after I had left the cinema. Film that also shares these qualities I definitely saving Mr Banks. ‘Saving Mr Banks’ is a Movie based around the True story of P.L Travers. P.L Travers is the Author of the iconic ‘Mary Poppins’. This Film is the true story of the incredible amount of persuasion that went into creating the Film ‘Mary Poppins’, a feel good Film that most people know at love. Travers was notoriously awful to work with, and was insanely picky and somewhat selfish when it came to the production process. Not only does this Film interest me because of the fact that it shows the Journey of something from book, to Film concept, to Film, it is also Disney, and carries all of the features that I mention previously to make it one of my favourite Media Products. Focus:Harvard Referencing:Frej, F. (2013)?‘Great and sad scene – The land before time’?Available at:??(Last Accessed: 25th October 2016)Harvard Referencing:Frej, F. (2013)?‘Great and sad scene – The land before time’?Available at:??(Last Accessed: 25th October 2016)This chapter needs to include: -Your work on who you are? Your favourite media product, and/or your inspirational media practitioner (past and present).You also need to include your skills timeline which details the skills you joined the course with, and the skills you have nowYou also need to include your skills focus, which details and explains the skills you are considering developing and working on for your Extended Project.Chapter 2 – The ReportThis chapter needs to include: -Your research, your analysis of that research and your conclusion of how that research is going to facilitate your work for your Extended Project.You can produce either of these reports, or both.Product Report which will detail all aspects of your favourite media product. Covering research, analysis and application of that research. This should be a personal report, it is about why you like it, but it is also about its contextuality, its relevance to the wider world of media and it’s place in the development of media products i.e. was it ground breaking? Genre creating? Technology driven? OrPractitioner Report, which will look at two inspirational media Practioners that you feel have influenced your media development. There should be a present one (active in the last 10 years) and a past one (technically dead! but can be not active in the last 10 years) . The report will cover your research, analysis and application of that research. This should be a personal report, it is about why you like them, why you chose them. It is also about their contextuality, and their relevance in the wider world of media i.e. were they ground breaking? Genre creating? Etc etc!Do not just choose one because it is less work. You choose the report that is most relevant to you, and ideally, to benefit you, you do both reports. The more you research, the more informed you are, the better your decision on your Extended Project will be, and therefore the better your Extended Project will be.Chapter 3 - Experimentation and SkillsThis chapter needs to include: -The research questions, research plans and analysis of that research, for each of your experiments and skills development. Each experiment needs: -An introductionA clear explanation of what was undertaken A conclusion of how this information was used by you.ExampleIntroduction I am interested in lighting. I want to see how it is possible to film at night so that you can still see the action. I think this is an interesting skill to develop as it is making me further understand the technical aspects of lighting, and shows how lighting can become part of the narrative.Research Question – How to film at night? (so you can still see the action)Research plan – Literature review of any YouTube videos of “How to film at night”. Review on “Making of DVD’s” from famous night based films – any film noir filmReview any Ted TalksInternet search on the technical aspects of Analysis of Literature Review – what has your research revealed to you? What did you find out? What of that new information can you use? Design your Experiment – using your analysisExperiment – in TV studio, in Bedroom, outside.Analysis – of results of experiment, what worked? What didn’tExplanation of what was undertakenFollowing my literature review, it became clear that my darkness was never going to be real darkness. I had learnt the type of lights and reflectors that I needed to use. I practiced in a variety of locations. I then showed the footage to peers and lecturers to gauge their opinion. I also posted it to Twitter and gain some very helpful responses. ConclusionIt didn’t do what I really wanted. To get the scene as dark as I wanted, the actors had to have unnaturally bright lights on them which was not the look I wanted. It looked to staged and filmnoir”e”. I am going to experiment now, with filming at dusk, to see if that gives me more tonal variation, and allows for the feeling of dark, but the ability to see the action.We must be able to see all that you do. It does not serve you just to post the footage of “My filming in the Dark”. We must see the whole journey, from start to finish. You need to tell us what you did, what you learnt and how you might use it.You must also include any experiments that don’t work, and tell us why. You can learn as much from what went wrong as what went right.Chapter 4 - Unit 12 Presentation and Plans for Unit 13This chapter will include your presentation that you have given to the class and lecturers detailing the work and research you have produced, and your analysis of how that work, research and experimentation have informed your plans for Unit 13.Chapter 5 - Weekly Schedule of Work Week 1 w/c January 1st2018Introduction to Unit 12PowerPointTasks to be undertaken this weekApprovedMonday am x 3 A’s not inWednesday am x 3Monday pm x 2A’s not inThursday am x 3Tuesday am x 2Thursday pm x 1Tuesday pm x 2Friday am x 3Wednesday am x 2Friday pm x 1Week 2w/c January 8th 2018The Report PowerPointMain Research Question: -ApprovedTasks to be undertaken this weekMonday am x 3Wednesday am x 3Monday pm x 2Thursday am x 3Tuesday am x 2Thursday pm x 1Tuesday pm x 2Friday am x 3Wednesday am x 2Friday pm x 1Week 3w/c 15th January 2018Experimentation and Skills PowerPointMain Research Question: -ApprovedTasks to be undertaken this weekMonday am x 3Wednesday am x 3Monday pm x 2Thursday am x 3Tuesday am x 2Thursday pm x 1Tuesday pm x 2Friday am x 3Wednesday am x 2Friday pm x 1Week 4w/c 22nd January 2018Main Research Question: -ApprovedTasks to be undertaken this weekMonday am x 3Wednesday am x 3Monday pm x 2Thursday am x 3Tuesday am x 2Thursday pm x 1Tuesday pm x 2Friday am x 3Wednesday am x 2Friday pm x 1Week 5w/c 29th January 2018Main Research Question: -ApprovedTasks to be undertaken this weekMonday am x 3Wednesday am x 3Monday pm x 2Thursday am x 3Tuesday am x 2Thursday pm x 1Tuesday pm x 2Friday am x 3Wednesday am x 2Friday pm x 1Chapter 6 – Peer ReviewsWeek 1Reviewed by:-Week 2Reviewed by:-Week 3Reviewed by:-Week 4Reviewed by:-Week 5Reviewed by:-Chapter 7– Weekly Progress TrackerProgress Tracker - Week 1Reflection on the work you have produced this weekProblems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved themProblemResolutionNotes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s postChecklistSpellcheckedProofreadIntroductionConclusionHarvardPresentationPublishedLecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete)Progress Tracker - Week 2Reflection on the work you have produced this weekProblems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved themProblemResolutionNotes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s postChecklistSpellcheckedProofreadIntroductionConclusionHarvardPresentationPublishedLecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete)Progress Tracker - Week 3Reflection on the work you have produced this weekProblems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved themProblemResolutionNotes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s postChecklistSpellcheckedProofreadIntroductionConclusionHarvardPresentationPublishedLecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete)Progress Tracker - Week 4Reflection on the work you have produced this weekProblems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved themProblemResolutionNotes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s postChecklistSpellcheckedProofreadIntroductionConclusionHarvardPresentationPublishedLecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete)Progress Tracker - Week 5Reflection on the work you have produced this weekProblems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved themProblemResolutionNotes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s postChecklistSpellcheckedProofreadIntroductionConclusionHarvardPresentationPublishedLecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete)AppendixAppendices 1 – Unit 12 Criteria and Work to be ProducedUNIT 12- SPECIALIST STUDY IN CREATIVE MEDIA PRODUCTIONLearning Outcomes Assessment CriteriaWork to be producedAIM: Research and critically examine the influence of historical and contemporary contexts on their own practice.Understand the principles and practices of a chosen discipline in creative media production.1.1 Critically describe a range of contextual perspectives influencing a chosen discipline in creative media production.The Report Practioners ReportProduct Report1.2Apply knowledge of critical perspectives to inform own practice.Unit Portfolio and PresentationBe able to locate and evaluate information form a range of sources 2.1Identify a range of relevant academic and cultural sources for a personal research project.The ReportExperimentation and Skills2.2Critically evaluate information from a range of sources to inform ideas.Unit Portfolio and PresentationBe able to communicate ideas and arguments in a variety of forms. 3.1Apply academic conventions in the production and presentation of ideas.Unit Portfolio and Presentation3.2Effectively communicate ideas in appropriate formats.Unit Portfolio and PresentationAppendix 2 – Students Calendar, Checklist and Scheme of WorkWEEK 1 – w/c 1st January 2018Tuesday amRemainder of the weekCollege not open MonIntroduction to Unit 12Power Point 1 – Introduction to Unit 12What is expected i.e. Portfolios etcHow it works – Personal ScheduleStudy GroupsPeer ReviewCritiquesWhy – Unit 13WHO AM I?Objective for session: - Schedule Week 1 producedWork on your scheduleLast lesson of the week: -Peer ReviewCritiqueReflective LogWed pm (x3)Tues pm (a’s) Thurs am (x3)Introduction to Unit 12Power Point 1 Introduction to Unit 12What is expected i.e. Portfolios etcHow it works – Personal ScheduleStudy GroupsPeer ReviewCritiquesWhy – Unit 13WHO AM I?Objective for session: - Schedule Week 1 producedSchedule agreed with LecturerAdvisory Schedule: -Produce Timeline for skills development to dateMind Map on Who am I? – my favourite media products, my inspirational media producerMy skills focusWEEK 2 – w/c 8th January 2018Mon am (x3)Mon pm (x2)Remainder of the weekWed pm (x3)Thurs am (x3)Power Point 2 – The ReportHow to undertake a Literature Review, both generally and specifically for The Report, based on weeks 1 tasks – favourite media Practioners, and favourite Media Product and should tie in with skills focus.Objective for session: - Schedule Week 2 producedSchedule agreed with LecturerAdvisory Schedule: -The ReportWork on your scheduleLast lesson of the week: -Peer ReviewCritiqueReflective LogWEEK 3 – w/c 15th January 2018Mon am (x3)Mon pm (x2)Remainder of the weekWed pm (x3)Thurs am (x3)Power Point 3Experimentation and SkillsHow to structure an experiment – what is the research question and what is the research plan to find the answer to that question.Based on weeks 1 tasks – when you looked at your skills, and what you want to focus on.If you are unsure of what to do, then use the FEAR project to get you focused and doingSchedule Week 3 producedSchedule agreed with LecturerAdvisory Schedule: -Detail planed experimentation and skills task What is their research question and what is their research plan to answer that question? You can leave college if necessary and relevant.OrFEAR ProjectWork on your scheduleLast lesson of the week: -Peer ReviewCritiqueReflective LogWeek 4 and Week 5 w/c 22nd and 29th January 2018Mon am (x3)Mon pm (x2)Remainder of the weekWed pm (x3)Thurs am (x3)Independent Study now….Schedule Week 4 and 5 produced and approvedWork on Schedule – With constant checking by staffWork on your scheduleLast lesson of the week: -Peer ReviewCritiqueReflective LogWeek 6 – 5th February 2018Presentation and Progress Review Week – All students present their findings and possible thoughts on Unit 13. Portfolio made perfect!Self-Directed Study Week Appendix 3 – Chapter BibliographiesChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3 ................

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