
SCIENCESUGGESTED EVALUATION CRITERIAFor classes IX to X depending on the activityICOLLECTION OF PICTURESTYPE OF ASSIGNMENTMARKSCorrectness3Relevance to the topic2Creativity and presentationIndividual2Scientific idea behind the collection and understanding of the child3Total10IICollection of samples/dataIndividual3Relevance to the topic2Presentation2Understanding ability3Total10IIIHerbariumindividualCorrectness3Presentation2Relation to the Topic /relevance2Scientific reasoning3Total10IVSymposiumIndividualPresentation 3Content2Interaction2Areas covered3Total10VDebateGroup activityContent3Presentation2Correctness of the format of debate2Scientific reasoning and skill3Total10VIQuizEvaluated as per the number of rounds and the marks allottedGroup activity10Total10VIISelf composed itemsIndividual activityOriginality3Scientific content3Correctness2Presentation2Total10VIIIGroup DiscussionGroup activityContent based relevance3Extent of participation2Areas covered 2Conclusion3Total10IXSurveyIndividual/group activityMethodology3Collection of data3Inference drawn2Interpretation2Total10XData analysisIndividual/group activityCorrectness3Reasoning2Interpretation2Inference3Total10XIExperiments/activitiesIndividual/group activityCorrect set up3Correct handling2Observation2Interpretation & inference3Total10XIIField tripsGroup activityParticipation3Observation3Scientific thought2Conclusion2Total10XIIIVisitsPurpose and relevanceGroup work3Areas covered2Observation / scientific2Reporting and presentation3Total10XIVRole Play /DramaGroup work2Relevance3Scientific thought and its extent3Presentation2Total10XVStory tellingIndividual activityRelevance3Scientific thought3Presentation2Concluding message2Total10CLASS VI ASSIGNMENTSUBJECT -SCIENCENoName of the chapterAssignment for low achieverAssignment for high achiever1Food : where does it come from1)Bring the food items of your taste and also list the ingredients2)Make a list of ten food items made of different food ingredients., and indicate its source3) Collect photographs of different food plants and also of plants which do not give us food.4)Collect pictures of meat giving , egg giving animals, milk giving and also mention the food items which can be prepared5)Work sheet1) Name the plants whose every part is consumed as food. Name the plant parts which are eaten and also the food items prepared from them.2) List the animals around you and write their eating habits and group them into herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores.21) List the food items the child consumes in a day .Name the food nutrients they get from them. 1) Dizziness, weakness, exhaustion are indication of lack of which component in food. Give reason and indicate how morning breakfast is essential for them. 2) Role Play to show the functions grain, pulses, egg, fruits, oil, water, roughage play in our body.31) Collect pictures /samples and paste samples of different type of fibers (natural and synthetic) and name their source.2) Paste pictures of different natural and synthetic fibers used for making fabric.3) Paste pictures to show uses natural and synthetic fibers 1) Debate on – clothes made of synthetic fibers are better than those made from natural fibers. 2) Quiz 3) Experiment to differentiate natural and synthetic fibers by heating, drying, measuring water absorption capacity.4) Experiment to observe different type of fibers with the help of hand lens.41)Collect 10 samples each of different type ( transparent ,translucent, and opaque )2) Collect five samples each of materials that float in water or sink in water.3) Collect five samples each of materials which are soluble /insoluble in water. 1) Quiz2) To identify soluble and insoluble materials in water available in your kitchen5.1) List out various methods of separating mixtures that are frequently used in our home .Paste pictures of the methods.1) Find out the journey of salt from sea water to your table. Paste pictures and prepare a flow chart.2) Peer teaching – Divide the class into groups under the leader of high achiever. High achiever will teach and demonstrate one method of separation of mixture to the group.3) Visit- Visit a water filtration plant and study the process of filtration, various steps involved there in and submits the report.61)Study the changes that take place when candle burns, when milk changes into curd ( odour , state ,consistency ,color , taste )2) Quiz3)Cross word puzzle4)Worksheets1) Group discussion -- on physical and chemical changes with the help of activities and define the reasons on the basis of classification.2) List out the items made of iron from your surrounding. How does chemical change cause rusting of iron .mention the methods adapted to prevent rusting of iron?3) Worksheets71)Develop a herbarium file of wax imprints of leaves with parallel and reticular venation20 Collect samples of five plants with taproot and fibrous root (pressed and dried), stick in herbarium file and state the basis of your identification.3) Collect five flowers separate their different parts. Dry and paste them in a herbarium file.1) Develop a flow chart using pictures to show interdependence of plants, animals and sun.2)Quiz3) Tabulate a list of some living and non living objects around you. Give their shape and one character why they are living or non living.1) Visit your school garden and identify.a. Flowering and non flowering plants.b. Monocot and dicot plantsC.Leaves with reticulate and parallel venation.d. Different type of flowers.e. Simple and compound leaf8Paste pictures of various types of joints in a human body and name the joints.Paste the pictures of 2 animals living in aquatic ( marine and fresh water , desert , grassland and mountain habitatsPlace a potted plant in a dark room with a little window and observe the changes after seven days.1) Visit the biology laboratory of school and study the skeletal system of man .Observe and list out the types of joints present in it and name the parts where these joints located.2) Observe the movements of ant, earthworm, snail, bird, cockroach, and snake. Prepare report of the study.91) Paste pictures of two animals living in aquatic ( marine ,fresh water ,desert, grassland and mountain habitats2) Place a potted plant in a dark room with a little window and observe the changes after seven days.3) Quiz 4)Cross word puzzle5) worksheet1) Find out where are the habitats of polar bear, penguin, whale, and seal. For each paste picture of the animal and explain two ways in which it is well adapted to its habitat.2. Visit a local zoo and find out what special arrangements are made for the animals that have been brought there from different habitats.3) Design a drama with children playing the role of various animals and plants adapted to living in water, land and in deserts hot and cold.101) List and paste pictures of the various means of transport used in olden days.20 Observe various types of motion around you and categorize them.20 Worksheet with match the column with examples of type of motion and examples.1) Measure the length of the table by different methods but without using a meter scale.2)Using a string and a scale ,let each student measure the length of his or her foot .Prepare a bar graph of the foot length measurement that have been obtained for the whole class.3)Fill in the blanks ( with out clues )111)Symposium a)Light and its importance in our day to day lifeb)Reflection of lightc) Devices made of lightd) Natural and artificial sources of light.Experimentsa) To show light travels in a straight line.b)To show shadows are caused by opaque objectsc)To show that changing the colour of opaque objects does not change the color of their shadows.d)Prove this by taking different examples a)To show plain mirror shows lateral inversion b) To show that a mirror changes the direction of light that falls on it.12Electricity & circuits1) Experiment to identify conductors and insulators of electric current from common substances.2) How will you identify a fused electric bulb?3)Collect different types of cells and give their uses 4) Quiz1) Make an electric circuit using a bulb, wire and cell.2) List 10 items that use single cells and battery and give reasons why these use single cell or battery.3) Experiment to construct a simple electric switch using a bulb, cell, wires and safety pin.4)Peer teaching onTopics a) Discussion of inside view of a torch and its working.b) Discussion of inside view of a dry cell and its working.131) List the devices from daily life that use magnets for their working.2)Experiment to separate magnetic substances from non magnetic substances using a magnet1) Identify different type of magnets and paste their pictures.2) Experiment to show strength of a magnetic is maximum at poles.3) Do an experiment to study working of a compass needle.14Water1) Role play by assigning the role of ocean, tree, mountains, clouds, rain to children to describe a water cycle.2) Worksheet- Draw and label the diagram of a water cycle.3) Cross word – Based on terms used in lesson.4) Collect pictures related to floods or drought from old magazines or news paper .Paste them in your notebook. 5) List down the water consumed by each member of the family in a day for 10 days in different activities. How can we reduce the amount of water by each of them?1) Design a self composed poem or song on saving water or on uses of water.2) Collect the data of taps leaking, taps damaged and taps working in your school .Find out the quantity of water lost from them and submit a report to Principal suggesting its repair. 15Air around us1) Survey and find out the common respiratory diseases in your surroundings .What may be the probable reason .How can we avail it?1)Debate on -We are breathing in pure and fresh air 2) Group discussion on Pollution of air and its sources.3) Group discussion on Commercial uses of air.( Wind mills )161) Collect old and discarded objects from your home .Try to make useful items from them.1) Make a list of waste materials produced in your home in a week. Categorize them into biodegradable and non biodegradable, cyclable and non cyclable.2) Debate on – Is Plastic a boon or Curse.3) Develop posters and slogan on – Minimise use of Plastic and dealing with Garbage. ................

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