
Arkansas FFA Veterinary Science CDEWritten Exam 2015There are several types of Veterinary practices. The type of practice where veterinarians provide technical and consulting services as well as perform examinations and administer medications and treatments in a clinical setting where clients visit them is typically referred to as __________ .Industry Veterinary PracticePrivate Veterinary PracticeRegulatory Veterinary PracticeResearch Veterinary PracticeOne area that veterinarians have to be aware of is __________, or the well-being and productivity of animals.animal rightsanimal sociologyanimal welfareanimal physiologyAll the __________ of the body comprise the musculoskeletal system, and include smooth, skeletal and cardiac varieties.skin and skin typeslymph nodes, tonsils, thymus and spleenheart and blood vesselsbones and musclesHorses, dogs, cats, swine and humans are __________, meaning they have single chambered stomachs.monogastricabomasumsruminantreticulumsWhich one of the following is NOT a vital sign that can be monitored by veterinarians?Body temperaturePulse rateSurrounding climateRespiration rateThe phases known as interphase, prophase and anaphase are all part of the process of _________ , or cell division.mitosistranscriptiontranslationmeiosisIf a veterinarian does not know the exact age of the animal, the most widely employed method is to examine the animal’s __________ .hoovesconditionteethhair coatDog breeds are categorized in groups that have certain distinguishing characteristics in common. Which of the following is NOT a commonly recognized dog breed group according to the American Kennel Club?Non-Working DogsHoundsSporting DogsNon-Sporting DogsProtein is essential for normal growth, development and maintenance of an animal. Which of the following is an example of a source where animal protein could come from?CottonseedLegumesMilkSoybeansA balanced diet for livestock includes forages, concentrates, supplements and water. Which of the following is an example of a concentrate commonly used in livestock diets?HaySilageCornGrass from pastureModes of indirect transmission of diseases in animals include vectors, vehicles and fomites that can transmit disease agents. Which of the following is an example of a vector?UtensilsFliesSoilEquipmentInfectious diseases are caused by exposure to living organisms not normally present in the animal. One type of organism is a __________ , a single-celled organism that is often large enough to be viewed under a microscope. Ringworm is an example of this type of organism. fungirickettsiaebacteriavirusInfectious diseases can often times impact the reproductive system. __________ is an inflammatory condition involving mammary glands or udder tissue and usually occurs during lactation, and will cause the mammary glands to be swollen, warm and painful.MetritisTonsillitisRhinotracheitisMastitisAll animals need proper nutrition for health maintenance and energy. Which of the following is an example of a disease or disorder that could result from lack of proper nutrition?ToxoplasmosisEncephalitisGrass TetanyLeptospirosisAnimals sometimes have problems delivering the fetus at birth. __________ is the condition of difficult or impossible birth, which may require assistance of a veterinarian to deliver the fetus.AdhesionDystociaAnestrusClostridiaThe concept of __________ is based on the philosophy that all living creatures, human and animal, have equal rights.animal rightsanimal sociologyanimal welfareanimal physiologyWhen measuring an animal’s pulse rate, all pulse/heart rates are based on how may beats per __________ .secondhalf minuteminutehourGoat breeds are categorized in to three main categories depending on their intended use, including fiber breeds, dairy breeds and meat breeds. The Alpine, Saaenen, Toggenburg and Nubian breeds are all part of which group?Dairy breedsFiber breedsFine Wool breedsMeat breedsControlling internal parasites is important to reduce the population of infective parasite stages in the animal’s environment. An example of an Environmental Management Practice would be which of the following?Feeding an animal a balanced diet sufficient in protein, vitamins and minerals.Administrating antiparasitic drugs to animals.Administering a vaccine to animals.Removing or reducing manure on the ground in animal facilities.One of the best forms of passive immunity is for newborn mammals to receive __________ , the first milk produced by female animals which contains maternal antibodies for the nursing offspring.antigensserumcolostrumvaccineA bloodless method of castrating calves is to use a(n) __________ that stretches a tight rubber band on a pair of pliers that is slipped above both testicles in the scrotal sac and then released.burdizzoelastratoremasculatorscalpel When processing swine, a common method of identification is to ear notch the pigs. The notches in the left ear identifies the pig number in the specific litter of pigs and the right ear identifies the __________ .sex of the piglitter numberage of the sowage of the pigThe purpose of microscopic semen evaluation is to evaluate the sperm motility (ability to swim), concentration (number of sperm in sample) and sperm _________ (deformed or defective sperm).morphology c. storagedilutiond. stimulationParturition, or the birthing process is often divided into three stages. Stage 1 is cervical dilation, Stage 2 is associated with expulsion of the __________ , and Stage 3 involves expulsion of the fetal membranes.colostrummammary glandscervix fetusThe process of __________ calves means that feed is available free choice to calves, while preventing access to the feed to cows, which is a common practice to reduce stress during weaning of calves.bulk feedingcreep feedingselective feedingunder feedingTo ease the stress of weaning young animals, it is important to wean at the appropriate age of the offspring. Foals are generally weaned anytime between __________ months of age.3 to 54 to 66 to 88 to 10When assisting parturition in a cow, once a calf has been delivered, the first concern is to determine if the calf is __________ .Male or femalePolledAliveBreach The most common type of examination to determine the breeding soundness and pregnancy maintenance in a cow is __________ to examine the reproductive tract.Rectal palpationVisual inspectionMonitoring feed intakeHeart rateFrozen semen is stored in liquid nitrogen refrigerators at what temperature?320 degrees Fahrenheit 32 degrees Fahrenheitminus 32 degrees Fahrenheitminus 320 degrees FahrenheitThe preferred method for semen collection on a stallion is __________ .ElectroejaculatorArtificial vaginaAmpulla massageManual stimulationThe purpose of giving iron injections to piglets by 3 to 4 days of age is to aid those piglets raised on concrete by preventing __________ .MastitisParasitesBloatAnemiaA market lamb sale where breeders bring show ready lambs to sell to junior exhibitors would be classified as which type of livestock sale?Auction Barn SaleVideo MarketingConsignment SalePrivate Treaty SaleDocking is the process of cutting the __________ off an animal.Reproductive organsTailHoovesWoolA non-invasive method of castrating calves is to use a __________, which crimps or pinches the spermatic cord and blood vessels without cutting the scrotum.KnifeBurdizzoScalpelBarnes dehornerA common disease in cats that cause them to increase the frequency of urination without increasing volume, to strain during urination and to appear listless is known as __________ .Feline Lower Urinary Tract DiseaseDiabetes MellitusDietary AllergiesGastric Dilatation-VolvulusA common problem in small animals due to nutritional errors is __________, or the accumulation of body fat exceeding the amount needed for optimal body function.Bone diseaseMalnutritionObesityHypervitaminosisNewborn animals nursing colostrum from their mother is an example of __________ immunity.PassiveImpassiveDirectIndirectAnimals exposed to excessive heat that are unable to seek a cooler environment develop __________ (an increase in body temperature).HypothermiaExhaustionHyperthermiaBurnsWhich of the following is a common type of grass that is capable of producing cyanide and being poisonous to animals?BermudaCloverFescueJohnson grassWhich of the following is a common source of lead that an animal might come in contact with and consume?BatteriesBleachesAlgaeAntifreezeA common type of infertility problem in dairy cattle is the development of __________ which occurs when an ovarian follicle develops and matures but forms a fluid-filled cyst that fails to ovulate and release an ovum.Infertile ovariesBenign ovariesCystic ovariesEstrous ovariesThe most common cause of founder in cattle and horses is __________ .Fescue grassOver feedingUnder feedingBloatThe inflammation of muscle, known as __________ , can cause the pink muscle to decay and turn dark.MyositisMastitisMeningitisArthritisTransmission of mites on animals must be through __________ .HeredityIndirect contactDirect contactTransportingA condition that is common in dogs, but rare in cats that is characterized by the swelling of the tonsils resulting in gagging, retching, soft coughing and expulsion of mucus is known as _________ .PneumonitisRhinitisMetritisTonsillitisWhich of the following is NOT a type of indirect transmission of diseases?VectorsSkin contactVehiclesFomitesA genetic structural deformity that results in the lack of opening from the rectum is known as _________ .Cleft palateAnal atresiaCryptorchidismMulefootThe two classes of vitamins are __________ soluble and __________ soluble.Fat, proteinProtein, oilProtein, waterFat, waterThere are over 45 breeds of horses in the United States. An example of a breed created in the U.S. that has an unusual color pattern of white with dark round or egg shaped spots is the __________ .AppaloosaQuarter HorseThoroughbredStandardbredThe largest of the fine wool breeds of sheep that is cream to white in color is the __________ .SouthdownRambouilletHampshireKatahdin Arkansas FFA Veterinary Science CDEWritten Exam 2015BCDACDCACCBADCBACADCBBADBBCADBDCBBACACDACBACDBBDAB ................

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