Creekland Middle School

Collins Hill High School



2015-16 Student Handbook

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Table of Contents

A Message from our Theatre Director 3

Co-Curricular Requirements 4

Are Your Absences Excused? 4

Theatre Etiquette – Be your best! 5

Rehearsal Expectations 6

CHHS Theatre Curriculum Enrichment Fee 7

Financial Policy 8

CHHS Theatre Shows 9

Program Ads and Sponsorships 9

Theatre Fundraisers 10

We Rely On Our Volunteers – Please Help 10

Drama Club 11

Stage Crew 11

International Thespian Society Points and Theatre Letters 11

Thespian Society Student Officers 12

Staying Connected with CHHS Theatre 12

Georgia Thespian Conference (ThesCon) 13

Theatrical Competitions 13

Biographies & Headshots 14

Show T-shirts 15

End of Year Banquet/Awards 15

Booster Club Officers 15

Forms 15

Note: This handbook was created by the Collins Hill High School Drama Booster Club. It is intended to provide information about the CHHS Theatre program. Schedules, fees and procedures may change at any time and, therefore, the handbook is subject to change. The Booster Club will make every effort to keep this handbook up to date, but cannot guarantee complete accuracy.

A Message from our Theatre Director

Dear Collins Hill Theatre Family,

Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year and theatre season! I am so excited to be at Collins Hill and look forward to teaching and learning about each of your talented students. As we all know, the arts serve an extremely important purpose in our schools, helping our youth to become out-of-the-box thinkers, problem solvers, and team players, while building self-esteem and confidence.

With passion, exploration, and innovative thinking, great art has the unique power to affect change in the world. In the classroom, I challenge my students to take great risks, creating theatre that they can be proud of and believe in. In order to create bold and brave artists, I consistently stress that the unknown is not something to fear, but to celebrate. Taking risks allows us to stray from the status quo and create innovative work.

As a teacher, I feel that I have a personal investment in each of my students, and in order to support their growth, I must always be sensitive to their individual needs while keeping the quality of their artistry intact.

Like all art, theatre is constantly changing, and as artists, we must be able to change with it. My wish is for my students to become part of a generation of confident and innovative thinkers with an ability to follow their instincts in an ever-changing art form.

There is nothing more important in the theatre than teamwork, and with teamwork comes support! That is where YOU come in! Collins Hill High School takes pride in offering an incredible performing arts experience to every student in our program. While we are fortunate that Gwinnett County holds the arts in high regard as an academic subject, the reality is that the financial investment to build and maintain the level of excellence in Collins Hill High School’s Theatre Program is great. Because of these crucial costs, we request that each student who participates in an upper-level theatre class (Technical Theatre, Acting I, Acting II, and Musical Theatre) at Collins Hill provides a Curriculum Enrichment Fee. Without the collection of this vital fee, our program cannot provide the high-quality training and productions these gifted students deserve.

Like our young artists, we need to work as a team and be supportive. We truly depend on each of you to contribute this semester’s fee by 8/31/2015. Please make checks payable to CHHS Drama Booster Club.

Please use this handbook as a guide to become a valuable and knowledgeable member of the CHHS Drama Program. This is going to be a fantastic year and I cannot wait to get started!


Tara Weintraub

Theatre Director

Collins Hill High School

CHHS Theatre Classes

Collins Hill High School offers a wide range of performance and non-performance theatre classes. These classes are designed for beginner through advanced thespians as well as those who prefer to work ‘behind the scenes.’

This year, the CHHS theatre program was expanded to include two advanced classes; Musical Theatre and Acting II. Enrollment in these classes requires an audition and subsequent selection from the Theatre Director. The advanced classes will produce performances.

|CHHS 2015-16 Theatre Classes | |

|1st period – Technical Theatre |4th period – Acting I |

|2nd period – Acting II* |6th period – Musical Theatre* |

|3rd period – Theatre Fundamentals | |

*Audition required

Co-Curricular Requirements

Per GCPS policy, performance-based classes are “co-curricular classes which require out-of-class activities as stipulated by the teacher, and will determine a portion of the student’s grade. This includes concerts [performances] and rehearsals.”

CHHS Acting II and Musical Theatre classes are co-curricular. In addition to classroom activities, certain out-of-class rehearsals and performances are required and, therefore, part of the student’s assessment. The CHHS Theatre Director will notify the students of all co-curricular/required activities.

If a student misses a required rehearsal or performance and the absence is excused, the grade must be made up or the student will receive a zero. Unexcused absences may not be made up.

Are Your Absences Excused?

Acting and Musical Theatre performances are for you. You are the focus of the performance. You are the one being educated. You are the purpose of the performance and rehearsal. If you miss a performance or required rehearsal, it’s like missing a test or project in an academic class.

Your Director will always try to work with you to ensure you can take advantage of every theatre opportunity. There are times, however, when your attendance is required. Without your attendance, the show, your performance and your classmates will suffer. In those instances, only certain absences are excused.

To be allowed the opportunity to make up your grade, you must determine if your absence meets the eligibility to be excused. Then, you must make up your grade.

Eligibility for excused absences

To be eligible for an excused absence, you must first bring a note to the Theatre Director from your parent or guardian explaining your absence. This is so eligibility can be confirmed. The note must be turned in within two school days of your return to school after the missed rehearsal or performance or at least one month before any known/pre-planned absence.

Examples of excused absences

• Death in the immediate family.

• Illness of the student verified by a doctor’s note. Turn a copy of the doctor’s note in to the Theatre Director.

• A family emergency, such as a sudden illness of parent or sibling, verified by a note from your parent or guardian.

• A one-time special family activity such as a wedding, confirmation, graduation, etc. These absences require at least one month advance notice and approval from the Theatre Director.

• Another conflicting school activity. Report these conflicts to the Theatre Director at least one month in advance. Students should not try to figure out these conflicts on their own. Your Director, the teachers, coaches and sponsors will do their best to resolve these conflicts.

• Another conflicting theatre performance. Requires advance approval from the Theatre Director and must be communicated before a performance is casted.

If your absence is excused, the Theatre Director will tell you what make-up work is required and when it is due.

Unexcused Absences

The following are examples of unexcused absences. Plenty of notice will be given for any co-curricular/required activities, so students may plan accordingly.

• Work conflicts

• Babysitting

• Transportation problems

• Forgetting

• Too much homework

Unexcused absences may not be made up. You will receive a zero for that required rehearsal or performance.

Theatre Etiquette – Be your best!

Although theatre programs tend to be less formal than other subjects, students are expected to display proper theatre etiquette during class, rehearsals and performances. Your behavior may affect your grade.

• Show respect to everyone and everything in the theatre and backstage at all times. When respect is shown (between teachers, students and property) theatre will be a happy and positive learning environment.

• Do not use your cellphone during class unless given permission. Gwinnett County policy prohibits the use of any personal electronic communication devices by any student during instruction unless approved by your teacher. Students using their cellphone during instruction without permission may find this reflected in their grades.

• Dispose of anything in your mouth when you enter the theatre. Please don’t eat food or chew gum in the theatre. Clear, flavor-free water is allowed, but please obtain these drinks before class starts.

• Take a seat before the bell rings so roll can be taken and class can begin on time.

• Always participate to the best of your ability – you will be graded on your participation.

• Show respect to your Director and other students by listening and not engaging in side conversations or spontaneous ad hoc performances.

• Please visit the restroom and water fountain before class out of respect for rehearsals and instructional time. If you need to be excused, you may seek permission from the Theatre Director. One student may leave at a time.

• Wear the proper clothing for whatever activity is occurring in your class. There may be times when rehearsal or set construction will require you to wear clothing that you can move/dance or build/paint in.

• Help us with your costuming. You may also be asked to bring articles of clothing from home for costuming. When that happens, please bring the item(s) in by the date requested and leave the item(s) with your costume until the show closes.

• Take care of all theatre property (sets, costumes, props, building materials/tools) and always return them to their proper place when done. Our tools, set materials, props and costumes must last so they can be used over and over again. In addition, we may also rent or borrow props, sets, and costume pieces for some shows. Please use these items carefully and always put them back properly when you’re done. This includes ensuring costume pieces are hung up and always wearing deodorant.

• Keep the dressing rooms, backstage area and costume/prop closet clean and free of trash and personal belongings. Never leave costume pieces on the floor.

Rehearsal Expectations

Being cast in a production is exciting and the best way to demonstrate your theatrical talents. Rehearsals not only help you sharpen those talents, but ensure the show reflects well on you, your class and your school. So, whether rehearsals are held during class, after school or on weekends, please use this time wisely.

• Arrive on time and be ready to go when the rehearsal starts.

• Listen to your director or coaches and don’t disrupt the progress of the rehearsals.

• Attend all rehearsals as scheduled. If you must be out, no more than two unexcused absences are allowed. No unexcused absences are allowed in the final two weeks before a production.

• Obtain approval on all known absences (or late arrivals/early departures) ahead of time, from your director.

• Keep your grades up – you will not be excused from mandatory rehearsals due to homework, studying or last-minute tutoring.

• Write your name in your script and bring it to all rehearsals.

• Learn your lines early and go ‘off book’ when the director tells you to. Acting is more than just saying your lines. Going off script allows you to add characterization and personality to your part and hone interactions with other performers. You can’t do that if you’re reading from a script.

• Learn all blocking as you learn your lines.

• Learn and practice all songs. Run through them at home or with others. Seek vocal coaching as needed.

• Learn and practice all dances. As with any type of acting, put the appropriate energy and personality into your dance numbers.

• Bring a book or quiet activity for rehearsal ‘downtime.’

• Be cooperative with costuming and wear the pieces selected. Take good care of your costume as it’s assembled – keep all pieces together, clean and hung. Wear deodorant to ensure your costume stays fresh through rehearsals and until the close of the show.

• Ensure you have all your props before each rehearsal and return them to the prop table at the end of rehearsal.

• While on campus, including weekends and evenings, follow the CHHS code of conduct and proper theatre etiquette.

Note: rehearsals for productions put on by the Musical Theatre and Acting II classes occur during class and afterschool. As the show time approaches, be prepared for extended rehearsal times, including evenings and weekends. Rehearsals for the One-Act competition play are held after school and on weekends. The director will always do everything she can to ensure only those actors being rehearsed will be called during afterschool rehearsals.

CHHS Theatre Curriculum Enrichment Fee

While we’re fortunate that Gwinnett County holds the arts in high regard as an academic subject, the reality is that the financial investment to build and maintain the level of excellence in Collins Hill High School’s Theatre Program is high. The theatre program must cover a majority of these costs ourselves. The costs to produce shows include:

• Sets (built, painted, rented, repaired)

• Costumes (purchased, rented, repaired, altered cleaned)

• Props (purchased, rented, painted, repaired)

• Sound and lighting (equipment repaired/maintained)

• Musical scores or accompanists

• Makeup, hair and dressing room supplies

• Headshots (taken and printed), as well as cast and show photos

• Programs (assembled and printed)

• Posters and road signs (designed and printed),

• Other ads and publicity

• Flowers/candy and concession items

• Tickets

In addition, we must also cover other non-show related expenses including:

• Theatre office equipment and supplies

• Theatre, lighting booth, sound booth and backstage maintenance

• Musical direction

• Memberships

• Banquets

• Conferences

• Scholarships (as funds permit)

Because of these crucial costs, we request that each student who participates in an upper-level theatre class (Technical Theatre, Acting I, Acting II, and Musical Theatre) at Collins Hill provides a Curriculum Enrichment Fee. Without the collection of this vital fee, our program cannot provide the high-quality training and productions these gifted students deserve.

|2015-16 Curriculum Enrichment Fees | |Due Date(s) |

|Theatre Fundamentals students* |$0 |August 31 |

|Acting I class students* |$25/year |August 31 |

|Technical Theatre class students* |$50/year |August 31 |

|Musical Theatre students* |$100/year |August 31 |

|Acting II students* |$100/year |August 31 |

|Students cast in the One-Act competition play** |$50 for the show |When you accept the |

| | |part ~September |

*Students participating in more than one CHHS Theatre class are only required to pay the larger of the two membership fees (e.g., if attending both Technical Theatre and Musical Theatre, the student must only pay the $100 Musical Theatre fee).

**Students enrolled in a CHHS Theatre class who are also selected to the cast of the One-Act competition play must also pay the $50 fee for that show.

Fees may be paid by cash or check. Please make checks payable to CHHS Drama Booster Club. Submit all payments (made after the Open House) to the Theatre Director in an envelope with the student’s name and “Curriculum Enrichment Fee” written on the front.

Contact the Theatre Director or the CHHS Drama Booster club, at collinshilltheatre@, if you have specific questions about CHHS Theatre fees.

Financial Policy

The Collins Hill Booster Club is not a money-making organization. All of the funds collected are designed to specifically cover the cost of the program and its performances. These fees facilitate a rich theatre program, quality productions and an outstanding student experience. The Booster Club manages the funds wisely and if a surplus is encountered, will waive fees later in the year (e.g., for the end of year banquet) or offer student scholarships.

Please note, however, that no student will be denied participation in the theatre program because of financial inability to pay their fees. A family in this situation should contact the CHHS Drama Boosters (at collinshilltheatre@) to make arrangements to discuss this confidentially.

The Booster Club will work with the family to restructure the payment arrangements. These arrangements must be made before the first payment is due or as soon as the hardship arises. Families are encouraged to create structured payment plans as needed.

CHHS Theatre Shows

CHHS Theatre is proud to produce a wide variety of shows throughout the year to showcase your talent. Some of these shows are also graded assignments.

|CHHS will produce the following shows in the 2015-16 school year: |

|October – One-Act GHSA Competition Play (from school-wide open auditions) |

|November – Acting II and Musical Theatre showcases |

|January – Talent Show fundraiser Collins Hill’s Got Talent (from school-wide open auditions) |

|March – Full-Length Musical (Musical Theatre class) |

|April – Full-Length Play (Acting II class) and Student Directed performances (directed and casted from production classes by selected graduating |

|seniors) |

See the CHHS Theatre Calendar on the CHHS Theatre website at for more information.

CHHS shows are general admission. Tickets are normally $5/seat and sold at the door.

Program Ads and Sponsorships

CHHS Theatre produces programs for each show. For our major shows (e.g., the full-length play and musical), our (5.5x8.5”) programs are professionally produced and include ads.

Ads can be purchased by students and their families or sold to area businesses.

|2015-16 Program Ads | | |

|Full page (1350 pixels wide x 2250 pixels long) - |Half page (1350 pixels wide x 1125 pixels long) - |Quarter Page (1350 pixels wide x 560 pixels long |

|$100 |$50 |or 640 pixels wide x 1125 pixels long) - $25 |

We also offer sponsorships. CHHS Theatre Patrons are entitled to ads, season tickets and more.

|2015-16 Sponsorships | | |

|Gold Patron - $500 |Silver Patron - $200 |Bronze Patron - $100 |

|5 season tickets |2 season tickets |1 season ticket |

|Recognition in all show programs as a gold patron |Recognition in all show programs as a silver |Recognition in all show programs as a bronze |

|One full-page ad in each of the two |patron |patron |

|professionally-produced show programs |One half-page ad in each of the two, or one |One quarter-page ad in each of the two, or one |

|Recognition at our theatre banquet |full-page ad in one of the professionally-produced|half page ad in one of the professionally-produced|

| |show programs |show programs |

| |Recognition at our theatre banquet |Recognition at our theatre banquet |

Program Ads and Sponsorships can reduce your Curriculum Enrichment Fee

Purchasing or selling program ads or sponsorships will reduce your fees. Your Curriculum Enrichment Fee will be reduced by the price of the ad or sponsorship. For example, if you are an Acting II student enrolled in both semesters your fee is $100. If, however, you sell a Bronze Sponsorship (worth $100) to a local business or even your family before August 31, your fee is reduced to $0.

You must, however, purchase or sell the ad before the fees are due. We cannot refund or retroactively reduce fees.

Theatre Fundraisers

The CHHS Drama Booster club also raises money to support the Theatre program and keep student’s fees low.

Talent Show

CHHS Theatre holds one formal fundraiser – the Collins Hill’s Got Talent school-wide talent show. Any Collins Hill student in good standing may audition for the show. Auditions are held approximately one month before the show by the Theatre Director. Twelve to fourteen of Collins Hill’s top talent acts are selected, thereby keeping the duration to two hours, including a 15 minute intermission. Tickets are $5 and sold at the door.

Talent show contestants compete for prizes. Winners are selected by outside judges from the local theatrical or entertainment industry.

Participants may also earn a special Audience Favorite award, whereby members of the audience vote for their favorite by placing money in buckets corresponding to the acts. The act earning the most donations wins the Audience Favorite award.

Concession, flower and candy-gram sales

CHHS Theatre sells concession items (snacks, candy, popcorn, drinks) at all shows. We also sell flowers and candy-grams – which can be purchased for delivery to the show’s cast and crew – at all Theatre program productions.

The Booster Club is currently investigating several other fundraising opportunities. More to come.

We Rely On Our Volunteers – Please Help

The CHHS Theatre program would not function without the generous support of its volunteers. The Drama Booster officers are a small group of volunteers who work with the Theatre Director to organize and communicate the various program activities and manage the club funds. Volunteers are needed to assist with the many other tasks necessary to produce the shows. Some volunteer opportunities include:

|Ticket Sales (at the shows) |Program Designer |Audio/Lighting Mentors |Photographer |

|Costume Assistants and Seamstresses |Backstage Assistants (during some |Hair or Makeup Assistants (during |Ushers (at all shows) |

| |shows) |some shows) | |

|Flower and Candy Sales (at the shows)|Building Sets or Set Pieces |Concession Sales (at the shows) |Fundraiser and Banquet Coordinators |

Electronic signup sheets will be provided before each show to help staff those volunteer positions.

If you can help with or have a special talent for any of the other volunteer opportunities, please contact the CHHS Booster Club at collinshilltheatre@. We would love the help!

Drama Club

The CHHS Drama Club is open to all CHHS students interested in learning more about theatre and getting to know their fellow thespians. The Drama Club meets after school (2:30-3:30) approximately once a month in the Collins Hill theatre. The meetings are run by the Thespian President or Vice President. The meeting agenda is normally set at the beginning of the school year and may include: improve or other areas of acting focus, theatrical makeup, theatre dance, stage/crew and tech, characterization, vocal preparation, parties and more. Come to a meeting and pay your dues to join.

The annual Drama Club dues for 2015-16, which fund Club activities and social events are $20.

Stage Crew

It has been said, “A production is only as good as its crew.” As with any theatrical performance, a stage crew is required for every CHHS production. Stage crew helps build sets and assemble props, runs lights and sound, and manages all back and onstage work during the shows. They are key to any successful performance.

Most of CHHS crew functions are performed by our Technical Theatre class. Technical Theatre is a great way to learn more about the various aspects of theater and to participate in productions if performing is not your thing. But, we also welcome crew assistance from any CHHS Theatre classes. The Theatre Director or Stage Manager will let the Theatre classes know what crew opportunities are available for each show. You can also make your interests known. We always appreciate help, and performing crew functions does help you to earn points toward your International Thespian Society ranking.

Keep in mind, however, once assigned to a crew, you are expected to attend all assigned rehearsals and shows and the absence policy applies.

International Thespian Society Points and Theatre Letters

The CHHS Theatre program is a member of the International Thespian Society (ITS); troupe 5364. The International Thespian society (ITS) is the honor society for middle and high school theatre students. Membership is granted for the performance of meritorious work in theatre arts that meets the Society’s general guidelines.

CHHS Theatre students can be inducted into our ITS troupe after earning 10 points – the equivalent of 100 hours working in school, community, and/or professional theater both on and behind the stage. From there, they will continue to earn points for their theatrical work and be recognized through ITS ranking.

This is also the point system by which theatrical accomplishment is measured at CHHS. Students accumulating 60 or more Thespian Points are eligible for a CHHS Theatre Letter. CHHS students may track their points using a tracking sheet found under Forms on the CHHS Theatre website at .

You can find more information about the International Thespian Society and the Thespian Point System on the CHHS Theatre website at or by visiting the ITS website at its.

Thespian Society Student Officers

Each May students are elected to the CHHS Thespian Society Student Officer positions for the next school year. These students run certain program activities (such as Drama Club) and help the Theatre Director and Booster Club run the theatre program.

|The 2015-16 Student Officers are: | |

|President – Gabe Haynes |Social Media Publicity (all classes) – Olivia Eafano |

|Vice President – Julia Whitten |Musical Theatre Written Publicity – Gabby Billings |

|Secretary – Vanessa Ishimwe |Acting II Written Publicity – Spencer Ross |

|Stage Manager – Zach Knowles | |

Staying Connected with CHHS Theatre

Texts, social media and e-mail, oh my!

There are several other ways to get information or stay connected with CHHS Theatre. Whatever your preference, CHHS Theatre has an online solution for you:

• Remind 101 – Used to send brief, just-in-time reminders, changes and cancellations via text. Students are strongly encouraged to join the group via their smartphone. Parents may also join if they would like to be updated this way. To join the 2015-16 CHHS Theatre Remind 101 group, text the message @drama1236 to 81010.

• CHHS Website – CHHS Theatre maintains a website at chhstheatre.. This site contains information on this and past year’s shows, cast lists, rehearsal schedules, ThesCon, Drama Club, photos, forms and more. Visit it regularly for the latest info.

• Facebook – Like CHHS Theatre on Facebook at collinshilltheatre.

• Twitter – Follow CHHS Theatre on Twitter at .

• Instagram – Follow CHHS Theatre on Instagram at .

• E-mail – CHHS Theatre sends out important, detailed information about our theatre productions and events via e-mail. Our distribution lists are created from the e-mail information you and your parents provide to the school and during orientation. If you are not on our distribution lists, e-mail us at collinshilltheatre@.

Georgia Thespian Conference (ThesCon)

CHHS Theatre normally participates in the Georgia Thespian Conference. Georgia Thespians is a chapter of the Education Theatre Association which sponsors the International Thespian Society (ITS).

The Georgia Thespian Conference is a three-day event, normally in February, in Columbus, Georgia. It features numerous productions presented by high schools from across the state. Plus, you'll be able to participate in a variety of workshops led by theater professionals from around the country. And if that weren't enough, you also can perform or view individual performance and tech events, audition for scholarships, talk to college representatives from around the country, shop with commercial vendors selling theater merchandise, and hang out with about 3,000 other Georgia Thespians.

Attendance is limited to ITS members (normally sophomores-seniors). For more information, visit the Georgia Thespians website at .

The 2016 Georgia Thespian Conference is scheduled for February 4-6, 2016 in Columbus, GA. More information, including the costs, will be shared by the Theatre Director and posted to the CHHS website at chhstheatre..

Theatrical Competitions

GHSA One-Act and Literary

The Georgia High School Association (GHSA) holds two events in Fine Arts to produce state champions: the One-Act Play and Literary competitions.

The One-Act Play competition is just that. Each school competing performs a timed, one-act play or musical of their choice for competition.

The Literary competition includes a Dramatic Interpretation individual event for boys and girls.

CHHS is a member of GHSA and typically participates in these competitions. Both events start with regional competitions. The first place winners from each regional section (CHHS is AAAAAAA) can compete in the state competition.

• GHSA One-Act regional competitions are in October (at the Gwinnett County Arena) and the state competitions are in November, typically in central Georgia.

• GHSA Literary regional competition may be held any time after February 1, typically in an AAAAAAA high school. The state competition is held mid-May, typically in central Georgia.

Each year, our Theatre Director determines if we will participate in these events.

• For the One-Act Play, normally open all-school auditions are held in August. After school rehearsals (for cast and crew) are held August-October. The One-Act play is performed at CHHS and in the GHSA competitions.

• For Literary, the Theatre Director selects the two students (one boy and one girl) to compete in the Dramatic Interpretation events. Once submitted our Director will work with these students individually to prepare.

CHHS Theatre will perform a one-act adaptation of Changes of Heart by Marivaux at the 2015-16 One-Act competition. School-wide open auditions will be held on August 19. The show will be performed at the school on October 16 & 17 and at the AAAAAAA regional competition (date and location to be confirmed).

For more information on the GHSA One-Act Play and Literary competitions, talk to your Director or visit the GHSA website at .

Governors Honors Program

The Georgia Governor’s Honors Program (GHP) is a residential summer program for gifted and talented high school students who will be rising juniors and rising seniors during that summer. The program offers instruction that is significantly different from the typical high school classroom. It is designed to provide students with academic, cultural, and social enrichment necessary to become the next generation of global critical thinkers, innovators, and leaders.

GHP is held mid-June to mid-July on a college or university campus. Students attend classes in the mornings and afternoons in specific areas of study, and they participate in a wide variety of social and instructional opportunities every evening.

The CHHS Theatre Director may nominate high-achieving sophomore or junior theater students for GHP. These nominations typically occur before the end of the school year for the following academic year (e.g., by May 2015 for the 2016 GHP summer program). Nominated students would then participate (as sophomores or juniors) in a rigorous regional, and then state, audition and interview process to be selected as a finalist for GHP.

For more information on GHP, visit their website at ernors-honors-program.

Biographies & Headshots

Our professionally-produced programs and some of the student-produced programs, include cast and crew biographies and headshots.


Students are responsible for writing and updating their biographies. If they don’t write a biography, they will not have one in the show program. Student biographies are brief. They typically include information about the student’s theatrical experience and messages of gratitude. If students perform in more than one show per year, they can update their biography appropriately. Otherwise, their original biography will be used.

Biography samples can be found in past show programs. Biography forms can be found under Forms on the CHHS website at chhstheatre.. Bio due dates will be communicated via e-mail, social media and Remind 101.


Headshots are taken of all advanced class students (those producing performances) at the beginning of the school year and beginning of the second semester for new students by a professional photographer. Headshots will also be taken for any other students cast in the One-Act competition play and for any crew members helping with the shows. The Booster Club will work with the Theatre Director to schedule the shoot during the school day.

Show T-shirts

Show t-shirts will be available for purchase before each production. The cost is $15. Order forms will be provided by the Theatre Director and are available on the CHHS Theatre website (at chhstheatre.).

End of Year Banquet/Awards

An end of year dinner banquet is held in May to recognize the year’s accomplishments, to announce the next year’s student officers and to wish our graduating seniors well. The banquet is normally held in a local banquet hall or neighborhood club house with a catered dinner. Family members are welcome.

If there is a budget surplus, the Booster Club may fund dinner for the students and those who volunteered throughout the year. Family members and guests are charged a nominal fee to cover the cost of dinner (such as $10).

The 2015-16 end of year banquet is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, May 10. More info to come.

Booster Club Officers

The CHHS Drama Booster Club is run by a small group of parent volunteers. The current officers are:

• Eileen and Scott Ross

• Kim Eafano

• Caroline Whitten

If you are interested in becoming a Drama Booster Club officer, e-mail us at collinshilltheatre@.


Up to date copies of this handbook as well as other CHHS Theatre forms can be found on the website at chhstheatre.. Including:

• Calendar of events

• Program Ad and Sponsorship form and associated Sponsor Letter

• Contact & Volunteer form

• Thespian Points Tracking form and ITS Point System document

• Biography form

• Show t-shirt form


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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