

|Development Indicators |


Development indicators are series of data we can use to compare how developed countries are. For example, we can use how long people live for (life expectancy). In France the life expectancy is 80 years. In Sierra Leone the life expectancy is 40 years. This shows that in terms of life expectancy the UK is more developed than Zimbabwe.


|Complete the following table using the definitions on . You need to decide whether a MEDC or LEDC would have a relatively |

|high or low value for each. Next, use the CIA World Factbook to find the values for Norway and Niger. |

|Development Indicator |Definition |MEDC |LEDC |Norway |Niger |

|Birth Rate |????? | | |????? |????? |

|Death Rate |????? | | |????? |????? |

|Life Expectancy at birth |????? | | |????? |????? |

|Literacy Rate (Total |????? | | |????? |????? |

|Population) | | | | | |

|Infant Mortality Rate |????? | | |????? |????? |

|GDP - per capita (PPP) |????? | | |????? |????? |

|Population Growth Rate |????? | | |????? |????? |

|Telephones – mobile |????? | | |????? |????? |

|cellular - per capita | | | | | |

|Each of the countries, in the table below, use the CIA World Factbook to find the necessary values. Once you have all the values rank the |

|countries with 1 being the most developed for that indicator. |

|Country |

|????? |


|Why is Gross Domestic Product per capita not always a good indicator of development? |

|????? |


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