New or Returning Student HandbookLit 3School of Hard Knocks Instructor Ms. VorpahlTable of Contents…………What is Lit 3?…………How does Lit 3 operate? …………What is expected of me as a student?…………Where do I begin with my learning?What is Lit 3?Lit 3 is known as “Literacy 3”. This class is designed for learners who have a 9-12th grade reading and/or math score. Not everyone falls in that bracket, but your goal is to maintain or achieve higher scores to stay enrolled in Lit 3. Some people call this course the “testing mill” which means if you do the work you are assigned, you will go in to test for the specific subject you are studying for on the GED (General Education Diploma). However, some students, maybe even yourself, have other routes or programs you are aiming to find success in. How does Lit 3 operate? Lit 3 is a one-room-schoolhouse (everyone is learning different subjects at a variety of levels). In other words, there’s a lot of individualized learning going on. To manage this type of individualized learning, every day you will have an individual assignment to complete. You must turn in your work at the end of the day. Assignments come in the form of the following:1. Test prep booklets (Scorebooster paperbacks) and packets for the specific subject you’re studying for. These packets come from the Kaplan GED TEST 2015 (BIG purple books). Math assignments come from the Math Sense books (book 2 and book 3).2. Computer practice on Aztec and/or Renaissance Learning (math practice and interactive audio explanations) programs.3. Special assignment/activity involving Powerpoint and/or posterboard. Presentations are optional but strongly encouraged.4. Mini-lesson assignment (up front) if I pull you up there for the day. Most of the time, we will focus on writing. These writing assignments are designed around the RLA extended response test, and the science short answer test. ___________________________________________________________________If you are new to education at Stillwater and have yet to pass any of the four GED tests, you will start with the Reasoning through Language Arts (RLA) test. The next test will be Social. Science will follow that, and finally, you will end with Math. 1. RLA3. Science2. Social4. MathHow do I know what table to sit at?You will be assigned a specific spot in the room on the first day (most likely near the front of the room). Eventually you will move to the back of the room to the math table. Why math last? This will be the final GED test you will have to take on your educational journey in Lit 3 (if this is the program that is best fit for you). What is expected of me as a student?ExpectationsEducational setting = productive academic activities. Work on your own classwork. Avoid side conversations. Raise hand if you need help. Ask your tutor for help before you request help from Ms. V. Easy, right? No, then you aren’t in the right place or ready to learn. Be committed to your goal! Appropriate language and attitude for a public education environment. No swear words, inappropriate or personal questions and comments, and a positive attitude. Fashion First. Wear you ID and make sure you are following the dress code (pull your pants up and tuck that shirt in!).Growth or Fixed Mindset? GROWTH is where it’s at. Come to class prepared to study and learn. If you are not feeling the educational and studious vibe on a day, then try to engage anyways and have some forward thinking to get over whatever you’re going through. What the above all comes down to is this: RESPECT. Respect yourself, others, and this classroom. This educational journey you are choosing to be a part of is not going to be easy, but nothing worth having ever comes easy, right? The hardest things to achieve are always worth in retrospect. Where do I begin with my learning?You should be well-aware of which program you are enrolled in before you enter the Lit 1, 2, or 3 classroom. If you are not aware, you most likely are on the GED Program route: GED Program route:(you must pass four tests: reading and writing; social studies; science; and math with a score of 145 or higher in order to earn your high school credit and attend graduation in July or January. These tests are out of 200 points. Two tests (reading/writing and science) involve writing. Also, what’s vital for you to know, is that you must take a READY/pre-test before you can go into the official test. This test is smaller, in other words, has less questions than the OFFICIAL GED test, but it will give you a good idea of where you are at and if you are likely to pass the official GED test. You must score a 148 or higher on the pre-test to qualify to take the official GED test the following day. Other options: High School Diploma Program: intake/St. Cloud would have enrolled you in this program if you qualify. If you have never heard of this program until now, you most likely didn’t qualify. Requirements: 21 years old or younger; You were in your 12th/senior year of high school before you stopped attending AND have passing credits that prove this from the school(s) you attended (transcripts from the schools are required). Adult Diploma Program (ADP; starts July 2016): Requirements: You must have passed THREE or more of the 2002 GED exams. Additional Requirements are being considered as well: Passed THREE of the four 2014 GED exams but have attempted two or more times on a fourth exam from this 2014 GED test without passing. For example, you passed three of the four 2014 tests, but you continue to fail the math portion and have been working on this for two or more months without successfully passing it. This may be the best program for you. What this program involves you to do: ?MDE (Minnesota Department of Education) will examine your work on a given subject area (reading, writing, math, science, employability skills, digital literacy), along with two teachers from our facility to confirm you have achieved competencies on difficult and exceptional levels. In order to pass and earn credit for these subject areas, you must show competencies by taking exams, giving presentations, and writing papers. This program takes the longest and is the most time-consuming out of the three. On average, this program will take you 8-12 months to complete.Programs’ First Lessons/Units: GED Program: you will be taking the testing journey route! In Lit 3, you will first prepare for the RLA (Reading and Writing Portion) of the test. Next, Social Studies. Then Science. Finally, Math. You need to pass a pre-test with a score of 148 or higher to be able to take the official GED test. High School Diploma: Depending on the credits you need to complete (Social, Reading, Writing, Art, Science, Math, etc.), you will start with the subject you are most interested in completing. We will conference the first day on what that looks like. Adult Diploma: You will start with the Argument Essay Writing Sample (Level-E Reading). You will then start your next subject area after that (depending on what 2002 GED tests you passed). Are you ready to be educationized? I’m happy you are here and turning a negative experience into a positive one.Name:_____________________________________________________________What are TWO goals I have as you begin or re-begin Lit 3?1.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How will I ACHIEVE this?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How will I ACHIEVE this?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are some obstacles I may face during the journey to achieve my goal?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How will I manage these obstacles?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Turn this in to Ms. Vorpahl ................

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