To whom it may concern: - Los Angeles Mission College

Los Angeles Mission College – Adult & Basic Skills Education Department

13356 Eldridge Ave. Sylmar, Ca. 91342 - 818.364.7774

“Our Mission Is Your Success”


|Instructor: |Office Hours: |Email: |

|Kristina Gonzales, BS, MHA |Monday & Wednesday, 5:30-6pm (prior to class) | |

|Course: BSICSKL 038CE |Section: |Semester: Spring 2019 |

|Course Title:: GED Preparation |22988 |2/4/2019 – 6/3/2019 |

|Social Studies & Science | | |

|Textbook: |Time & Days |Location/Room |

|Kaplan, GED Test Prep 2018 (2016 & 2017 acceptable)|Monday & Wednesday, 6-8:05pm |INST 2003 |

|Course Description |Objectives |

|Designed to strengthen the student’s test taking skills and prepare | Course Objectives: |

|them for the General Education Development (GED) exam. Provides |1. Strengthen reading skills |

|instruction that develops the student’s ability to take standardized |2. Develop writing techniques |

|tests in the areas of Reading, Social Studies, Math and Science. |3. Develop critical thinking skills |

| |4. Practice computer techniques |

| |5. Prepare for all topics of the GED |

| |Student Objectives: |

| |1. Practice Growth Mind Set |

| |2. Accountability as a student |

| |3. Develop study skills |

| |4. Participation in discussions |

|Course Guidelines |Student Learning Outcomes |

|-Punctuality is key to your success in this class |SLO 1: Student will be able to demonstrate knowledge on how to navigate|

| |the GED official website, including looking for free resources, finding|

|-You are responsible for homework and the materials that you missed |tutorials, and scheduling a practice/official GED |

|during your absence |Activities: Quiz |

| | |

|-Please be courteous to the professor and fellow classmates; cell phone|SLO 2: Students will be able to take and successfully pass the GED |

|use of any kind is not allowed. |Ready practice test or its' subject equivalent. |

| |Activities: Complete GED ready practice test or its equivalent |

|In the classroom: |Outside the classroom: |

|“Practice Pages” ( The practice pages will correlate to the lessons |“Remind App” ( This app will be used as a form of communication. Please|

|learned for the day; these pages will become homework. |be sure to download the app on your phone. Text @fgahd to 81010. |

|“Lessons for the Day” ( During class time, we will cover multiple |“Homework” ( All homework is for self-review. This will ensure that you|

|lessons. At the end of each lesson, the professor will do a quick |are understanding the material and give students the opportunity to ask|

|review, allow for questions, and move forward with the lessons. |for help on difficult concepts. I encourage all students to work on the|

|“Embedded Notes” ( These notes are to guide you through the lecture and|“practice pages” throughout the week. Challenge yourself! |

|can be used as a study tool |“Final Practice questions” ( At the end of each major section, there |

|“Quizzes” ( After 1 or 2 major lessons, I will give a short quiz to |are accumulative practice questions that I encourage students to |

|review the material and ensure students are understanding the content. |complete when they feel comfortable enough with the material. This is |

|“Mini-History Paper” ( Mid-semester; more information and details to |used as a study aide in preparation for the GED exam. |

|come. | |

|Required Materials/Materiales |Attendance Policy |

|Kaplan GED book |The student is expected to attend every meeting of all classes |

|Colored pens or pencils |for which he or she is registered. A student absent from |

| |classes for emergency reasons must inform his or her instructor of the|

| |reason for the absence. |

|Course Overview & Dates |

|Week 1 |-Introduction & syllabus review |

|Feb 4 – Feb 10, 2019 |-Social Studies: Social Studies practices, lessons 1-6 |

|Week 2 |-Social Studies: US History, lessons 1-3 |

|Feb 11 – Feb 17, 2019 |-CASAS Pre-testing (Feb.13-Please be on time!) |

|Week 3 |-President’s day Holiday – Monday, February 18 = NO Class Monday |

|Feb 18 – Feb 24, 2019 |-Social Studies: US History, lessons 1-3 |

|Week 4 |-Social Studies: Review & US History, lesson 4 |

|Feb 25 – March 3, 2019 |-Social Studies: US History, lessons 5-6 |

|Week 5 |-Social Studies: Review all of US History + Kahoots |

|March 4 – March 10, 2019 |-Social Studies: Quiz=US History, review |

|Week 6 |-Social Studies: Review & Civics and Governement, lessons 1-2 |

|March 11 – March 17, 2019 |-Social Studies: Review & Civics and Governement, lessons 3-5 |

|Week 7 |-Social Studies: Review all of Civics and Governement +Kahoots |

|March 18 – March 24, 2019 |-Social Studies: Quiz=Civics and Governement, review |

|Week 8 |-Social Studies: Econ, lessons 1-2 |

|March 25 – March 31, 2019 |-Social Studies: Econ, lessons 3-4 |

|Week 9 |Spring Break – Tuesday April 2, 2019 to Friday April 5, 2019 |

|April 1 – April 7, 2019 |NO CLASSES all WEEK! |

|Week 10 |-Social Studies: Econ review, Geo & the World, all lessons |

|April 8 – April 14, 2019 |-Social Studies REVIEW!!! +GED practice test via |

|Week 11 |-Science: Science practices, lessons 1-5 |

|April 15 – April 21, 2019 |-Science: Life Science, lessons 1-2 |

|Week 12 |-Science: Review, Life Science, lessons 3-4 |

|April 22 – April 28, 2019 |-Science: Review, Life Science, lessons 5-6 |

|Week 13 |-CASAS Post testing (April 29-Please be on time!) |

|April 29 – May 5, 2019 |-Science: Review, Life Science, lessons 7-8 |

|Week 14 |-Science: Physical Science, lessons 1-3 |

|May 6 – May 12, 2019 |-Science: Review, Physical Science, lessons 4-6 |

|Week 15 |-Science: Physical Science review |

|May 13 – May 19, 2019 |-Science: Earth & Space Science, all lessons |

|Week 16 |-Review |

|May 20 – May 26 2019 |-Review |

|Week 17 |-Holiday - Memorial Day – Monday, May 27 = NO CLASS |

|May 27 – June 3, 2019 |-Last Day for Class- May 29 ( Review |

|Grading |

|Pass |Satisfactory Progress |No Pass |

|-attend class regularly |-attend 50% of class |-miss more than 50% of class |

|-complete quizzes |-complete some quizzes |-doesn’t complete any quizzes |

|-participate in class discussion |-participate in some class discussions |-never participates |

| | |-stops showing up to class |

|Policies & College information |


|Los Angeles Mission College is committed to the success of its |Los Angeles Mission College is committed to maintaining high academic |

|students. The College, which awards associate degrees and certificates,|standards, promoting student success, and creating opportunities for |

|provides accessible, affordable, high-quality learning opportunities in|life-long learning. The college will inspire students to become |

|a culturally and intellectually supportive environment by: • Providing |informed, active citizens who recognize and appreciate the common |

|services and programs in basic skills, general education, career and |humanity of all people through diverse curricula, and through cultural,|

|technical education, and for transfer; • Educating students to become |academic, and artistic events. The college will practice an honest, |

|critical thinkers and lifelong learners; • Ensuring that all programs |collegial, and inclusive decision-making process that respects the |

|and services are continuously evaluated and improved to support student|diversity and interdependence of the college, student body, and |

|learning and achievement; and • Making traditional and distance |community LAMC is privileged to serve. |

|education learning opportunities available to enhance the h he health | |

|and wellness of the diverse communities it serves. | |

| |Academic Dishonesty: |

|FINANCIAL AID WHAT IS FINANCIAL AID? |Violations of Academic Integrity include, but are not limited to the |

|818.364.7648 | |following actions: cheating on an exam, plagiarism, working together on|

| |an assignment, paper or project when the instructor has specifically |

|Financial aid is funding provided by the federal and state governments,|stated students should not do so, submitted the same term paper to more|

|the college, and private entities, to assist students with their |than one instructor, or allowing another individual to assume one’s |

|educational expenses and is available in the form of grants, |identity for the purpose of enhancing one’s grade. of monetary damages |

|scholarships, waivers, employment and loans. Financial aid is meant to |to the copyright owner. Criminal penalties for copyright infringement |

|supplement the family’s existing resources in funding the costs of a |may include fines up to $250,000 and imprisonment up to ten years. |

|college education. |Students who violate the District’s computing facilities usage policy |

| |(LACCD Administrative Regulation B-28) may also be subject to college |

| |disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, suspension or |

| |expulsion. |


|Students shall respect and obey civil and criminal laws, and they shall|818.364.7732 | |

|be subject to legal penalties for violation of laws of the city, |Disabled Students Programs & Services is committed to |

|county, state, and nation. Student conduct in all of the Los Angeles |promoting student success. The mission of the program is to assess for |

|Community Colleges must conform to |and address educational limitations that are the result of a student’s |

|District and college rules and regulations. |disability. Once the disability and associated educational limitations |

|Violations of such rules are subject to the following types |have been identified, the student and DSPS professional staff member |

|of disciplinary actions, which are to be administered by |collaborate to create an Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP) that |

|appropriate college authorities against students who stand in |outlines reasonable accommodations, services and/or referrals that |

|violation |allow the student to have the opportunity for equal access and full |

|Refer to the catalougue for details for each of the following: |participation in the curricular and related activities of the College. |

|2419 Smoking/Nonsmoking Policy // 2420 Gun-Free Campuses // Willful |In order to qualify for services, a student must have a verifiable |

|Disobedience // 9803.11 Violation of College Rules and Regulations // |disability which can include: physical disabilities, psychological |

|9803.12 Dishonesty // 9803.13 Unauthorized Entry // 9803.14 College |disabilities, learning or intellectual disabilities, visual impairment,|

|Documents // 9803.15 Disruption of Classes or College Activities // |hearing impairment, acquired brain injury, |

|9803.16 Theft of or Damage to Property // 9803.17 Interference with |ADHA, autism and other health conditions. The DSPS Team |

|Peace of College: // 9803.18 Assault or Battery // 9803.19 Alcohol and |is committed to developing strategies that promote success |

|Drugs: |for all eligible students participating in the program. |

|9803.22 Unlawful Assembly // 9803.23 Conspiring to Perform Illegal Acts|Services/accommodations may include: academic counseling; |

|// 9803.24 Threatening Behavior: |personal counseling; priority registration; note taking assistance; |

|9803.25 Disorderly Conduct: // 9803.26 Theft or Abuse of Computer |test proctoring; job development and career planning; mobility |

|Resources // 9803.27 Performance of an Illegal Act: |assistance; adaptive high tech computer access; |

|9803.28 Academic Dishonesty // 9804 Interference with Classes // 9903 |alternate media production; classroom accommodations; |

|Student Exercise of Free Speech in Areas Outside of Designated Free |adapted physical education; and sign language interpreting. |

|Speech Area // 9903.10 Bulletin Boards // 9903.11 Posting Areas // 9904| |

|Student Use of Areas Not Designated for Free Speech Activities // 9905 | |

|Visitor Use of Areas Not Designated Free Speech Activities // 91204 | |

|Non-Student on Campus Without Lawful Busines Theron // 9803.20 Lethal | |

|Weapons // 9803.21 Discriminatory Behavior. | |

|Grad Guru |

|Download the FREE Grad Guru App! |

| |

|The app will help you stay on track with |

|deadlines, updates, campus events, workshops,|

|and more!!! |

|Imprtant Phone Numbers |

|Adult & Basic Skills Education Office |College Bookstore: |Business Office: |

|(Non-Credit Program): |(818) 364-7798 |(818) 364-7600 Ex. 7110 |

|(818) 364-7774 | | |

|Fitness Center: |Admissions & Records: |Library: |

|(818) 364-7891 |(818) 833-3322 |(818) 364-7600 Ex. 7106 |

|Important Dates / Fechas Importantes |

|HOLIDAYS (College CLOSED) |Class Important Dates: |

|Non-Instructional Days – February 16 & 17 |-CASAS Pre-testing- February 13 |

|Non-Instructional Day – March 28 |-CASAS Post-testing- April 29 |

|Cesar Chavez Birthday – April 1 | |

|Spring Break – March 29 to March 31 & April 2 to April 5 | |

|Memorial Day – May 27 | |

Remember this…

”If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got”

–Albert Einstein


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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