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FORUM: Advisory PanelQUESTION OF: Gender inequality in areas of quality education:MAIN SUBMITTER: FinlandCO-SUBMITTERS: Finland, France, Syria, Pakistan, Vietnam, Mexico, Bangladesh, Russian FederationThe Advisory Panel,Acknowledging the adverse effect of woman-empowerment on men in colleges and how gender inequality policies should concern the rights to education for both genders,Remembering the unequal treatment women have received in education and the inequality and biases still levied at woman in matters of education today,Appreciating the formation of The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in 1979, a United Nations treaty that focuses on women and their rights,Acknowledging the cultures which maintain gender biases in many fields, including education, politics, and businesses,Emphasizing that around half the world population is female,Noting that without proper education, people (regardless of gender) suffer from poverty, poor health, exploitation, reliance on others, and lack of influence,MAIN SUBMITTER: SyriaProposes to create free optional courses online which encourage political debate and discussion:Aimed at female middle-schoolers in public schools with studies into previous female leaders’ actions in order to further inspire and encourage them in their own political careers,In the hopes that an increase in female political figures may lead to their raising awareness of inequality in education;MAIN SUBMITTER: FinlandUrges other countries without strict gender biases to acknowledge and encourage movements towards gender equality taken by countries with gender biases through any means they see fit which include but are not limited to official statement or posts on social media:In order to show support and encourage the countries who are taking action against gender inequality,And to subtly encourage other countries with biases to also pursue gender equality-oriented change;MAIN SUBMITTER: FranceRecommends annual training for teachers of all grades, which encourages them to include gender equality within their curriculum and to show equal expectations and interest in both female and male students:Helping them understand the impact of their words and assumptions upon students and the students’ cultural biases and raising awareness of condescending gender-oriented language, such as ‘girly’ or ‘boyish’,Changing their curriculum to fit material that includes but is not limited to showing equal representation from both genders in fields of education dominated by the opposite gender, such as woman in STEM courses or men in nursing;MAIN SUBMITTER: FinlandEncourages companies to be involved in offering STEM scholarships or internships to further develop chances for woman to achieve equality in STEM fields:Primarily aimed at high school and college students,Asking for companies who provide scholarships to be formally recognized by the government in order to receive positive press on their actions, further inspiring other;MAIN SUBMITTER: SyriaSuggests schools nation-wide raise awareness of gender-inequality and to publicly take steps to improve gender inequality in their own schools by holding an annual, one-week event, where all students are encouraged to move past their gender stereotypes, such as sports tournaments, orchestra, and Model United Nations (MUN); ................

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