Gender Inequality and Family Issues

Lecture Outline: Gender Inequality and Family Issues

Group Discussion issues to consider:


1. Difference between Sex vs. Gender? What is Sexism & Patriarchy? What is Pay Gap between Women and Men? (D&B, Ch 4) How do women’s combat roles challenge gender stereotypes & patriarchy, and what might this mean for future? (Alvarez & Merriman web rdg.)

2. What are difference between violence and risk faced by males and females in poor African American neighborhoods? How common is sexual harassment of females & by whom and what types? How common is sexual violence against teen girls? What are males & females attitudes toward victims? (Miller rdg. 25 in C&V)

3. How Common is Rape on College Campuses and in the Military, and what are the barriers to seeking justice, and what can be done to improve things? (Freidman web rdg., Alvarez & Merriman web rdg.)


4. What obstacles do poor women on welfare face (childcare, work requirement, bureaucracy, etc.)? What are key measures of welfare reform law (& what is missing), and how well do they work How is the tension between family and work requirement resolved? (Hays rdg. 22, in C&V)

5. What wrong with Child Care in America (cost & quality)? What might be done to improve it? Why and how are working families under strain re: childcare? (Bergmann & Helburn rdg. 33 in Ch. & Vig.)

6. How common is divorce? Child Support payments? What are new family forms? What is “role overload” and how affect families? Family leave -- US vs. other countries? Domestic Violence, how common? What programs aid vulnerable families (case studies) (D&B ch. 5)

7. What are the Effects of Divorce on children? How large (esp. compared to no-divorced families)? How do income decreases, moving, and custody conflicts affect kids? How can negative effects of divorce be lessened? (Coontz, rdg. 32 in Ch & Vig., D&B ch. 5)

Sexual orientation:

8. Sexual orientation & role of choice? How common is Harassment re: Sexual orientation (D&B ch. 4)

9. What sort of obstacles and mistreatment for homosexual students face, in high schools and on college campuses? How does a “neutral policy on homosexuality” affect the school climate in one High School? (Eckholm et al. web rdg.) What can be done to challenge homophobia & bullying on campuses? (D&B ch. 4 case study)

Lecture & Group Discussion Report In

Sex (D&B, Ch 4)

Gender (D&B, Ch 4) [See Alvarez web rdg. for example of how this ahs changed in military]

Sexuality/ Sexual Orientation

(& how these 3 are inter-related, esp. first 2)

Gender Inequality (D&B, Ch 4)

Wage / Pay Gap (D&B, Ch 4) & Walmart example

Rape on College Campuses and in the Military, and what are the barriers to seeking justice (Freidman web rdg., Alvarez & Merriman web rdg.)

Sexual orientation & role of choice? How common is Harassment re: Sexual orientation (D&B ch. 4)

What sort of obstacles and mistreatment for homosexual students face, in high schools and on college campuses? How does a “neutral policy on homosexuality” affect the school climate in one High School? (Eckholm et al. web rdg.)

Different types of violence and risk faced by males compared to females in poor African American neighborhoods. Frequency of Sexual harassment and Sexual violence against teen girls. Attitudes toward victims. (Miller rdg. 25 in C&V)

Divorce frequency. Effects of Divorce on children—how frequent are problems, esp. compared to kids in non-divorced families. How do income decreases, moving, and custody conflicts affect kids? Main cause of problems for kids in divorce (re: parents) (Coontz, rdg. 32 in Ch & Vig., D&B ch. 5)

“Role overload” affecting women in families; second shift problem. (D&B ch. 5)

Family leave -- US vs. other countries. (D&B ch. 5)

Key problems with Child Care in America (cost & quality)? What might be done to improve it? (Bergmann & Helburn rdg. 33 in Ch. & Vig.)

Some key obstacles & requirements do poor women on welfare face (childcare, work requirement, bureaucracy, etc.). Strict enforcement of welfare rules, how realistic? What are problems with this? (Hays rdg. 22, in C&V)

Guest Lecture on Suicide Prevention program at SU and key at-risk groups [Will have 1 test question on this]:

Key points—How common is suicide, how to ID students at risk, main causes of suicide, key suicide prevention techniques, warning signs, key at-risk groups,

Other things to focus on not covered in class:

Domestic Violence, how common? What programs aid vulnerable families (case studies) (D&B ch. 5)

Child Support payment problems in divorce cases (D&B Ch. 5)


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