Effects of exposure to lead on children

Part 1: Create Data File Using Statistical Software

Use the data collected in class to create a data file using statistical software and name it as A1_FirstInitialLastname_Data. If I were to submit this file, the filename would be A1_AChang_Data.

Data coding: When entering data, please use numeric values for different categories of data values in a qualitative (categorical) variable. For instance, use value “1” for male and “0” for female, and then label them with “Male” and “Female”, and also use value “1” for True or Yes and use value “0” for False or No and label them respectively. For number of days exercise per week, please create another categorical variable recording whether a subject exercise 3 days or more per week (use value “1”) or not (use value “0”) and label them properly. Try using the Recode option to recode the number of days exercise per week variable.

Special Note: When producing the statistics or charts in this assignment, please use only the valid data. Do not include missing values in each analysis.

Part 2: Descriptive Measures

Using the data file created from the data in Part 1 to answer the following questions by typing them in this document:

1) Find the overall mean, median and sample standard deviation of BMI variable in this data set.

Sample Mean = _________

Sample Standard Deviation = ___________

Sample Variance = __________

Sample Median = _________

2) Does the distribution of the BMI data for these children symmetrical belled-shape by looking at the histogram?

(Circle or underscore your answer) Yes No

3) Report the percentage distribution of the Wearing Contact Lenses variable?

|Wearing Contact |Relative Frequency |

|Yes |_____ % |

|No |_____ % |

4) Report the percentage distribution of Exercise Per Week variable.

|Exercise Per Week |Relative Frequency |

|3 Days or more |_____ % |

|Less than 3 days |_____ % |

5) Does the BMI data suggest that it was from a normally distributed population? Perform a normality test and report the p-value of the test using .05 or 5% as the cutoff for decision making of the normality test.

Report the p-value from the Shapiro-Wilk’s normality test and it is: __________

Your conclusion on the normality is (type your answer using less than 30 words):

6) Report the mean, median and sample standard deviation of BMI variable for female subjects in this data set.

Sample Mean = _________

Sample Standard Deviation = ___________

Sample Median = _________


• A test of normality video is in the following link:

Part 3: Descriptive Graphs using Statistical Software


Use data file that you created in Part 1 to answer the following questions. Copy all the charts generated from the statistical software into this WORD document and properly label each charts using Figure numbers as in the examples page shown in the later part of this assignment document. Please, for each of the chart you produced, write a sentence or two above of below the chart to comment on what you see from the chart.

1. Make a histogram to display the distribution of the BMI variable. (Use a class width of 10 starting from 40.)

[Copy and paste the graph here!]

[Write a sentence or two to comment on what you see in this chart.]

2. Make a frequency distribution table for the gender variable to see the frequency distribution and then make a bar chart.

[Copy and paste the graph here!]

[Write a sentence or two to comment on what you see in this chart.]

3. Make a cluster bar chart to examine the correlation between gender and wearing contact lenses variables. (Use the wearing contact lenses variable as the category axis and gender variable as the cluster variable.)

[Copy and paste the graph here!]

[Write a sentence or two to comment on what you see in this chart.]

4. Make a scatter plot to examine the correlation between BMI and Number of days exercise per week variables, and write a sentence to describe the trend you observed from the scatter plot.

[Copy and paste the graph here!]

[Write a sentence or two to comment on what you see in this chart.]

5. Find the 5-number summary for the BMI data and make a boxplot for the BMI data with mild and extreme outliers identified using inner and outer fences.

[Report the 5 numbers and list the outliers here if exist!]

[Copy and paste the boxplot here!]

[Write a sentence or two to comment on what you see in this chart.]

6. A nurse took the systolic blood pressure of a patient and recorded it every hour from 8 am to 6 pm. The data is shown in the following table. Produce a time plot to display the trend of the blood pressure measurements.

|Time |Blood Pressure mm Hg |

|8 am |119 |

|9 am |119 |

|10 am |120 |

|11 am |123 |

|12 pm |125 |

|1 pm |126 |

|2 pm |127 |

|3 pm |127 |

|4 pm |130 |

|5 pm |133 |

|6 pm |136 |

[Copy and paste the graph here!]

[Write a sentence or two to comment on what you see in this chart.]

Assignment Submission: Delete the example material below and save this file using the file name A1_FirstInitialLastname and submit it through dropbox before the deadline. If I were to submit this assignment, the filename would be A1_AChang.

Note: Each chart or table in your assignment needs to have proper number and title. (See the following example.)

A Paper Example:

Project: Pulse Rates Analysis

Student Name: John Smith

Major: Mathematics

1. The graphs, charts and tables in your report need to be all properly numbered and labeled with proper title. The example in the Figure 1 is for showing a histogram created with SPSS and that you wish to use it to explain or answer a question. Your graph should be large enough so that the information in the chart is readable. But, don’t let a chart take up more than half a page.

Figure 1: Histogram for Pulse Rates

2. If a table is presented in your paper, you should also label it with proper numbering and title as in Table 1 shown below. Don’t copy the whole table that SPSS produced in the output window into your report. Retrieve only the necessary information that you wish to describe in your paper.

Table 1: Descriptive Statistics for Pulse Rate Variable

|Statistics |Pulse Rate |

|Mean |71.5 |

|Standard Deviation |5.11 |

Use page number when your report is more than one page. Always use MS-WORD to prepare SPSS related project assignment.

Few tips on MS-WORD

1) Use Ctrl + Shift + = (press them at the same) to type superscript, and do the

same to go back to normal text. Example: X 2

2) Use Ctrl + = to type subscript, and do the same to go back to normal text.

Example: X2

3) For Greek letters and math symbols, from the MS-WORD menu bar, click and select through the following sequence: Insert / Symbol. You can insert symbols like:( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( and more …

4) Please explore the Equation option in your word processor to write mathematical equation.





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