Stat 201 – Project 2– Fall 2020Due Friday November 13, 2020(By 11:59pm, submitted to Canvas)100 TOTAL POINTSAssignments submitted by 11:59pm on Wednesday November 11th will receive +5 bonus pointsBackground: You are working as intern at a large media outlet. Your supervisor wants to write a series of articles about college students and different aspects they have or are experiencing this fall semester given the new policies and procedures. You have been directed to analyze certain variables collected from University of Tennessee Knoxville students and create a report to be used in the creation of the articles. The survey question descriptions are listed on page 6. Getting Started: The data are found in the file “Fall2020”, which is located in the Canvas Assignment. In real life situations, researchers would use all the data they have available after conducting a survey. For this project, however, you will create a random sample from the data set so that each student will have different results, and therefore will be turning in a UNIQUE project. When you create a random sample from the original JMP file, JMP creates a new file that will be named “Subset of”. You should IMMEDIATELY save a copy of this file by clicking the “File” menu and choosing “Save As…”. Make sure you do not confuse your sample with the original file!Taking Screenshots: Although there are many ways to get JMP graphics into a written presentation, we want you to use the “screen shot” method in all cases. Please see the video at for instructions on how to take selective screen shots on a PC or a Mac. Make sure your screenshots are cropped appropriately and are easy to read, poorly cropped/blurry screenshots will lose points. Tutorials: See the JMP tutorials on page 4 of this project for guidance with certain JMP tasks. Write-up: You will be including a substantial amount of output within your write-up. Include only the output necessary to answer the project questions. Any analysis which requires technology to answer a question must be provided as a screenshot. You have some creative liberties on the write up, but make sure you are consistent and the format is easy to read.You should put this output immediately before or after (but be consistent throughout your report) your comments regarding that specific part of the assignment (i.e., not just a series of printouts from JMP at the back of your write-up). The flow of the report must not include the question prompts as they are worded in this document but instead flow in the context of the report. You may use section headers as shown on page 5.Executive SummaryCraft an executive summary of the analyses. An executive summary is a short section that summarizes the longer report in such a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with the report. The executive summary should contain a brief statement of the problem covered in the major document, summarize key findings, and provide a solution to the problem based on the research.Section OneUsing the full JMP data file, get JMP to select a random sample of size of 60 plus the last 2 digits of your student ID number. For example, if your UT student ID number is 000314791, you will take a random sample of size 60 + 91 = 151. Save this new data table as a JMP file and use it for the rest of the project. Do NOT include a screenshot. You only need to report the size of your sample. Note: Knoxville News Sentinel reported the population of UTK Students enrolled Fall 2020 to be 30,599.Section TwoHistorically, 40% of eligible voters vote in an election. Assume that the students at UT Knoxville are eligible voters. Do you believe true proportion of UTK students voting in the election to be different than past elections? Take a moment and briefly explain why you agree or disagree. Note: there is no “right” answer here, it’s just your opinion. Clearly state all three conditions you need to check regarding the data collected to construct a confidence interval of the true proportion. State each condition. Explain how these conditions are met or are not met. Provide numerical justification where appropriate. Regardless of your conclusions about the conditions, continue to analyze the subsequent parts below.Use JMP to analyze the variable VOTING which will produce a bar chart and frequency table. Add to the graphic a 98.5% confidence interval for the population proportion of those planning to vote in the election. Include the screenshot of the JMP output.Interpret your confidence interval in context of those that are planning to vote in the election. Include the formula for this confidence interval using proper mathematical notation of the formula. You can also copy/paste from symbols in this project, most of which can be found in the table on page 4. A screenshot of the correct formula is acceptable. [Although in a report to a non-technical person, you typically would avoid proper mathematical notation, you must use correct mathematical notation here.]Using your confidence interval, state the conclusion regarding the initial hypothesis in part a) of this Section. It should be clear to the reader your decision, supported with information from your analysis. Section ThreeGenerate and include a screenshot of a histogram of the variable BLACK_FRIDAY. Your histogram must be displayed in a horizontal layout and have a count axis. Interpret your graphic. Make sure you describe the shape, center, and spread of the distribution. Comment on any unusual features or outliers you see (if you don’t see any unusual features or outliers, mention that). You do not need to remove any data points, only comment on them.Clearly state all three conditions you need to check regarding the data collected to perform a hypothesis test and construct a confidence interval for the population mean. State each condition. Explain how these conditions are met or are not met. Provide numerical justification where appropriate. Regardless of your conclusions about the conditions, continue to analyze the subsequent parts below.Use JMP to calculate a 93% confidence interval for the true population mean of how much UTK students plan to spend on Black Friday. Include the screenshot of the JMP output. Interpret your confidence interval in context of the problem.Include the formula for this confidence interval using proper mathematical notation of the formula. You can also copy/paste from symbols in this project, most of which can be found in the table on page 4. A screenshot of the correct formula is acceptable. [Although in a report to a non-technical person, you typically would avoid proper mathematical notation, you must use correct mathematical notation here.]Your supervisor thinks the true mean of the amount UTK college students will spend on Black Friday is $100. Using your JMP output, conduct a hypothesis test on your supervisor’s initial hypothesis. You decide which of the alternative hypothesis to use. Clearly state the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis and provide a full conclusion to the hypothesis test in context of the problem supported with information from your analysis output.Wrap Up/Future ResearchCraft a closing paragraph that brings new ideas related to this data going forward. Think of your closing paragraph as a job interview at the end of your internship. As in, what could the company be doing beyond what they currently did in this project. Leverage your education to tie in further analyses with concepts from your major (or field of interest if undecided/exploratory).Stat201 YouTube JMP TutorialsSectionHeadingTutorialNotesExecutive Summary/ConclusionCLICK HERE – Executive Summary1Miscellaneous TopicsTaking a Simple Random SampleCLICK HERE – Taking a Random Sample2Inference About a Population ProportionConfidence Interval for a Population ProportionCLICK HERE - Confidence Interval of Population Proportion3Graphical Display of Quantitative DataHistogram and Box PlotCLICK HERE – Histograms and Box Plots3T-Tests (Confidence Intervals & Hypothesis Testing)One-Sample T-TestCLICK HERE - Single Mean Confidence Intervals and TestsHelpful SymbolsH0 HA ?? μ σ y < ≤ ≠ ≥ > p pqn pqn σn sn z* tdf*Non-Video JMP Tutorials can be found here: OF PROJECT FLOW & STYLE (VERY ABBREVIATED)THIS IS MY INFORMATIVE TITLESubmitted by Jane Q. StudentEXECUTIVE SUMMARYHere’s where I put my awesome executive summary. This is like a mini-report where I include the characteristics of an Executive Summary. SECTION ONEMy Student ID is 000314791, therefore I took a random sample of 151.SECTION TWOBelow is my awesome bar chart. Here is me explaining it in context of the problem, making sure I included everything needed, such as numbers, values, and descriptions.[MORE SECTIONS WITH OUTPUT AND WRITE UPS]FUTURE RESEARCHHere is where I wrap up everything. Including where I make suggestions for where to take the analysis to the next level. FOR REFERENCE ONLY – SURVEY QUESTIONSGENDER - What is your gender?CREDIT_HOURS – How many credit hours are you taking this semester?VOTING – Do you plan to vote in the November 2020 election?COVID_TEST – Have you been tested for COVID?BLACK_FRIDAY – How much (in dollars) do you plan to spend on Black Friday?GREEK_LIFE – Are you a member of any Greek society on campus?RECYCLE – Chose the option which best fits your recycling efforts. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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