Q 1 Please state your name and business address.

A 1 My name is Raymond Thierry, and my business address is Pacific Gas and Electric Company, 123 Mission Street, San Francisco, California.

Q 2 Briefly describe your responsibilities at Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E).

A 2 I am a manager in the Gas Distribution and Technical Services Department. I am responsible for managing the Gas Pipeline Replacement Program, the Meter Protection Program and the Gas Field Support section.

Q 3 Please summarize your educational and professional background.

A 3 In 1985, I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. I am a registered Professional Mechanical Engineer in the state of California.

I have been employed at PG&E since 1985 in various capacities. As an engineer I have performed engineering studies of geothermal power plants, reliability studies of power plant systems and risk analysis of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. As a supervisor, I have managed sections responsible for nuclear risk analysis, nuclear regulatory affairs and licensing and substation quality assurance. As a manager I’ve held positions in nuclear safety assessment and licensing, assistant to the vice president of Nuclear Technical Services, and Power Plant System Engineering. Since April 2001, I have been a manager in Gas Distribution and Technical Services.

Q 4 What is the purpose of your testimony?

A 4 I am sponsoring the following testimony and supporting workpapers in PG&E’s 2007 General Rate Case:

• Exhibit (PG&E-4), Distribution Operations Costs:

– Chapter 16, Gas Distribution Capital; and

– Workpapers supporting Chapter 16, Gas Distribution Capital.

Q 5 Does this conclude your statement of qualifications?

A 5 Yes, it does.


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