General Inpatient (GIP) Eligibility & Documentation

General Inpatient (GIP) Eligibility &


Presented By Hospice of Southern Illinois

? 1-800-233-1708

GIP: Related Policies and SOP's

? C-2: Levels of Care

? C-14: Transfer to Contracted Facility

? C-SOP: Transferring a Patient From Medicare/Medicaid Routine Home Care to Medicare/Medicaid Inpatient Facility

? C-SOP: Transferring a Patient From Medicare/Medicaid Inpatient Facility to Medicare/Medicaid Routine Home Care


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(OIG Report for 2012)

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OIG Recommendations: ? Level of care eligibility:

DOCUMENT the reasons that GIP is appropriate for each patient. Evaluate continued eligibility for GIP EVERY DAY with documentation in the medical record that can be easily reviewed and evaluated.

? Review GIP length of stay regularly:

Review use of GIP and the length of stay for each patient at the GIP level of care on a monthly basis. Internal chart reviews for length of stay of more than 2-3 days should be carefully analyzed for continuing eligibility.

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HSI Standards:

GIP Eligibility Form (GIP-CC Eligibility) completed daily for each patient receiving GIP level of care

GIP patient records audited daily by the Regulatory Compliance Department. Audit includes assessing for presence and content of GIP Eligibility Form and assessing length of stay.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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