
771697 - Reflections on Teaching and Learning in Primary – EssayAssignment Checklist AND WORD COUNTChecklist before submitting assignments (please complete/check/tick/cross the box provided)My assignment word count(Word count must be given, unless told otherwise.)I have added my student number to the headerI have made sure that my name does not appear in my workI have made sure that all school information is anonymisedI have used Arial font size 12, with 1.5 or double line spacingI have checked that EVERY author and document I mention in my text appears in my reference listI have put short quotations in single or double inverted commas, formatted long quotations correctly, stated quotation origins AND provided relevant page numbersMy reference list is set out according to the university referencing guidelines and any other university guidance I have receivedAny appendices are placed after my writing, following my references (unless directed otherwise)I have proofread/checked my final draftI have kept a backup copy of my workASSIGNMENT FEEDBACKLearning Outcomes – 771697 Reflective Report(Highlighted if met)LO1: Make perceptive and complex judgements, critically weighing evidence and synthesising understanding of information and literature relating to teaching in primary schools.LO2: Demonstrate in-depth, perceptive and critically informed knowledge of how children learn, and apply said knowledge to inform inquiry and planning, assessment and reflection.LO3: Effectively and critically deploy established techniques of inquiry to enable reflections on practice supporting professional development.General Feedback Comments______________________________________________________________________________________Areas for developmentSpecific Marking Criteria Feedback – 771697 - Essay(Highlighted to show highest met)These are based on the generic University of Hull Level 7 Grading DescriptorsEXEMPLARY90% - 100%All requirements are met and the work has been approached, executed or performed in a highly original way.Attains the highest standards of scholarship that can be expected at Level 7, showing exemplary research skills and immediate potential to enter authoritatively into debates at the forefront of exploring the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics). Exemplary and compelling display of in-depth understanding, perceptive exploration and interpretation, stimulating and rigorous argument and striking insight in relation to the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics) and reflection on practice. Exemplary standard of creativity, inventiveness, independence of judgement and consistent evidence of originality of thought and expression. Exemplary use and application of a depth and breadth of sources (such as research, theory, ideas and concepts, as well as practice sources such as contextual evidence, details of incidents, action plans and other relevant information and artefacts). Exemplary understanding of the link between theory and its application in practice, including links to the Teachers’ Standards. Organisation, structure and standard of presentation, including referencing where appropriate, are exemplary throughout. Use of disciplinary terminology and techniques displays the highest level of accuracy and understanding.Exemplary standard of written communication.OUTSTANDING 80-89%All requirements are met and the work has been approached, executed or performed in an original way.Close to the highest standards of scholarship that can be expected at Level 7, showing outstanding research skills and potential to enter authoritatively into debates at the forefront of exploring the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics)Outstanding display of in-depth understanding, perceptive exploration and interpretation, stimulating and rigorous argument and striking insight in relation to the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics) and reflection on practice. Outstanding standard of creativity, inventiveness, independence of judgement and evidence of originality of thought and expression. Outstanding use and application of a depth and breadth of sources (such as research, theory, ideas and concepts, as well as practice sources such as contextual evidence, details of incidents, action plans and other relevant information and artefacts). Very high standard of understanding of the link between theory and its application, including links to the Teachers’ anisation, structure and standard of presentation, including referencing where appropriate, are outstanding throughout.Use of disciplinary terminology and techniques displays the highest level of accuracy and understanding.Outstanding standard of written communication.EXCELLENT70-79%All requirements are met and the work has been approached, executed or performed in an original way.Strong understanding and critique of the current state of knowledge and its application in relation to the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics) and displays an excellent level of scholarship. There may be scope for improvement in some areas in order to make the work of publishable quality. Excellent display of in-depth understanding, perceptive exploration and interpretation, stimulating and rigorous argument and striking insight in relation to the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics) and reflection on practice.High standard of creativity, inventiveness, independence of judgement and evidence of originality of thought and expression. Excellent use and application of a depth and breadth of sources (such as research, theory, ideas and concepts, as well as practice sources such as contextual evidence, details of incidents, action plans and other relevant information and artefacts).High levels of understanding of the link between theory and its application, including links to the Teachers’ anisation, structure and standard of presentation, including referencing where appropriate, are excellent throughout.Use of disciplinary terminology and techniques displays the highest level of accuracy and understanding.Excellent standard of written communication.VERY GOOD65-69%All requirements are met and the work has been approached, executed or performed to a very good standard.Very good understanding and critique of the current state of knowledge and its application in relation to the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics). Levels of scholarship are good, but there is be scope for improvement in some areas in order for the work to be of publishable quality.Very good display of in-depth understanding, exploration, interpretation and critical analysis with some evidence of insight in relation to the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics) and reflection on practice. Very good standard of creativity, inventiveness, independence of judgement and some evidence of originality of thought and expression (although this may lack finesse). Thorough use of relevant sources and evidence (such as research, theory, ideas and concepts, as well as practice sources such as contextual evidence, details of incidents, action plans and other relevant information and artefacts), but lacking the breadth and depth of engagement required for a distinction. Some awareness of the limitations of the evidence presented is lacking. Very good understanding of the link between theory and its application, including links to the Teachers’ anisation, structure and standard of presentation, including referencing where appropriate, are very good throughout.Use of disciplinary terminology and techniques displays very good levels of accuracy and understanding.Very good standard of written communication.GOOD 60-64%All of the core requirements are met and the work has been approached, executed or performed to a good standard.Understanding and critique of the current state of knowledge and its application in relation to the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics) are well demonstrated and raise the work above the minimum requirements of a pass grade. Errors, where present, are extremely minor and do not detract from the overall standard of the work.Some good examples of in-depth understanding, exploration, interpretation and critical analysis with some evidence of insight in relation to the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics) and reflection on practice. Evidence of creativity, inventiveness, independence of judgement and some evidence of originality of thought and expression (although this may lack finesse). Use of relevant sources and evidence (such as research, theory, ideas and concepts, as well as practice sources such as contextual evidence, details of incidents, action plans and other relevant information and artefacts), but lacking the breadth and depth of engagement required for a distinction. Awareness of the limitations of the evidence presented may be lacking. Good understanding of the link between theory and its application, including links to the Teachers’ anisation, structure and standard of presentation of the work, including referencing where appropriate, are good throughout.Use of disciplinary terminology and techniques displays good levels of accuracy and understanding. Good standard of written communication.SATISFACTORY 55-59%All of the core requirements are met and the work has been approached, executed or performed to a satisfactory standard.Understanding and critique of the current state of knowledge and its application in relation to the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics) is not fully demonstrated, meaning that the work is not lifted above the requirement of a Pass.Errors may be present but these are not significant enough to impact on the ability of the work to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria at the minimum level.Conscientious and attentive to the subject matter but engaging more in description (with generally poor linkage of issues and themes) than in showcasing in-depth understanding, exploration, interpretation and critical analysis in relation to the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics) and reflection on practice. Evidence of creativity, inventiveness, independence of judgement, insight and originality of thought and expression is occasional and limited.Relatively limited range of sources and evidence (such as research, theory, ideas and concepts, as well as practice sources such as contextual evidence, details of incidents, action plans and other relevant information and artefacts). Some assessment of the evidence presented, but this is largely underdeveloped and the limitations of the evidence are not fully articulated or understood. Some, but limited, understanding of the link between theory and its application, including links to the Teachers’ anisation, structure and standard of presentation, including referencing where appropriate, are on the whole sound, although some instances of poor or limited citation may be present.Use of disciplinary terminology and techniques displays adequate levels of accuracy and understanding. Reasonable standard of written communication.ADEQUATE, BUT WEAK 50-54%The core requirements are narrowly met and the work has been approached, executed or performed at the minimum satisfactory standard to achieve a pass grade. There is significant scope for improvement.Understanding and critique of the current state of knowledge and its application in relation to the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics) is not fully demonstrated, resulting in conclusions which do not always reflect the complexity of the subject matter. Errors are likely to be present, which mean that the work cannot rise above the very minimum pass grade.The work is conscientious and attentive to the subject matter but engages largely in description, and has poor linkages between issues and themes. It shows some but very limited evidence of in-depth understanding, exploration, interpretation and critical analysis in relation to the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics) and reflection on practice. Evidence of creativity, inventiveness, independence of judgement, insight and originality of thought and expression is occasional and very limited.Use of a range of sources and evidence which is only just satisfactory (such as research, theory, ideas and concepts, as well as practice sources such as contextual evidence, details of incidents, action plans and other relevant information and artefacts). There is some assessment of the evidence presented, but this is largely underdeveloped and the limitations of the evidence are not fully articulated or understood. Some, but limited, understanding of the link between theory and its application, including links to the Teachers’ anisation, structure and standard of presentation, including referencing where appropriate, are satisfactory, but a number of inconsistencies in citation may be present.Use of disciplinary terminology and techniques displays acceptable levels of accuracy and understanding. Acceptable standard of written communication.UNSATISFACTORY40-49%The core requirements are not met and the work has not been approached, executed or performed to a satisfactory standard.Overly simple conclusions are drawn which do not reflect the complexity of current thinking in relation to the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics).Some major errors or inaccuracies are present which mean the work is unable to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria even at the minimum level. Superficially engages with the subject matter, engages largely in description, and shows poor linkages between issues and themes. Arguments are not fully developed and evidence of in-depth understanding, exploration, interpretation and critical analysis is weak in relation to the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics) and reflection on practice. Evidence of creativity, inventiveness, independence of judgement, insight and originality of thought and expression is very limited.Use of a very limited range of sources and evidence and/or shows limited differentiation between the quality and appropriateness of the sources used (such as research, theory, ideas and concepts, as well as practice sources such as contextual evidence, details of incidents, action plans and other relevant information and artefacts). Assessment of the evidence presented is underdeveloped and the limitations of the evidence are not fully articulated or understood. Limited understanding of the link between theory and its application, including limited or lack of links to the Teachers’ Standards.Poorly structured and standards of presentation are inadequate. Citation and referencing may be present but are likely to be limited and poor. There may be some inaccurate representation of the work of others.Unsatisfactory standard of the use of disciplinary terminology and techniques.Unsatisfactory standard of written communication.VERY UNSATISFACTORY 1-39%The core requirements are not met and the work has not been approached, executed or performed to a satisfactory standard.Overly simple conclusions are drawn which do not reflect the complexity of current thinking in relation to the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics).Significant errors or inaccuracies are present.Superficially engages with the subject matter, is descriptive and shows little linkage between issues and themes in relation to the chosen focus theme (English / mathematics) and reflection on practice. Evidence of in-depth understanding, exploration, interpretation and critical analysis in relation to the chosen theme and/or personal reflection on practice, is absent. Evidence of creativity, inventiveness, independence of judgement, insight and originality of thought and expression is absent.Lacks supporting evidence and/or shows limited differentiation between the quality and appropriateness of the evidence used (such as research, theory, ideas and concepts, as well as practice sources such as contextual evidence, details of incidents, action plans and other relevant information and artefacts). Any limitations of the evidence are not articulated or understood. Almost no understanding of the link between theory and its application, including limited or lack of links to the Teachers’ Standards.The work lacks structure and standards of presentation are wholly inadequate. Citation and referencing are limited, poor, irrelevant and/or dated and include inaccurate representation of the work of others.Unsatisfactory standard of the use of disciplinary terminology and techniques.Unsatisfactory standard of written communication.Start your assignment at this point. Margins from this point forward have been set at 3 cm with Arial 12 font – delete all red text before submitting your assignment. ................

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