LESSON 12MAY 22, 2022SUBJECT: The Nature of Christian FreedomTOPIC: Freedom, Love, and FaithDEVOTIONAL READING: 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12BACKGROUND: Galatians 5:1-15LESSON: Galatians 5:1-15MEMORY VERSE: For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Galatians 5:14 NIVLESSON AIM: To be inspired to live a life of freedom through the Spirit of Christ.INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY OUTLINEI. FREEDOM IN THE LORD: GALATIANS 5:1To whom do all believers owe their liberty? Galatians 5:1aHow complete is the believer’s liberty? John 8:36From what has Christ set believers free?Romans 6:5-8Romans 7:6Romans 8:2Colossians 1:22Acts 13:39Hebrews 2:14-15Acts 15:5, 10-11(Jewish rites and ceremonies)Luke 4:18(Spiritual freedom)What is the believer’s responsibility once freed by Christ? Why? Galatians 5:1bII. FREEDOM FROM THE LAW: GALATIANS 5:2-12Research the background of circumcision in Judaism. Genesis 17:9-14 (Circumcision was a sign of the covenant God made with Abraham. Circumcision was the initiation rite into the Jewish community of faith. Circumcision was a sign of a saving relationship with God and not a means of salvation.)What is the consequence if one trusts the law (such as the rite of circumcision) to be saved? Discuss. Galatians 5:2What is required of those who trust Jewish rites and ceremonies (such as the rite of circumcision) to be saved? Galatians 5:3 What are two consequences of trying to be justified by the law? Galatians 5:4v. 4av. 4bWhat will believers receive if led by the Holy Spirit? Galatians 5:5Who is our hope of righteousness? 1 Timothy 1:1; Titus 2:13How does Christ view circumcision or uncircumcision? Galatians 5:6aWhat only counts in our relationship with God through Christ? Galatians 5:6bHow does faith express itself? Galatians 5:6b; James 2:18, 26How did Paul contrast the Galatians early life in Christianity with their latter life? Galatians 5:7aHow did Paul express that some of the Galatians had gone astray? What caused it? Galatians 5:7b Who could the Galatians not blame for causing them to stray? Galatians 1:6, Galatians 5:8 (The work of calling people is usually in the Scriptures attributed to God such as in Philippians 3:14.)How does Paul say even a little false teaching or one wrong person can infect all the others in the community of faith? Galatians 5:9What do you think “yeast” or “leaven” refer to in Galatians 5:9? (Paul is describing former Jewish religious leaders who became Christians, known as Judaizers. Research this group.) Acts 15:5; 1 Corinthians 5:5-8; Matthew 16:6, 12What was Paul’s advice about the yeast (leaven) of false teachers? Galatians 5:10aWhat will be the outcome of false teachers? Galatians 5:10bWhat accusation does it appear was presented against Paul according to Galatians 5:11? (Acts 16:1-3) How does Paul refute the charges?Why do you think Paul made a difference in the circumcision of Timothy and the uncircumcision of Titus? Both were his sons in the ministry. Acts 16:1-3; Galatians 2:1-5What do you think the “offense of the cross” refers to in Galatians 5:11? 1 Corinthians 1:18In what ways was the cross, the method of crucifixion, offensive?What did Paul call the false teachers in Galatia? What did he wish on them? Galatians 5:12III. FREEDOM TO LOVE: GALATIANS 5:13-15What is the purpose of Christ calling us? Galatians 5:13aHow should one not use the freedom attained from Christ? How are we to use it? Galatians 5:13bcWhat one commandment fulfills the whole Law? Galatians 5:14What is a sure way to destroy the community of faith, the church? Galatians 5:15 ................

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