LACDR/BFW Lecture series (caputcolleges)

Master/Ph.D. Course


|Period: |December 3-7, 2007 (Ph.D.) |

| |December 3-14, 2007 (M.Sc.) |

|Co-ordinators: |Dr. E. Vreugdenhil/Dr. J. Meerman |

| |Tel. 071-5276230 |

| |e-mail: |

|Language: |English |

|Venue: |Gorlaeus Lab, Einsteinweg 55, Leiden |

|Description |

|Central in pharmacogenomics research are the questions how drugs affect the genome and how the genome affects drug action |

|and disease. The sequencing of the human genome has led to a tremendous impact on pharmacological experimentation. Two main|

|findings in the human genome project turned out to be crucial for this development: Firstly, the sequence of all 25.000 |

|genes became known enabling large scale screening techniques such as DNA microarrays. Secondly, millions so-called single |

|nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP’s) are present in the human genome which are likely responsible for the individual genetic |

|vulnerability towards disease and towards drug therapy. |

|This course deals with established and novel methods in pharmacogenomic and pharmacogenetic research and their application |

|in drug target discovery & validation, and in ‘individualization’ of drug action. The research tools of genomics and |

|genetics will be covered by various lecturers active in these fields. Topics that will be discussed are microarrays, data |

|analysis, laser-capture of target tissue, epigenetics, microRNA, polymorphisms, SNP analysis, real-time PCR. Examples will |

|be presented of applications in target discovery and validation, efficacy testing, diagnostic applications, prediction of |

|individual drug action and toxicology. Finally, some perspectives are discussed for future developments in genomics and |

|their possible applications in drug research. |

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|Students |

|PhD students of the research school LACDR (and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) and the International Research |

|and Training Program –IRTG- Leiden/Trier; MSc students BFW. Limited places available for other PhD/MSc students. |

|  | |

|Admittance demands |

|Sufficient background knowledge of molecular genetics, molecular celbiology, drug action and drug targets |

Method of Instruction

Lectures will be given in the mornings followed by practical work in the afternoons. MSc students also choose a topic of interest that will be the subject of a short written report/research proposal and at the end of week two, and an oral presentation.

Required reading

Lecture notes (hand-outs), reviews and selected research papers.

Course objective

To make PhD/MSc students familiar with modern pharmacogenomic research


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