Grade 5 Geography Term 1 - Brackenham Primary School


Grade 5 Geography Term 1


Section 1: World map and compass directions ....................................................................2 The position of the equator and the North and South Poles on a globe ...........................2 The seven continents of the world....................................................................................3 The eight points of the compass ......................................................................................3

Section 2: Africa, our continent ............................................................................................4 The position of Africa on a world map and globe .............................................................4 Borders of Countries ........................................................................................................5 The countries of Africa .....................................................................................................6 The big cities of Africa ......................................................................................................7 South Africa's neighbouring countries..............................................................................8 Capital Cities ....................................................................................................................9 The Capital cities of South Africa .....................................................................................9 Features on a physical map ...........................................................................................10 Some of Africa's greatest physical features ...................................................................11 Important mountains and deserts of Africa.....................................................................12 Important Rivers, Lakes and Waterfalls of Africa ...........................................................13 Rivers and lakes that are borders between countries in Africa.......................................15 Images of Africa: What photographs can tell you about people and places in Africa ....15

GM 2018


Section 1: World map and compass directions

The position of the equator and the North and South Poles on a globe

The equator is an imaginary line that divides the earth into a top half and a bottom half. The top half is called the northern hemisphere and the bottom half is called the southern hemisphere. If you move north from the equator you will get to the top of the earth. The top of the earth is called the North Pole. If you move south from the equator you will get to the bottom of the earth. The bottom of the earth is called the South Pole.


Southern Hemisphere

Northern Hemisphere

The position of the equator and the North and South Poles

GM 2018

View from the top of the world

View from the bottom of the


3 Activity 1 1. Look at the picture of the globe on the worksheet that will be given to you. Which

letters A, B and C show the position of the equator, North Pole and South Pole?

The seven continents of the world

In Grade 4, you learnt that there are seven continents. The continents are: North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Antarctica and Australia/Oceania.

You are here.

Activity 2

1. Look at the outline of the world map handed out to you. Colour each continent using a different colour and name the continent.

2. Which continent is the smallest? 3. Which continent is the largest? 4. Do you think that Africa is a big or a small continent?

The eight points of the compass

Do you remember how to move around a map using four compass directions? North is up, south is down, west is left and east is right. By adding four more points on a compass, it is even easier to describe where places are.

Useful Tip ActiviYtyou3can remember the four main compass points by using the following phrase:

GM 2018

Never Eat Silk Worms


1. In your workbook, redraw the compass points with the four compass points N, S, W and E, and add the two new compass points SW and NW.

2. What do SW and NW stand for? 3. Add NE and SE yourself. 4. What do NE and SE stand for?

The position between north and east is called northeast (NE). The position between north and west is called northwest (NW). The position between south and east is called southeast (SE). The position between south and west is called southwest (SW).

Activity 4

Look at the world map on page 3. The dot on this page shows the position of South Africa. Use this dot as a reference point to answer the following questions.

1. Name the continent that is west of South Africa. 2. Name the continent that is south of South Africa. 3. Name the continent that is east of South Africa. 4. What country will you find if you move northeast from South Africa? 5. What ocean will you find if you move in a south easterly direction? 6. What country will you find if you move in a north westerly direction?

Section 2: Africa, our continent

The position of Africa on a world map and globe

On the diagram and picture of the globe on page 2 you will see that the line of the equator runs through the centre of the African continent. When you look at a globe, it is not really possible to describe the position of Africa as being `in the middle' of the world. How would you describe the position of Africa?

GM 2018

Oceans around the coast of Africa


Activity 5

Look at the world map, on the previous page.

1. Write the names of the oceans around Africa. 2. Which oceans are found off the west coast of Africa? 3. Which oceans are found off the east coast of Africa? 4. Is there sea between Africa and Europe?

Borders of Countries

Border Boundary

Plateau Coastline Irregular Landlocked


The boundary (outline) of a country is called a border. A line, imaginary or drawn on a map, showing the end or edge of an area. A large flat area of land that is usually high above sea-level. The area between the land and the sea. Without a repeated pattern. These are countries that are not next to the sea or an ocean. Their borders do not touch the coastline and they are surrounded by land.

Think of the wall or fence around your home. The wall/fence shows the boundary of your plot of land. The land on the other side belongs to somebody else. The boundary of a country is called a border. Borders are drawn on maps to show the land that belongs to a country. Border lines between countries are not actually drawn on the ground, although we can see them on maps. Borders can be straight lines or irregular lines.

Irregular boundary lines often follow rivers, mountains or coastlines. Straight lines are usually used when there are no natural boundaries. This happens in deserts and plateaus. Sometimes, walls or fences are built along borders to stop people moving from one country to another. One of the most famous borders is the Great Wall of China. It was built to protect the northern border of China from enemies.

GM 2018


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