GEOGRAPHY Plans for Year KS3 Curriculum 2019-20 Mission ...

GEOGRAPHY Plans for Year KS3 Curriculum 2019-20

Mission Statement: Knowing and caring about the world we live in


Year 7

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

What is Geography? and Map Skills Students are introduced to the types of Geography studied across the Key Stage. Students are also introduced to a range of map skills that underpin good Geographical learning, including: map symbols, four and six figure grid references, scale, distance, height and contour drawing.

What is Geography? and Map Skills Students are introduced to the types of Geography studied across the Key Stage. Students are also introduced to a range of map skills that underpin good Geographical learning, including: map symbols, four and six figure grid references, scale, distance, height and contour drawing.


Students investigate and understand processes and landforms that occur along a river's upper, middle and lower course. Key skill of flood hydrograph also introduced here.

Spring 2

A Dangerous World

Students investigate a range of hydrometeorological hazards, including: floods, droughts and hurricanes. Students will explore a range of contemporary case studies and begin to evaluate why these types of hazard are becoming more frequent.

Summer 1


Summer 2

Local Area Project

Students to explore past, present and future global population characteristics. Students to understand the causes and effects of current population trends.

Students to undertake an enquiry based project on their local area.

GEOGRAPHY Plans for Year KS3 Curriculum 2019-20

Mission Statement: Knowing and caring about the world we live in


Year 8

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Tectonics Students investigate all re earthquakes and volcanoes. Students explore tectonic theory and delve into recent examples of earthquakes and volcanoes.

Coasts Students explore coastal processes and features. Students investigate the impact of humans on UK coastlines.

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Future Superpowers: China and India

Students delve into the geopolitics of China and India. They explore how their physical and human geography has provided the tools for both countries to become the world's future economic and political powers.

Future Superpowers: China and India

Students delve into the geopolitics of China and India. They explore how their physical and human geography has provided the tools for both countries to become the world's future economic and political powers.

Weather and Climate

Students to know and understand the role of weather and climate on our planet. Students to investigate types of weather, types of climate and the impact they have on us.

Microclimate Project

Students to undertake an enquiry based project on microclimates within Beal High School.

GEOGRAPHY Plans for Year KS3 Curriculum 2019-20

Mission Statement: Knowing and caring about the world we live in


Year 9

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Climate Change and Sustainability

Students to investigate arguably the most important issue facing humans in the 21st Century. Students will understand the causes of current climate change. Students will also explore a series of case studies of the wideranging impacts that climate change is having on our planet. Students will then explore potential solutions to this issue and begin to evaluate the possibilities of these solutions becoming a reality.

Climate Change and Sustainability

Students to investigate arguably the most important issue facing humans in the 21st Century. Students will understand the causes of current climate change. Students will also explore a series of case studies of the wideranging impacts that climate change is having on our planet. Students will then explore potential solutions to this issue and begin to evaluate the possibilities of these solutions becoming a reality.

Conflict in the Middle East

Students to investigate the causes and impacts of conflict in the Middle East.


Students delve into the role of globalisation and how it has made some societies more connected. Students will also explore the impacts of globalisation on a range of different locations around the world.

GCSE Topic: Development

Students will learn GCSE topic ? Development.

Summer 2

GCSE Topic: Development

Students will learn GCSE topic ? Development.


Recommended wider reading for KS3 Students.

- Asha and the spirit bird by Jasbinder Bilan - Don't know much about Geography by Kenneth C. Davis - The selected works of T.S Spivet by Reif Larsen - East of Eden by Steinbeck - Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson - On the map by Simon Garfield.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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