1. Circle length of the Axis Meridian is calculated by this formula.

A) [pic]=60n-30

B) [pic]=30n-60

C) [pic]=60n

D) [pic]=30n+60

E) [pic]=60n+60

2. Connection principle between the Zenyt distance and Slope angle.

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

3. What is Absolute altitude?

A) Vertical distance’s length from the level surface of the Earth to the point which described on the Earth.

B) Vertical distance ‘s length from the Conventionally accepted level surface to the point which described on the Earth.

C) Distance length between Surface levels which last through 2 points.

D) Horizontal distance’s length from the level surface of the Earth to the point which described on the Earth.

E) Vertical distance’s length from the centre of the Earth to the point which described on the Earth.

4. What is the Magnetic Declination?

A) Difference between Magnetic North and True North

B) Difference between Polar Axis and Grid North

C) Difference between Magnetic North and Grid Nort

D) Difference between Grid North and Tru North

E) Difference between Tru North and Polar Axis

5. Which version is correct by cheking Level?

A) Cylindric balance’s arrow must be perpendicular to the instument’s vertical arrow.

B) Cylindric balance’s arrow must be vertical to the instument’s vertical arrow.

C) Cylindric balance’s arrow must be at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the instrument’s vertical arrow.

D) Cylindric balance’s arrow must be at an angle of 60 degrees relative to the instrument’s vertical arrow.

E) Cylindric balance’s arrow must be at an angle of 75 degrees relative to the instrument’s vertical arrow.

6. Limited wrong price at the Theoretical calculations.

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

7. Trigonometric Level formula.

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

8. What is the Declination of Grid North?

A) Difference between Tru North and Grid North

B) Difference between Polar Axis and Grid North

C) Difference between Magnetic North and Grid Nort

D) Difference between Magnetic North and True North

E) Difference between Tru North and Polar Axis

9. Ellipsoid’s polar concavity is calculated by this formula.

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

10. How is cross-leveling ?

A) Carried out on the perpendicular line to the vertical-leveling.

B) Carried out on the parallel line to the vertical-leveling.

C) Carried out at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the vertical-leveling.

D) Carried out at an angle of 75 degrees relative to the vertical-leveling.

E) Carried out at an angle of 30 degrees relative to the vertical-leveling.

11. By which formula is calculated the height of the M point between two horizontals?

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

12. Y of point 1 equals 100, X equals to 100 and Y of point 2 is equal to 200, X equals to 200. Please, select bellow the right Value of the Grid Azimuth of the Line 1-2.

A) 45º

B) 30º

C) 90º

D) 180º

E) 270º

13. Rising calculation formula of the Method of Forward-Leveling.

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic] [pic]

E) [pic]

14. What does [pic] mean in [pic]?

A) Total risings.

B) The difference in heights of points.

C) Calculation totals which are taken from back staffs.

D) Calculation totals which are taken from forward staffs.

E) Height totals of points.

15. Pinciples of Random column’s corner meridian’s geografical length.

A) (Ş=(N-31) (60


B) (Ş=(N-31) (30


C) (Ş=(N-41) (60


D) (Ş=(N-31) (60


E) (Ş=(N-41) (60


16. Y (easting) of point 1 is equal to 100, X (northing) is equal to 100 and

Y of point 2 is equal to 200, X is equal to 200. Please, calculate the Distance 1-2.

A) 141. 421m

B) 241. 354m

C) 123. 154m

D) 198. 351m

E) 185. 884m

17. How many pieces of pages of the Million map have to be divided to get 1:100 000 scale map?

A) 144

B) 9

C) 36

D) 4

E) 8

18. Cutting height is calculated by this formula.

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

19. The tool to measure areas on the map.

A) Planimetr

B) Bussol

C) Eklimetr

D) Balancer

E) Ekker

20. Y (easting) of point 1 is equal to 1100. 521, X (northing) is equal to 1120. 322 and Y of point 2 equals 2201. 133, X equals to 2220. 457. Please, calculate the Distance 1-2.

A) 1556. 163m

B) 1556. 181m

C) 1556. 170m

D) 1556. 123m

E) 1556. 144m

21. What is Direction Angle?

A) Beginning from the North point of the Axis meridian,in clockwise course.

B) Beginning from the South point of the Axis meridian,in clockwise course.

C) Horizontal angle which is situated between Real Meridian’s North direction and given line’s direction and in clockwise course.

D) Horizontal angle which is situated between Real Meridian’s South direction and given line’s direction and in clockwise course.

E) The angle beginning from the North point of the Axis Meridian,in anti-clockwise course and between given line.

22. Connecting between the Direction and Real Azimuth angles.

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

23. Approximately how much distance have to be kept between Level and Staff?

A) 50m

B) 5m

C) 0. 5m

D) 500m

E) 5000m

24. Y (easting) of point 1 is equal to 1201. 25, X (northing) equals to 1000. 26 and Y of point 2 is equal to 2600. 22, X equals to 2000. 65. Please, calculate the Grid Azimuth of Line 1-2.

A) 54°25'54"

B) 54°23'55"

C) 54°23'59"

D) 54°23'54"

E) 54°23'53"

25. What does i mean in [pic] ?

A) Height of the the instrument?

B) Distance between two staffs.

C) Report from the forward staff.

D) Report from the backward staff.

E) Rising.

26. Connection between Direction and Rumb angles?

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

27. Connection between Straight and Opposite Azimuth.

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

28. Y (easting) of point 1 is equal to 120. 25, X (northing) equals to 110. 25 and Y (easting) of point 2 is equal to 100. 22, X (northing) equals to 200. 65. Please, select calculate the Grid Azimuth of Line 1-2.

A) 347°30'24"

B) 167°23'33"

C) 167°30'24"

D) 347°33'44"

E) 347°23'53"

29. What does [pic] mean in [pic]?

A) The total reports of forward staffs.

B) Differences of points height.

C) The total reports of backward staffs.

D) Total heights of points.

E) Rising totals.

30. Colimasion mistake is calculated by this formula?

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

31. Which formula is belong to the Light and Radio Distance Measuring calculation?

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

32. Y of point 1 equals to 1000, X equals to 1200 and Y of point 2 is equals 900, X equals to 1300. Please, finde the direction and value of Rhumb of the line 1-2.

A) SW 45°

B) NE 45°

C) NW 45°

D) SE 45°

E) WE 45°"

33. Which formula is belong to measurement of the Handled Distance Measuring ?

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

34. Straight Geodesy Task is solved by this formula?

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

35. If the Exit Direction Angle is known, How we can get next side’s Direction Angle?

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

36. Y of point 1 is equal to 1200, X equals to 1200 and Y of point 2 is equal to 900, X equals to 1100. Please, finde the Rhumb of line 1-2.

A) NW 71°33'54"

B) NE 71°33'54"

C) SE 71°33'54"

D) SW 71°33'54"

E) WE 71°33'54"

37. Limited volue of the angle openness while Closed Theodolite Process.

A) f(həd=(45([pic]

B) f(həd=(1,5([pic]

C) f(həd=(15([pic]

D) f(həd=(30([pic]

E) f(həd=(2([pic]

38. Which formula is belong to angle mistake while Closed Theodolite Process?

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

39. What is Trigonometric Level?

A) Determining the rising between two points with sloping beam on the surface.

B) Determining the rising between two points with horizontal beam on the surface

C) Determining the rising between two points with Barometr on the surface.

D) The Leveling based on reflection of the Electromagnit wave .

E) The Leveling based on the rising of same areas with couple of aeropictures.

40. What is the Map Scale?

A) Ratio of Distance on a Map to Distance on the Ground

B) Ratio of Distance on the Ground to distance on a Map

C) Ratio of Angle Value on the Ground to Angle Value on a Map

D) Ratio of Angle Value on a Map to Angle Value on the Ground

E) Ratio of Height on the Ground to Height on a Map

41. Government Geodesy Web is created by these ways.

A) Triangulation



B) Triangulation


C) Triangulation


D) Level



E) Triangulation



42. Which formula is belong to Rising of the Central Difficult Leveling.?

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

43. Perimeter openness of the process in closed poligon.

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

44. Which of them is the Type of the Map Scale?

A) Graphic Scale

B) Weight Scale

C) Image Scale

D) Top Scale

E) Distance Scale

45. Openness for the coordinate growth while Theodolite Process (closed and open) is calculated.

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

46. Impact between Earth concavity and Geometric Leveling.

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

47. What is Exposure Angle?

A) The angle between binocular’s vither line and projection on it’s horizontal surface.

B) The angle between binocular’s vither line and vertical line.

C) Horizontal angle between two directions.

D) The angle between vertical line and horizontal projection of the binocular’s vither line.

E) Completive of the Zenith distance at 180 degree.

48. One centimeter on the Map equals 1 kilometer on the Earth. Which of them is the ratio of corresponding Map Scale?

A) 1:100000

B) 1:10000

C) 1:1000000

D) 1:1000

E) 1:100

49. Permissible Mistake while Technical Leveling.

A) (hmüs. . =(50mm(L

B) (hmüs. = (10mm(L

C) (hmüs. = (40mm(L

D) (hmüs. = (20mm(L

E) (hmüs. = (5mm(L

50. Volue of Azimuth angle.

A) (00, (3600(

B) (00, (1800(

C) (00, (900(

D) (00, +900(

E) (00, (900(

51. Permissible Mistake of the 2nd class Leveling.

A) (hmüs=[pic]

B) (hmüs=[pic]

C) (hmüs=[pic]

D) (hmüs=[pic]

E) (hmüs=[pic]

52. One kilometer on the Earth equals 50 centimeter on the Map. Which of them is the ratio of the corresponding Map Scale?

A) 1:2000

B) 1:200

C) 1:20000

D) 1:10000

E) 1:1000

53. Limited volue of the 3rd class Leveling process.

A) 200km

B) 50km

C) 100km

D) 350km

E) 500km

54. Limited volue of the 4th class Leveling process

A) 100km

B) 350km

C) 500km

D) 50km

E) 200km

55. Zero point of the 2T30 theodolite is calculated by this formula.

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

56. One centimeter on the Map equals 2 km on the Earth according to Map Scale Ratio:

A) 1:200000

B) 1:10000

C) 1:1000000

D) 1:1000

E) 1:100

57. Distance between two points in Opposite Geodesy Task is calculated by this formula.

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

58. In 3 graded zones the length of the middle meridian is calculated by this formula.

A) (=30n

B) (=60 n

C) (=30(n-1.

D) (=30 (n-1.

E) (=20(n+1.

59. Connection between Real and Magnet Azimuthes.

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

60. One kilometer on the Earth equals 10 centimeter on the Map. Which of them is the ratio of corresponding Map Scale?

A) 1:10000

B) 1:20000

C) 1:10000

D) 1:1000

E) 1:2000

61. Which report is able to be taken from staff?

A) 6378mm

B) 6378sm

C) 6378dm

D) 6378m

E) 6378km

62. What is Geoid?

A) The figure that covered by Main Level Surface.

B) The figure like a Sferoid.

C) The figure like a Referrance-Ellipsoid.

D) The figure like a sphere.

E) The figure like an ellipse.

63. The volue of the Earth concavity.

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

64. What is a Horizontal Distance?

A) Distance measured on a horizontal line or plane

B) Distance between visible horizon and point on the Ground

C) Distance along visible horizon

D) Distance measured on the Ground

E) Distance measured using Surveying Instruments

65. What is the inclination angle of the vertical direction in mountainous terrains than the normal


A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

66. In which direction The Earth is divided into lanes beginning from the Greenwich Meridian?

A) To the East

B) To the West

C) To the North

D) To the South

E) Nowhere.

67. What does The Earth Concavity mean?

A) Difference between the Big Semi-axis and the Little Semi-axis and then the value of divided into Big Semi-axis

B) Difference between the Little Semi-axis and Big Semi-axis and then the value of divided into Little Semi-axis.

C) Difference between the Little Semi-axis and Big Semi-axis and then the value of divided into Big Semi-axis.

D) Difference between the Little Semi-axis and Big Semi-axis and then the value of divided into Little Semi-axis.

E) Difference between the Little Semi-axis and Big Semi-axis and then the value of divided into Big Semi-axis.

68. What is a Horizontal Angle?

A) Angle between 2 Lines on Earth Surface measured on a Horizontal Plane

B) Angle between visible Horizon and Line on the Earth

C) Angle between Zenith and Horizon

D) Angle between Nadir and Zenith

E) Angle measured using Surveying Instruments

69. Which similar description of horizontal projection of the Earth surface is named plan on paper?

A) Reduced

B) Changed

C) Faultless

D) Enlarged

E) Similar

70. What must be done on plan’s angles,lines,contours,areas?

A) Distortion

B) Enlarged

C) Without distortion

D) Changed

E) Reduced

71. What is Numerical Scale?

A) Ratio of any line’s length on plan or map to proper line’s horizontal projection on the surface.

B) Ratio of the line’s horizontal projection on the surface to proper line’s length on plan or map.

C) Multiplication of any line’s length on plan or map to proper line’s horizontal projection on the surface.

D) Totality of any line’s length on plan or map to proper line’s horizontal projection on the surface

E) Reduced degree of any line’s length on plan or map to proper line’s horizontal projection on the surface

72. What is a Vertical Angle?

A) Angle between Line on Earth Surface and Horizontal Plane

B) Angle between Line on Earth Surface and Vertical Plane

C) Angle measured using surveying instruments

D) Angle between Zenith and Horizon

E) Angle between Zenith and Vertical Plane

73. What is Linear Scale?

A) Graphic description of the Numerical Scale

B) Graphic description of the Transverse Scale

C) Graphic description of the Lengthwise Scale

D) Numerical description of the Transverse Scale

E) Numerical description of the Lengthwise Scale

74. What is Scale?

A) The number that shows reducing scale of line’s horizontal projection on plan or map.

B) The number that shows reducing scale of angle’s horizontal projection on plan or map.

C) The number that shows reducing scale of angle’s vertical projection on plan or map.

D) The number that shows reducing scale of line’s vertical projection on plan or map

E) of area’s horizontal projection on plan or map

75. How many zones exist on our planet?

A) 44

B) 20

C) 32

D) 30

E) 25

76. What is the Slope?

A) Ratio of Heght Difference to Horizontal Distance

B) Ratio of Heght Difference to Slope Distance

C) Ratio of Heght Difference to Horizontal Angle

D) Ratio of Heght Difference to Vertical Angle

E) Ratio of Heght Difference to Vertical Distance

77. What is Cutted Height ?

A) Difference between two nearly horizontals.

B) Totality of two nearly horizontals.

C) Multiplication of two nearly horizontals.

D) Ratio of two nearly horizontals

E) Difference’s quadratic of two nearly horizontals

78. How much is Cutted Height in 1:25000 scaled map?

A) 5m

B) 1m

C) 2m

D) 10m

E) 20m

79. What is horizontal?

A) Smooth curved lines which connect equal height points.

B) Smooth curved lines which connect equal coordinate points

C) Smooth curved lines which connect different coordinate points

D) Smooth curved lines which connect different height points

E) Smooth curved lines which connect equal depth points.

80. Which of them is the Angle Measurement Standard Accuracy of the Total Station TCR407?

A) 7´´

B) 5´´

C) 4´´

D) 40´´

E) 0´´

81. How accurate are angles of Technical Theodolites?

A) (15-30(

B) (0. 5-1. 0(

C) ( 2-5(

D) (0. 5-5(

E) ( 2-15(

82. What is measured while setting of Taxometric Planning?

A) All of sides,horizontal and vertical angles

B) All of horizontal and vertical angles

C) All of sides and horizontal angles

D) All of sides and vertical angles

E) All of sides only.

83. What are measuring while theodolite steps?

A) All of sides,horizontal and vertical angles

B) All of horizontal and vertical angles

C) All of sides and horizontal angles

D) All of sides and vertical angles

E) All of sides only.

84. Which of them is the Distance Measurement Standard Accuracy of the Total Station TCR407?

A) 2mm+2ppm

B) 2sm+2ppm

C) 20sm+2ppm

D) 2m+2ppm

E) 0mm

85. What is Leveling?

A) Measurement process to determine Surface points heights.

B) Measurement process to determine Surface points heights and coordinates.

C) Measurement process to determine Surface geodesy and rectangle coordinates

D) Measurement process to determine Surface points coordinates

E) Measurement process to determine Surface points heights and polar coordinates

86. Geometric Leveling is processed.

A) With horizontal beam and Level instrument.

B) With sloping beam and Theodolite instrument

C) With horizontal beam and Theodolite instrument

D) With sloping beam and Level instrument

E) With sloping and horizontal beam and Level instrument

87. In which class of Leveling is used H-3 Level?

A) III and IV class

B) II class

C) III class

D) IV class

E) I class

88. What is the Leveling?

A) Technique for measuring differences in Height

B) Technique for Height measuring

C) Technique for Angles measuring

D) Technique for Distances measuring

E) Technique for Coordinates measuring

89. By which formula is calculated worker heights for every points of Quadratic Web?

A) r =Hred-Hblack

B) r =Hblack-Hred

C) r =Hblack+Hred

D) r =2Hred-Hblack

E) r =2Hblack-Hred

90. After drawing project line how to get it’s sloping?

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

91. By which formula is calculated project heights (red heights)?

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

92. Which of them is the Leveling Techniques?

A) Trigonometric

B) Triangulation

C) Mathematical

D) Physical

E) Algebraic

93. Which paper is for setting profile?

A) Millimetric

B) Kalka

C) Watman

D) Watman or kalka

E) Kalka or millimetric

94. What is determined while horizontal planning?

A) Horizontal coordinates of surface points.

B) Length of lines of surface.

C) Heights differences of surface points

D) Vertical coordinates of surface points

E) Vertical and horizontal coordinates of surface points

95. What is d in


A) Distance between Level and staff

B) Report from staff

C) The Earth’s radius

D) Instrument’s horizon.

E) The Earth concavity

96. What of them is the necessary Accessory to the Geometric Leveling Process?

A) Leveling Staff

B) Leveling Cable

C) Leveling Rope

D) Level Spoon

E) Leveling fork

97. What is Conventional Height?

A) The length of vertical distance lasting through any point’s surface level to the Earth’s point

B) Double-sided angle between Greenwich meridian’s surface and meridian surface through any point

C) The angle between normal from the point and equator surface

D) The angle between vertical line from the point and equator surface

E) The angle between normal from the point and Greenwich surface

98. What is Abris?

A) Schematic draft of Station on arbitrary scale

B) Schematic draft of Station on arbitrary or accurate scale

C) Schematic draft of Station on any scale

D) Schematic draft of Station on 1:100 000 scale

E) Schematic draft of Station on 1:2000 scale

99. Accuracy of Theodolite T-15

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

100. Which of them is the type of Surveying Level for Geometric Leveling?

A) Spirit Level

B) Barometric Level

C) Topographic Level

D) Parabolic Level

E) Hyperbolic Level

101. Which version is about Checking of Level?

A) The axis of Circle balance must be parallel to the Level’s spin axis.

B) The axis of Circle balance must be parallel to the binoculars thread web’s horizontal axis

C) The axis of Cylindric balance must be perpendicular to the binocular’s aim axis

D) The axis of Circle balance must be parallel to the Cylindric balance’s axis

E) Spin axis of Level must be perpendicular to the binocular’s spin axis

102. Which instrument is for setting up rectangle on area?

A) Ekker

B) Eklimetr

C) Bussol

D) Level[pic]

E) Balancer

103. Refraction calculation while Geometric Leveling .

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

104. H3 Level is … Surveying Level.

A) Precise

B) Nonprecise

C) High-precision

D) 3´´ precision

E) 3m precision

105. The length of Ellipsoid’s Big Semi-axis.

A) a=6378km

B) a=6300km

C) a=6500km

D) a=6450km

E) a=6000km

106. Which coordinant system is shown?


A) Rectangle coordinant system on surface

B) Rectangle Geodesy coordinant system

C) Polar coordinant system

D) Rectangle space coordinant system

E) Dekart coordinant system

107. Which coordinant system is shown?


A) Gauss-Kruger zone coordinant system

B) Space coordinant system

C) Rectangle coordinant system

D) Geodesy coordinant system

E) Astronomy coordinant system

108. Height Difference between points 1and 2 is equal to -0523mm. Height of point 1 equals to +159. 354m. Please, select bellow the Height of point 1?

A) +158. 831

B) +159. 877

C) +159. 354

D) -159. 877

E) + 682. 354

109. Which formula is belong to instrument horizont?

A) AÜ=HRpA +a

B) AÜ= HRpA –b

C) AÜ= HRpA-(a+b)

D) AÜ= HRpA-a

E) AÜ= HRpA+2a

110. Geometric Leveling Readings between points 1 and 2 are BS=1675mm and FS=0745mm. Please, select bellow the Height Difference value between mentioned points?

A) +930mm

B) -2420mm

C) +2420mm

D) -930mm

E) +945mm

111. Which form of Leveling is shown?


A) Difficult form of Central Leveling

B) Basic form of Central Leveling

C) Difficult form of Triginimetric Leveling

D) Difficult form of Forward Leveling

E) Basic form of Forward Leveling

112. Which coordinant system is shown?


A) Zone coordinant system

B) Geographic coordinant system

C) Space coordinant system

D) Geodesy coordinant system

E) Astronomy coordinant system

113. Principle of Opposite Task of Geodesy.


A) [pic]; [pic]; [pic]; [pic]

B) [pic]; [pic]; [pic]; [pic]

C) [pic]; [pic]; [pic]; [pic]

D) [pic]; [pic]; [pic]; [pic]

E) [pic]; [pic]; [pic]; [pic]

114. Geometric Leveling Readings between points 1 and 2 are BS=1675mm and FS=1895mm. Please, indicate bellow the Height Difference value between mentioned points?

A) - 220mm

B) +220mm

C) -3570mm

D) +3570mm

E) +2200mm

115. Which coordinant system is shown?


A) Zone coordinant system

B) Geographic coordinant system

C) Space coordinant system

D) Geodesy coordinant system

E) Astronomy coordinant system

116. The value of the width circle of Geodesy

A) (00, (900(

B) (00, (1800(

C) (00, (3600(

D) (00, +900(

E) (00, (900(

117. Height Difference between points 1and 2 is equal to +0. 500m. Height of point 1 equals to -160. 000m. Please, select bellow the Height of point 2?

A) -159. 500m

B) -160. 500m

C) -165. 000m

D) -155. 000m

E) -159. 050m

118. Sloping angle of the Theodolite 2T-30.

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

119. What is Sloping angle(map)?

A) The angle between hill-side and it’s horizontal projection

B) The angle between steep of hill-side and it’s vertical projection

C) The angle between hill-side’s sloping and it’s horizontal projection

D) The angle between hill-side’s sloping and it’s vertical projection

E) The angle between connection line of two horizontals and it’s horizontal


120. Calculation formula of curved elements while route.


A) [pic]; [pic]; [pic]

B) [pic]; [pic]; [pic]; B[pic]

C) [pic]; [pic]; [pic]; B[pic]

D) [pic]; [pic]; [pic]; B[pic]

E) [pic]; [pic]; [pic]; B[pic]

121. Height Difference between points 1and 2 is equal to -0. 325m. Height of point 1 equals to -150. 000m. Please, select the Height of point 2?

A) -150. 325m

B) -149. 675m

C) +150. 325m

D) +149. 675m

E) -150. 675m

122. What is Geodesy width circle?

A) The length of vertical distance lasting through any point’s surface level to the Earth’s point

B) Double-sided angle between Greenwich meridian’s surface and meridian surface through any point

C) The angle between normal from the point and equator surface

D) The angle between vertical line from the point and equator surface

E) The angle between normal from the point and Greenwich surface

123. What is Geodesy length circle?

A) Double-sided angle between Greenwich meridian’s surface and meridian surface through any point

B) The length of vertical distance lasting through any point’s surface level to the Earth’s point

C) The angle between normal from the point and equator surface

D) The angle between vertical line from the point and equator surface

E) The angle between normal from the point and Greenwich surface

124. What is the science of Geodesy?

A) The science which is about measurement projects on surface of our planet.

B) The science of measuring of the Gravitation.

C) The science of determining of Space objects

D) The science about investigation of oceans and seas.

E) The science of measuring point’s height

125. In Triangulation we can measure.

A) Angles

B) Areas and Sides

C) Height

D) Angles and Sides

E) Sides

126. Level has been set up half way between points A and B. Height Difference between points A and B (hAB) is equal to:

A) hAB = BS – FS

B) hAB = FS + BS

C) hAB = FS - BS

D) hAB = FS + i

E) hAB = FS – i

127. In Trilateration we can measure.

A) Sides

B) Angles

C) Areas and Sides

D) Height

E) Angles and Sides

128. Difference between plan and map?

A) In map there are angles,lines and areas distortion.

B) In plan there is angle distortion

C) In map there is angle distortion

D) In plan there are angles,lines and areas distortion

E) In plan there are lines and areas distortion

129. Horizontal distance between points 1 – 2 equals 100m, theirs height difference is equal to 2m. Please, select bellow the right value of slope of the line 1 – 2.

A) 0. 02

B) 1. 00

C) 5. 00

D) 0. 01

E) 0. 05

130. What does h mean in [pic] ?

A) Rising

B) Distance between two staffs

C) Reports from forward staff

D) Reports from backward staff

E) height of the instrument

131. If the point is located on the horizontal, what is its height?

A) The height of the horizontal

B) Half the height of the horizontal

C) Calculated by the special formula

D) Double height of the horizontal

E) 3 times the height of the horizontal

132. The figure that is able to describe the planet of the Earth and as far as possible and are similar to the surface of the Level Surface.

A) Ellipsoid

B) Referens-ellipsoid

C) Geoid

D) Kvazigeoid

E) The Earth

133. Horizontal distance between points 1 and 2 equals 300m, theirs height difference equals 3m. Please, select bellow the value of slope of the line 1 – 2.

A) 0. 01

B) 0. 10

C) 1. 00

D) 5. 00

E) 0. 05

134. Whose ellipsoid measurement have been adopted in our Republic?

A) Krasovski

B) Bessel

C) Klark

D) Xeyford

E) Jdanov

135. What is measurement mistake?

A) Difference between any measured value and real value

B) Mistakes as a result of carelessness and tiredness of observer.

C) Mistakes because of instrument’s errors.

D) Mistakes as a result of the impact of external conditions and the lack of a sensitive observer

E) Difference between real value and any measured volue.

136. What does [pic] mean in [pic]?

A) Total results from backward staff

B) Difference of point’s heights

C) Total sum of point’s heights

D) Total results from forward staff

E) Total sum of Rising

137. Which type of the leveling principle is shown below?


A) Geometric

B) Trigonometric

C) Barometric

D) Poligonometric

E) Parametric

138. What is Planning?

A) Process setting with the aim of making the measurements on plan,map and profiles.

B) Measurement process with the aim of making drawing profiles

C) Measurement process with the aim of map making

D) Measurement process with the aim of planning

E) Measurement process with the aim of planning and map making only.

139. What does L mean in [pic] ?

A) Process length by kilometers

B) Process length by santimeters

C) Process length by millimeters

D) Number of Stations

E) Number of rappers of point.

140. What does B mean in Geodesy?

A) Width circle of the point

B) Geodesy length circle of the point

C) Height of the point

D) Geographical width circle of the point

E) Geographical lenght circle of the point

141. What calculates the formula DXAB/cosaAB, where a is the Grid Azimuth ?

A) Distance between points A and B

B) Horizontal Angle between points A and B

C) True Azimuth between points A and B

D) Height Differences between points A and B

E) Height of points A and B

142. What does L mean in Geodesy?

A) Geodesy length circle of the point

B) Width circle of the point

C) Height of the point

D) Geographical width circle of the point

E) Geographical lenght circle of the point

143. What does H mean in Geodesy?

A) Height of the point

B) Geodesy length circle of the point

C) Width circle of the point

D) Geographical width circle of the point

E) Geographical lenght circle of the point

144. What does R mean in [pic] ?

A) Radius of the Earth

B) Diameter of the Earth

C) Area of the Earth

D) Length of the equator of the Earth

E) Concavity of the Earth

145. What calculates the formula DYAB/sinaAB, where a is the Grid Azimuth ?

A) Distance between points A and B

B) Horizontal Angle between points A and B

C) True Azimuth between points A and B

D) Height Differences between points A and B

E) Height of points A and B

146. Which type of planning is shown?


A) Angle cutting type

B) Perpendicular type

C) Sight type

D) Linear cutting type

E) Polar type

147. What does b mean in [pic] ?

A) Report from the forward staff

B) Distance between 2 staffs

C) Height of the instrument

D) Report from the backward staff

E) Rising

148. How many times one has to set up the instrument while Difficult Leveling?

A) many times

B) 1

C) 1

D) 3

E) 4

149. Horizontal distance between points 1 and 2 equals to 156m, theirs height difference is equal to 3m. Please, select the right value of slope of the line 1 – 2 in the %.

A) 1. 9%

B) 1. 7%

C) 1. 5%

D) 3. 9%

E) 4. 9%

150. How many times one has to set up the instrument while Basic Leveling?

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) many times

151. Average quadratic false of the simple number.

A) M = [pic]

B) M = [pic]

C) M = [pic][pic]

D) M= [pic]

E) M= [pic]

152. What is the Bend Point?

A) The connection point which connects backward’s straight line and forward line.

B) Unit of medium points while Route.

C) Length of the line between the beginning of the bend and it’s end.

D) Half of the angle between the backward line’s extention and the forward line strip.

E) Place where all piquet points are situated.

153. Horizontal distance between points 1 and 2 equals to 145m, theirs height difference is equal to 1m. Please, select the right Value of slope of Line 1 – 2 in the %.

A) 0. 7%

B) 0. 5%

C) 0. 9%

D) 1. 9%

E) 2. 9%

154. Which Geodesy instrument is used while Trigonometric Leveling?

A) theodolite-taxeometre

B) level


D) menzula

E) nothing

155. What is Turning Ellipsoid(Spheroid)?

A) The figure created by turning of ellipse’s around it’s Little Circle is named ellipsoid

B) The figure created by turning of ellipse’s around it’s Big Circle is named ellipsoid

C) The figure that covered by Main Level Surface.

D) The figure of the Earth is named ellipsoid

E) The figure that covered by Physical Surface of the Earth

156. What is Rumb angle?

A) Horizontal angle between the Axis meridian’s North or South direction and given line direction

B) Horizontal angle between the Axis meridian’s South direction and given line direction

C) Horizontal angle between the Axis meridian’s North direction and given line direction

D) Horizontal angle between the Axis meridian’s North or East direction and given line direction

E) Horizontal angle between the Axis meridian’s North or West direction and given line direction

157. Angle between line 1 - 2 on Earth Surface and Horizontal Plane (vertical angle) equals to 2º15´20´´, Slope Distance between Points 1 and 2 is equal to 250 m. Please, select bellow the right value of Horizontal Distance between Points 1 and 2.

A) 249. 806 m

B) 251. 194 m

C) 250. 000 m

D) 255. 748 m

E) 245. 331 m

158. What is the value of the work height where exist intersection of the Profile’s Project line

And the Surface Line of the Earth?

A) 0

B) 1

C) 2

D) 3

E) 4

159. By which sea level is used in our Republic ?

A) Baltic

B) Caspian

C) Black Sea

D) Red Sea

E) White Sea

160. Principle of the Numerical Scale?

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic][pic]

161. Angle between line 1 - 2 on earth surface and horizontal plane (vertical angle) equals to -1º00´20´´, slope distance between points 1 and 2 is equal to 200 m. Please, select the right value of horizontal distance between points 1 and 2.

A) 199. 969 m

B) 200. 031 m

C) 200. 000 m

D) 202. 031 m

E) 201. 031 m

162. What is determined while Vertical Planning?

A) Horizontal and vertical coordinates of the point on the surface.

B) Sloping of lines on the surface

C) Heights of points on the surface

D) Vertical coordinates of points on the surface

E) Horizontal coordinates of points on the surface

163. What is Isobat?

A) The curved line that connects equal-depth points

B) The straight line that connects equal-height points

C) The curved line that connects equal-height points

D) The straight line that connects equal-depth points

E) The curved line that connects different points

164. How much is it allowed to set maximum radius while planning?

A) [pic] 10 km

B) [pic] 20 km

C) [pic] 30 km

D) [pic]50 km

E) [pic]5 km

165. Please, select bellow the right Terminology to Contour (Relief) Characteristic:

A) Depression

B) Impression

C) Pression

D) Depth compensation

E) Depth conversion

166. What is the name of the angle between the Normal and the vertical line through point on the surface?

A) Deflection angle

B) Direction angle

C) Rumb angle

D) Azimuth angle

E) Magnit angle

167. Which Geodesy Web is shown?


A) Triangulation Web

B) Trilateration Web

C) Polygonometry Web

D) Connected Web

E) Level Web

168. While Trilateration Web how to measure all of sides?

A) Light and Radio Distance Measurement

B) Theodolite


D) Level

E) Roulette

169. Please, select the right Terminology of Contour (Relief) Characteristic:

A) Hill

B) Till

C) Mill

D) Heel

E) Sheel

170. If on ABC triangle a side and all of inside angles is measured, how to calculate b and c sides?


A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

171. The limited mistake on process of practical calculation.

A) [pic]lim[pic]2m

B) [pic]lim[pic]4m[pic]

C) [pic]lim[pic]1m

D) [pic]lim[pic]3m

E) [pic]lim[pic]5m

172. How to calculate Rumb angle if direction angles of I,II,III,IV quarters lines is known?

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

173. Please, select the right Terminology of Contour (Relief) Characteristic:

A) Saddle

B) Middle

C) Visible

D) Possible

E) Terrible

174. Connection between the angle radius and units of degree measurement.

A) 1rad = 57,3[pic]=[pic]

B) 1rad = [pic]

C) 1rad = [pic][pic]

D) 1rad =[pic]

E) 1rad =[pic]

175. Which part of Geodesy instrument is shown?


A) Threads web

B) Balancer

C) Alidada

D) Binocular

E) Limbus

176. W hile Triangulation Web, which instrument is used?

A) Theodolite

B) Level


D) Light and Radio Distance Measurement

E) Roulette

177. It is view of :


A) Level’s

B) Theodolite’s

C) Disto’s

D) Tachymeter’s

E) Binoculars

178. By which formula is calculated of polar coordinates if it is known x,y rectangle coordinates of the point of A on surface?


A) [pic] [pic][pic]

B) [pic]/y ; [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

179. What does n mean in Average quadratic mistake of Gauss [pic]?

A) Number of measurement

B) Number of random mistakes

C) Number of angles

D) Number of directions

E) Number of usual mistakes

180. By what Ellipsoid is characterized?

A) Big Semi-circle a

Little Semi-circle b

Earth concavity [pic]

B) Big Semi-circle a

Little Semi-circle b

Greenwich line

C) Little Semi-circle b

Greenwich line

Direction angle

Azimuth angle

D) Earth concavity [pic]

Greenwich line

Little Semi-circle b

E) Earth concavity [pic]

Little Semi-circle b

Real meridian

181. Slope distance between points 1 and 2 is equal to 250 m and horizontal distance between points 1 and 2 equals 249. 900 m. Please select the right value of Aangle between line 1 - 2 on earth surface and horizontal plane (vertical angle)

A) 01º37´14´´

B) 01º36´14´´

C) 01º35´14´´

D) 01º38´14´´

E) 01º39´14´´

182. By whom had been proposed the Geoid for the first time?

A) Listinq

B) Krasovski

C) Nyuton

D) Qrijberq

E) Lebedev

183. How to identify the figure of Geoid?

A) According to Level Surface

B) According to Vertical line

C) According to Azimuth

D) According to Horizontal line

E) According to Spin Ellipsoid

184. Calculate the leading angle between Vertical direction and Normal direction in plain areas.

A) 3-[pic]

B) 3-[pic]

C) 3-[pic]

D) 3-[pic]

E) 3-[pic]

185. What Type of Surveying Instrument is shown bellow?


A) Total Station

B) Level

C) Disto

D) GPS-receiver

E) Binoculars

186. Which coordinant system is shown below?


A) Polar coordinant system

B) Rectangle Geodesy coordinant system

C) Decart coordinant system

D) Bipolar coordinant system

E) Rectangle space coordinant system

187. Which coordinant system is shown below?


A) Bipolar coordinant system

B) Rectangle Geodesy coordinant system

C) Decart coordinant system

D) Zone coordinant system

E) Rectangle space coordinant system

188. What is Cartographical Projection?

A) Description of the Earth’s Surface on the plane.

B) Description of the little part of the Earth Surface on the plane

C) Minimized forms of plans and maps

D) Description of relief on plans and maps

E) Description of spherical surface of the Earth on plans and maps

189. What Type of Surveying Instrument is shown bellow?


A) Level

B) Total Station

C) Disto

D) GPS-receiver

E) Binoculars

190. What are requirements on Topographical Map Projection?

A) Big area and minimum distortion

B) Maximum distortion

C) Little area and maximum distortion

D) Minimum distortion

E) Big area

191. Zero point of the Theodolite T-30

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

192. What is h in the picture?


A) Realtive height

B) Conditional height

C) Absolute height

D) Cutting height

E) Conditional level height

193. Please, select bellow the formula to expressing a Slope in percent.

A) h : S ∙ 100

B) h : S ∙ 10

C) h : T ∙ 100

D) h : T ∙ 10

E) h : S : 100

194. What is Profile?

A) Description of minimized vertical cut of the Earth while given direction

B) Description of vertical cut of the Earth while parallel.

C) Horizontal description of the given line

D) Vertical description of the given line

E) Horizontal projection of the given line

195. What is D in [pic]?

A) Horizontal projection of the measured line on surface

B) Scale

C) Length of the line on the plan

D) Horizontal projection of the line on the plan

E) Measured line on surface

196. Sloping angle for Theodolite T-30

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

197. What is a Topographic Profile?

A) Two-dimensional diagram

B) Three-dimensional diagram

C) Kind of Map

D) One-dimensional diagram

E) Distance

198. Mathematical units of Topographic map.

A) Scale,nomenclature ,coordinant web

B) Cutted height,scale,nomenclature

C) Nomenclature, coordinant web,cutted height

D) Scale,coordinant web,cutted height

E) Height,scale ,coordinant web

199. If we divide the Million map into 9 sections ,what type of the map we will get?

A) 1: 300000

B) 1: 500000

C) 1:200000

D) 1:100000

E) 1:50000

200. If we divide the Million map into 36 sections ,what type of the map we will get?

A) 1:200000

B) 1:300000

C) 1:500000

D) 1:100000

E) 1: 50000

201. What represent Map Symbols?

A) Mapping Objects and their features

B) Sizes of Map

C) Scale of Map

D) Color of Map

E) Densification of Map Contours

202. What is Opposite Geodesy task?

A) Calculation of the horizontal distance and the line’s direction angle according to two points coordinates.

B) Calculation of the horizontal distance according to two points coordinates

C) Calculation of the 2nd point’s coordinates according to 1 point’s coordinates,horizontal distance between points and direction angle of the line.

D) Calculation of the direction angle according to 1 point’s coordinates and horizontal distance between points

E) Calcualation of the direction angle according to two points coordinates

203. What depend the distance between horizontals on?

A) Steep of hill-side and scale of map

B) Scale of map and nomenclature

C) Steep of hill-side and nomenclature

D) Features of relief and scale of map

E) Nomenclature and features of relief

204. What instrument is for measuring lines magnit azimuth and rumb angle?

A) Bussol

B) Compass

C) Ekker

D) Theodalite

E) Theodalite taxeometre

205. What clarifies the Map Legend

A) Meaning of Map Symbols

B) Meaning of Map Sizes

C) Meaning of Map Weight

D) Meaning of Map Quality

E) Meaning of Map Wide

206. How is Machine Leveling done?

A) With Automatic Level machine

B) With H-3 Level

C) With Electron Level

D) According to the Aerophotoplanning materials

E) With Barometre

207. Which type of Leveling is shown below?


A) Central Leveling

B) Difficult Leveling

C) Trigonometry Leveling

D) Forward Leveling

E) Barometric Leveling

208. Permissible mistake in I class Leveling

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

209. What are necessary to Common Survey computation?

A) Coordinates of first point, Grid azimuth and Distance

B) Coordinates of first point and Grid azimuth

C) Coordinates of first point and Distance

D) Coordinates of first point, Magnetic azimuth and Distance

E) Grid azimuth and Distance

210. Permissible mistake in IV class Leveling

A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

211. In which class of Leveling is used H-5 Level instrument?

A) I class

B) II class

C) III class

D) IV class

E) In technical leveling

212. Which are Compensator Levels?

A) H-10KL , HC-3

B) HB-1 , H-4

C) H-10 , HT

D) H-3 , HC-3

E) H-05 , H-3

213. What are necessary to Inverse survey computation?

A) Coordinates of first and second points

B) Coordinates of first point and Grid azimuth

C) Coordinates of second point and Grid azimuth

D) Coordinates of second point and Distance

E) Coordinates of Line

214. Which type of staffs is used while Technical Leveling?

A) Length 3m , width 8sm ,thickness 3sm ,double-sided

B) Length 3m , width 8sm , thickness 3sm, mono-sided

C) İnvar staffs

D) Length 3m , width 5sm , thickness 8sm

E) PH-05 staffs

215. Total correction of Refraction and Earth concavity

A) f= k-r ; [pic]

B) f= k-2r ; [pic]

C) f=k-2r ; [pic]

D) f=k-r ; [pic]

E) f=2k-r ; [pic]

216. What does T mean in [pic]?

A) Length of tangent

B) Curve length

C) Domer correction

D) Bend point

E) Distance beginning from the angle’s top to the line

217. What is a Traverse?

A) Method in the field of surveying to establish control networks

B) Method in the field of surveying to establish heights

C) Method in the field of surveying to establish control distances

D) Method of Geometric Leveling

E) Method of Distance Measurement

218. Which method is shown below about circle bend’s detailed division.?


A) Rectangle coordinant method

B) Tendon method

C) Stright cutting

D) Angle method

E) Tendon extention method

219. What does I mean in [pic]?

A) Sloping of project line

B) Reports from backward staff

C) Height of instrument

D) Sloping of the line on surface

E) Work height

220. Which of them is Types of Traverse?

A) Polygon and Link

B) Area and Link

C) Polygon and Area

D) Polygon and Line

E) Area and Line

221. In which principle is shown the distance from the Zero work point till the nearly piquet point of profile?


A) [pic]

B) [pic]

C) [pic]

D) [pic]

E) [pic]

222. What does c mean in [pic]?

A) Report from the staff in the middle point

B) Report from the staff in the backward point

C) Report from the staff in the forward point

D) Report from black face of the staff while Forward Leveling

E) Report from black face while Difficult type of Leveling

223. Which type of Leveling is shown below?


A) Trigonometric Leveling

B) Basic form of Central Leveling

C) Barometric Leveling

D) Forward Leveling

E) Difficult form of Forward Leveling

224. What calculates the formula

A) Practical Sum of measured internal angles of Polygon traverse

B) Practical Sum of measured internal angles of Link traverse

C) Practical Sum of measured internal angles of Area traverse

D) Practical Sum of measured internal angles of Line traverse

E) Practical Sum of measured internal angles of Polygon and Area traverses

225. What does [pic] mean in [pic]?

A) Sight height of staff

B) Distance from the instrument till the staff

C) Height of instrument

D) Length of line

E) Height of staff

226. What does [pic] mean in [pic]?

A) Sloping angle

B) Azimuth angle

C) Rumb angle

D) Direction angle

E) Internal angle

227. What is determined while Taxeometric process?

A) Area plan and height condition

B) Condition of the area’s horizontal plan

C) Heights of points

D) Rectangle coordinates of the area points

E) Horizontal angles and distance

228. Time for a distance measurement (fine/ quick/tracking to prism TC/TCR) :

A) 0. 3sec.

C) >1sec. / >0. 5sec. / 1sec. / ................

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