
End-of-Course Test

Choose the best answer.

1. Factor x 2 ( 29x ( 210.

A (x ( 6) (x ( 35)

B (x ( 10) (x ( 21)

C (x ( 14) (x ( 15)

D cannot be factored

2. QX bisects (PQR. What is the greatest possible whole-number measure of (PQX?

F 45° H 90°

G 89° J 100°

3. The ratio of the measures of two supplementary angles is 8 : 4. What is the measure of the smaller angle?

A 12° C 60(

B 40° D 80°

4. To the nearest tenth, what is the distance between the points (10, (11) and ((1, (5)?

F 2.6 H 12.5

G 4.1 J 18.4

5. In the figure, why is [pic]?

F All altitudes are congruent.

G Symmetric Property of Congruence

H Reflexive Property of Congruence

J Transitive Property of Congruence

6. Which names a pair of corresponding angles?

A (1 and (6 C (2 and (7

B (3 and (8 D (3 and (7

7. What is the value of 12x ( 20?

F 34 H 90

G 88 J 100

8. What is the slope of the line that passes through the points ((1, 9) and (4, 6)?

A [pic] C [pic]

B [pic] D 5

9. Which is the equation of the line in the graph?

F y ( (2x ( 3

G [pic]

H y ( (3x ( 1

J [pic]

10. Two of the three angle measures in a triangle are given. Which are angle measures of an acute triangle?

A 11°, 79° C 11°, 89°

B 11°, 59° D 11°, 29°

11. Which polygon has line symmetry but not rotational symmetry?

F rectangle H rhombus

G square J kite

12. Which are the lengths of the sides of an obtuse triangle?

A 8, 11, 15 C 11, 11, 15

B 9, 12, 15 D 10, 12, 15

13. To the nearest tenth, what is the altitude of an equilateral triangle whose sides measure 43 centimeters?

F 21.5 cm H 37.2 cm

G 24.8 cm J 74.5 cm

14. What is the measure of one exterior angle of a regular polygon having 40 sides?

A 4.5° C 85.5°

B 9° D 171°

The figure represents the wooden truss used to support the roof of a garage. Use the figure for Exercises 15 and 16.

15. What postulate or theorem can be used to prove (JKM ( (LKM?



16. Given that ML ( 12 feet, how wide is the garage?

A 12 ft C 25 ft

B 24 ft D 26 ft

17. What is MP?

F [pic] H 6

G [pic] J 8

18. What is the value of x?

A 25 C 65

B 29 D 115

19. Which CANNOT be used to prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram?

F One pair of opposite angles is congruent.

G Both pairs of opposite sides are parallel.

H Both pairs of opposite sides are congruent.

J One pair of opposite sides is both parallel and congruent.

20. The figure represents a rectangular gate with diagonal braces. To the nearest tenth, what is the width, QT, of the gate?

A 3.9 ft C 7.0 ft

B 4.9 ft D 7.6 ft

Refer to the figure for Exercises 21 and 22.

21. Kim is making a kite with a wooden frame. The measures of the frame are shown. She will use cloth binding to cover the outer edges of the kite. To the nearest tenth, how many centimeters of binding will she need?

F 58.1 cm H 116.2 cm

G 82.1 cm J 164.3 cm

22. What is the area of the kite?

A 200 cm2 C 1400 cm2

B 400 cm2 D 2800 cm2

23. To the nearest tenth, what is AP?

F 1.0 m H 2.5 m

G 2.2 m J 4.7 m

24. Write a quadratic function in standard form having zeros of 2 and −11.

A f(x) ’ x2 − 9x − 22

B f(x) ’ x2 − 9x + 22

C f(x) ’ x2 + 9x − 22

D f(x) ’ x2 + 9x + 22

25. Starla is 5 feet 9 inches tall. To find the height of a tree, she measured her shadow and the tree’s shadow. Her shadow was 8 feet long when the tree’s shadow was 30 feet long. To the nearest foot, how tall is the tree?

F 15 ft H 28 ft

G 22 ft J 42 ft

26. [pic] with endpoints M(9, 3) and N((1, 5) is dilated by a scale factor of 2.5. To the nearest tenth, what is the length of [pic]?

A 16.1 C 25.5

B 17.9 D 28.3

27. To the nearest thousandth, what is tan77°?

F 0.225 H 0.974

G 0.231 J 4.331

28. The legs of a right triangle measure 11.4 meters and 15.1 meters. To the nearest tenth, which could be the measure of the smallest angle?

A 31.1° C 38.6°

B 37.1° D 52.9°

29. When the angle of elevation to the sun is 26°, a flagpole casts a shadow that is 82 feet long. What is the height of the flagpole to the nearest foot?

F 36 ft H 74 ft

G 40 ft J 166 ft

30. The sides of a triangle measure 18 inches, 25 inches, and 36 inches. To the nearest degree, what is the measure of the largest angle?

A 113° C 157°

B 147° D 15934.

31. Consider h(x) ’ 2x2 − 6x − 36. Identify its vertex and y-intercept.

F (1.5, −40.5); (0, −36)

G (1.5, −40.5); (0, −18)

H (2, −40); (0, −36)

J (8, −2); (0, −16)

32. To the nearest tenth, what is the area of a regular octagon with a perimeter of 32 meters?

F 77.3 m2 H 180.0 m2

G 154.5 m2 J 1024 m2

33. The area of a trapezoid is 128 square feet. If the height of the trapezoid is increased by a factor of 5, what is the area of the new trapezoid?

A 133 ft2 C 640 ft2

B 138 ft2 D 3200 ft2

34. What is the volume of a rectangular prism that is 4 inches wide, 9 inches long, and 3 inches high?

F 36 cm3 H 324 cm3

G 108 cm3 J 432 cm3

35. To the nearest tenth, what is the volume of a cylinder with a diameter of 22 centimeters and a height of 13 centimeters?

A 4941.7 cm3 C 6589.0 cm3

B 5321.9 cm3 D 19,766.9 cm3

36. What is the volume of a square pyramid with base area of 4 square meters and a height of 6 meters?

F 6 m3 H 12 m3

G 8 m3 J 24 m3

37. To the nearest tenth, what is the area of a sector of a circle of radius of 9 meters if the central angle is 50°?

A 1.3 m2 C 35.3 m2

B 5.1 m2 D 70.7 m2

Refer to the figure for Exercises 38 and 39.

38. [pic] [pic] and

[pic] What is m(PRM?

F 47° H 94°

G 57° J 105°

39. PR ( 6, NR ( 15, and QR ( 14. To the nearest tenth, what is MR?

A 5.6 C 6.4

B 6.0 D 7.0

40. The equation for a circle is (x ( 4)2 ( (y ( 3)2 ( 25. Which pair of coordinates locates its center?

F (4, (3) H (16, (9)

G ((4, 3) J ((16, 9)

End-of-Course Test


End-of-Course Test

1. C 14. B 29. G

2. H 15. J 30. A

3. C 16. B 31. F

4. H 17. H

18. C 32. F

19. F 33. C

20. D

5. H 21. J

6. D 22. C 34. G

7. G 23. H 35. A

8. B 24. C 36. G

9. J 25. G 37. C

10. C 26. C 38. J

11. J 27. J 39. A

12. A 28. B 40. F

13. H


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