
TERMS OF REFERENCEAssistance in Reforming Georgia’s Energy Market and Implementing Renewable Energy Auctions - Senior Energy ExpertBACKGROUNDOn 27 June 2014, Georgia signed an Association Agreement with the EU which entered into force on 1 July 2016. The Agreement aims to promote political association and economic integration between Georgia and the EU and includes conditional provisions in relation to energy sector reforms. The authorities have already launched a series of reforms and policy actions to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the Agreement. However, in order to accelerate this process, the Government of Georgia’s Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development (MoESD - responsible for the coordination of the implementation of the Association Agreement) has identified an urgent need for short-term analytical expertise to support the design and implementation of key policy reform initiatives and investment projects. The MoESD (the Client) has therefore requested the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD or the Bank) to support the provision of five short-term professional experts to be based in key areas of the Ministry that align with EBRD’s four Strategic Themes for Georgia: development of the private sector; local capital market development; inter-regional connectivity; and energy security, independence, competitiveness and efficiency. For three of these five appointments, the MoESD is now seeking two energy experts (one senior and one junior) and one legal expert to support the government in reforming Georgia’s energy market in line with its commitments under the EU Association Agreement, including in the development of a renewable energy market and implementation of renewable energy auctions. As a contracting party of the European Energy Community, Georgia is required to develop its regulatory framework and liberalise its energy market in line with the acquis under the Energy Community Treaty. While the relevant primary legislation (including draft laws on energy and water supply, renewables, energy efficiency and energy performance of buildings) has been developed and approved by the Government of Georgia and is expected to be adopted in 2019, secondary legislation still needs to be developed for which the government will require further support. The government also requires technical and operational support to implement the new energy efficiency and renewable energy laws, regulations and related action plans in order to successfully implement its commitments under the EU Third Energy Package, as well as to develop its renewable energy market and implement renewable energy auctions. In addition, Georgia introduced a Public Private Partnership (PPP) law, providing a new legal framework for energy investment projects. The law sets out specific requirements for PPP projects, including tariff guarantees and granting exclusive intellectual property rights to a private sector partner. Regarding non-PPP projects, the Government of Georgia has adopted a resolution (No. 515), setting out a simplified procedure for implementing such energy projects, with the only public support provided for the private sector partner being the transfer of state-owned land plots and the granting of construction permits and licenses. The selected senior energy and junior energy and legal experts would be responsible for providing analysis and advice to support the government in developing and implementing key energy and renewable energy market reform objectives to support Georgia’s transition towards a contemporary energy market. This cooperation will build on the existing collaboration between the EBRD and the Government of Georgia in developing the country’s energy and renewable energy sectors and more widely in improving the development of the private sector, strengthening the investment climate and promoting good governance. The senior energy expert will be responsible for overseeing and directing the work of the junior energy and legal experts in line with the objectives, deliverables and workplan for this assignment.The experts will be embedded within MoESD for a maximum period of twenty four months and will be expected to coordinate closely with other EBRD-supported technical assistance projects in the electricity sector – including the preparation of renewables auctions - for the duration of the contract.OBJECTIVEThe key objectives of this Assignment are: To support the introduction of renewable energy (RE) auctions in Georgia, in close collaboration with a separate EBRD-supported TC Assignment to mobilise a firm of technical experts for auctions’ preparation and implementation. This will require the Consultant to: assist MoESD and other local stakeholders (including the Georgian Energy Development Fund) in finalising the selection of a site (against agreed criteria) for the development of a solar and wind power project; initiate preparatory work to organise a tender process for a 30-50MW solar power plant auction in line with Georgia’s law on Public Private Partnerships; and support the preparation of an internal methodology for MoESD for the implementation of PPP law in RE and other types of power generation. In particular, the Consultant will be expected to coordinate the delivery of this work within MoESD and with key local institutions. To support Georgia’s electricity and gas market liberalisation process in line with the EU Third Energy Package and the Energy Community Treaty. This will require the Consultant to work on key policy reform milestones to introduce EU Energy best practice. These milestones will be selected by MoESD in consultation with EBRD and are expected to be: (i) advising MoESD on policy development for the TSO and DSO unbundling processes in compliance with the Third Energy Package; and (ii) supporting MoESD in the implementation of market based Renewable Energy support schemes (e.g. Feed in Premium, Feed in Tariff, Contract of Difference etc.). The Consultant will also support MoESD in the development of papers and reports to be submitted to the Energy Community (e.g. a new renewable energy action plan or an integrated energy and climate action plan, including renewable energy).To support energy-related policy-making within the remit of this Assignment by ensuring the views of different key stakeholders are coordinated effectively and reflected by MoESD in the policy making process. This will require the Consultant to (i) support MoESD in disseminating relevant information on energy policy developments to key stakeholders (ii) help to coordinate consultation meetings with stakeholders on relevant issues; and (iii) reporting stakeholder views back to MoESD. The outcome of this Assignment is expected to be a significant contribution to the design and implementation of renewable energy auctions in Georgia and the liberalisation process of the electricity and gas sector in Georgia. The Assignment will also contribute to the design and implementation of wider energy market reforms to support Georgia in developing its regulatory framework and liberalising its energy market in line with the acquis under the Energy Community Treaty and to successfully implement its commitments under the EU Third Energy Package. The Assignment will also result in improved institutional capacity within the MoESD and the Energy Regulator to design, implement and monitor energy market reforms and renewables auctions. In turn, this should result in accelerated progress by Georgia in benefitting from the opportunities provided by the Association Agreement with the EU. 3. SCOPE OF SERVICESReflecting the objectives of the Assignment, the senior energy expert will be required to undertake a number of tasks and subtasks over the duration of the contract, working in close collaboration with and overseeing the work of the legal and junior energy experts. The senior expert is also expected to work in close collaboration with the technical experts mobilised by EBRD through a separate TC Assignment for the preparation and implementation of renewable energy auctions.Objective 1: Contribute to the development of detailed recommendations for the design of a competitive bidding process (i.e. auctions) for renewable energy and strengthening of the overall legal and regulatory framework for the procurement of renewable energy (expected duration: 6 months). These activities are expected to be delivered in collaboration with a separate TC Assignment supported by EBRD to mobilise technical experts for auctions preparation and implementation. In undertaking the tasks outlined below, the Consultant is expected to lead on the coordination of the work and dissemination of materials and knowledge within the local institutions involved:Task 1: Assist the MoESD and other local stakeholders to finalise the selection from a short-list of a site for developing solar and wind power projects, based on technical, environmental and financial feasibility criteria, including technology prices. Provide support to the authorities in selecting a site for a solar and wind power project from a short-list, focusing on the technical feasibility of connecting the power plants as well as environmental and financial considerations. This will involve a number of sub-tasks, including:In agreement with the authorities, define a list of criteria by which different sites should be assessed (in addition to the technical feasibility of connecting the site to the grid). Examples of criteria include (but are not limited to):a.the capacity of the grid to absorb intermittent electricity;b.quality of the wind or solar resource;c.the feasibility of constructing the project at the site;d.the potential to expand generation capacity in the future;e.permitting and ownership status of the land; f.environmental and social issues; andg.financial feasibility of the project(s). Assessment of the sites short-listed by the Ministry against this agreed list of technical, financial and environmental criteria;Preparation of a summary report of the assessment of potential sites, including recommendations for the most suitable option based on assessment against agreed criteria. This assessment should draw on feedback, if any, from other stakeholders such as the Georgian Energy Development Fund and the Renewable Energy Development Association, whilst ensuring agreement with the authorities. The Consultant should rely primarily on existing sources to develop recommendations for a suitable site. This includes wind and solar measurement studies and any information on the characteristics of the site that will be provided to the Consultant by MoESD. The Consultant is also expected to undertake limited primary research to refine and verify the recommendations. Task 2: Initiate preparatory design work to organise a tender for a 30-50MW solar power plant auction according to the law on Public Private Partnership and according to Res Directive 28/2009/EC., in preparation for the key technical experts that EBRD is planning to mobilise for auctions preparation and implementation. This will include: Analyse and prepare a report on requirements under the law on Public Private Partnership and according to Res Directive 28/2009/EC that will need to be reflected in the design of RE auctions in Georgia to be handed over to the technical experts mobilised by EBRD under a separate TC on the design, approval and implementation of a competitive bidding process for renewables energy. Prepare a roadmap and timeline for the design, approval and implementation of a competitive bidding process for renewable energy in Georgia to be handed over to and delivery led by the technical experts mobilised by EBRD under the separate TC. Coordinate inputs from MoESD into the work led by the technical experts mobilised by EBRD under the separate TC. Coordinate inputs from MoESD into the work led by the technical experts mobilised by EBRD under the separate TC on the drafting and approval of tender related documentation required for the deployment of an RE auction.Task 3: To support the MoESD in preparing an internal methodology for the implementation of the law on PPP on both Renewable Energy projects (solar and wind) and other type of power generation. For the purpose of this task the consultant is expected to support coordination of the work within the MOESD and in particular: To develop guidance to help identify if an energy project should qualify for implementation as a PPP project or not;To develop and agree with MoESD selection criteria for PPP energy projects, based on analysis of international best practice;To elaborate existing MoESD guidelines on how the agreed selection criteria should be applied to energy projects identified for PPP implementation.Task 4: Conduct stakeholder consultations (to include government, regulator, developers, industry associations, investors, etc.) on the draft recommendations prepared by the team of experts mobilised by EBRD under a separate TC project for the design of renewable energy auctions and reflect this feedback in the team of experts’ recommendations. This will include:Organising stakeholder consultations to seek feedback on the draft recommendations provided by the team of experts mobilised by EBRD under a separate TC project. Consolidating the stakeholder feedback into a report to be submitted to the team of experts mobilised by EBRD under a separate TC project. Working with the team of experts to ensure the stakeholder feedback is reflected in the final recommendations and design of RE auctions, as appropriate. Objective 2: To support Georgia’s electricity and gas market liberalisation process in line with the EU Third Energy Package and the Energy Community Treaty (expected duration: 6 months for each policy reform assignment (TSO unbundling; DSO unbundling; RE support schemes). This will require the Consultant to work on 3 key policy reform milestones to introduce EU Energy best practice over the 24 month period. These milestones will be selected by MoESD in consultation with EBRD and are expected to be: (i) advising MoESD on policy development for the TSO and DSO unbundling processes in compliance with the Third Energy Package (6 months for each); (ii) supporting MoESD in piloting the implementation of market based Renewable Energy support schemes (e.g. Feed in Premium, Feed in Tariff, Contract of Difference). Each of these three policy assignments is expected to have a duration of 6 months. In addition, the Consultant will support the MoESD in developing papers and reports to be submitted to the Energy Community (e.g. a new renewable energy action plan and/or an integrated energy and climate action plan, including renewable energy). For each key policy milestone, the consultant will be expected to:Prepare an initial position paper based on EU best practice including recommendations and an action plan. The paper will outline the rationale and strategy for Georgia to pursue the specific reform of the electricity market. In particular the consultant will, in collaboration with the junior energy expert, model the market impact of different reforms design. This will provide MoESD with analytical data to support the authorities in making informed policy decisions on reforming the energy market based on analysis of the current market developments in the country and possible scenarios outlying the concrete benefits expected by the reform. The position paper shall be approved by MOESD and EBRD.Incorporate into the action plan the legal expert’s advice on the primary and secondary legislation required to implement the action plan and recommendations.Engage relevant stakeholders on the position paper to facilitate consensus on the recommendations and action plan;Develop a Dash Board providing an overview of reform implementation progress, to be updated quarterly.Support MoESD in piloting the implementation of market based support schemes for energy projects.Prepare a final report on the work done for each key policy milestone including final version of the position paper to be approved by MOESD and EBRD.Objective 3: Support policy-making as an interlocutor between various state organisations (including the Prime Minister’s office, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Environment), the donor community and other relevant stakeholders (including the donor community) on energy related matters within the remit of this Assignment (expected duration: ongoing (24 months).1. Support MoESD in disseminating relevant information on energy policy developments to key stakeholders.2. Support the coordination of consultation meetings with stakeholders on relevant issues.3. Report stakeholder views back to MoESD.4. IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS AND DELIVERABLES4.1 Assignment Duration and Implementation ArrangementsThe Assignment is expected to start in Q1 2020 for a period of 24 months. The consultant is expected to work on a full time basis (5 days a week) and is expected to exclusively work on this project.The Assignment will be carried out by the Consultant selected by the MoESD with participation from the Bank, in accordance with the Bank's Corporate Procurement Policy. The Consultant will have an initial meeting with the authorities and the Bank at the start of the Assignment to clarify the precise scope of each task. The Consultant will also have several meetings with the authorities and the Bank during the course of the Assignment both to provide envisaged assistance as well as to receive feedback.It is expected that the Assignment will be managed and overseen by the MoESD Deputy Minister covering the Energy portfolio, who will ensure the quality of deliverables and serve as the contact person and interface for the Consultant’s and Bank’s communication with the government. The Bank’s Operation Leader based at the Bank’s HQ in London will oversee the Assignment as part of the broader provision of expert support to the MoESD, while the Bank’s energy economist based in the Bank’s Kiev office will be the Consultant’s key counterparty for this Assignment. The MoESD will be responsible for coordinating the work of, and providing ongoing guidance to, the Consultant, as well as for reviewing interim deliverables and overseeing the process of collecting feedback/comments for the Consultant’s deliverables. The Consultant will provide its reports in English to both the Bank and the authorities.4.2 Consultant ProfileThe Senior Consultant will be an expert in energy market and renewable energy policy and regulatory matters with previous relevant project experience, including:Technical expertise in regulatory matters of the electricity sector, preferably including the integration of renewable energy in electricity markets and systems (preferably at least 10 years); Technical (economic/policy) expertise in the implementation of the EU 3rd Energy Package, including in the design of support schemes for TSO and DSO unbundling processes and renewable energy development, preferably competitive bidding processes (preferably at least 5 years); Technical expertise on renewable energy projects including experience in providing assistance to regulators on technical aspects of RE projects (preferably at least 5 years);Technical expertise in modelling electricity markets and providing quantitative analysis of different scenarios of electricity market reforms (preferably at least 3 years). Experience in the power sector of one or more countries within the Caucasus region (ideally Georgia), including knowledge of the legislative and regulatory setting and familiarity with the network and grid code.In addition, the Senior Consultant will have the following qualifications and experience:An advanced degree in economics;Preferably least 10 years’ experience in project management within the energy sector, with significant experience in policy advocacy and advisory to government and/or international institutions;Demonstrated ability to act as an effective interlocutor between stakeholders;Proven experience in team leadership and management; Fluency in English. Fluency in Georgian would be an asset but is not required;4.3 Facilities for the Consultant and access to informationIt is expected that the Consultant will report to the MoESD Deputy Minister covering the Energy portfolio, who will ensure the quality and timeliness of deliverables. The Consultant will work in close collaboration with and oversee the work of the legal expert and junior energy expert contracted for the same Assignment. The Consultant will also liaise as required with the EBRD’s Resident Office (RO) in Tbilisi, the Bank’s Operational Leader for this Assignment, based at the Bank’s HQ in London and the Bank’s technical lead for the Assignment, based at the Bank’s RO in Kiev, Ukraine.It is expected that MoESD (the Client) will provide the Consultants free of charge with furnished office accommodation and access to computers, mobile telephones, telephones, fax and internet. All calls and internet service costs are to be paid by the Client.The Client will provide access to all available and relevant information, reports and documents, including studies, legal documents and etc. at no cost to the Consultants. For the purpose of the assignment the Consultant may have access to information of confidential nature and the Consultant will be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) upon commencement of the Assignment. All documentation related to the Assignment will remain the property of the Client and EBRD after completion of the Assignment. The Consultants shall not publish, use or dispose of this documentation without written consent of the Client and EBRD.4.4 Deliverables and MilestonesThe key deliverables as per the Tasks set out under the Scope of Work and in the workplan (Annex A) will be prepared in close collaboration with the legal and the junior energy expert and include the following:Objective 1: Contribute to the development of detailed recommendations for the design of a competitive bidding process (i.e. auctions) for renewable energy and strengthening of the overall legal and regulatory framework for the procurement of renewable energy (expected duration: 6 months).Define a list of criteria by which different sites should be assessed.Assessment of the sites short-listed by the Ministry against this agreed list of technical, financial and environmental criteria.Summary report of the assessment of potential sites, including recommendations for the most suitable option based on assessment against agreed criteria. This assessment should draw on feedback, if any, from other stakeholders, whilst ensuring agreement with the authorities. Prepare report on requirements under the Public Private Partnership law and according to Res Directive 28/2009/EC.Roadmap and timeline for the design, approval and implementation of a competitive bidding process for renewable energy.Coordination of inputs from MoESD into the design, approval and implementation of a competitive bidding process for renewables energy.Coordinate of inputs from MoESD into drafting and approval of tender related documentation required for the deployment of an RE auction.Develop guidance to help identify if an energy project should qualify for implementation as a PPP project or not. Develop and agree with MoESD selection criteria for PPP energy projects, based on analysis of international best practice.Elaboration of existing MoESD guidelines on how the agreed selection criteria should be applied to energy projects identified for PPP anisation of stakeholder consultations to seek feedback on the draft recommendations provided by the team of experts mobilised by EBRD under a separate TC project. Consolidation of stakeholder feedback into a report.Reflect stakeholder feedback in the final recommendations and design of RE auctions.Objective 2: For each of the 3 key policy reform milestones (TSO unbundling; DSO unbundling; RE support schemes), the consultant will be required to: (expected duration: 6 months for each) Prepare an initial position paper based on analysis of EU best practice. This will include recommendations and an action plan and incorporate advice from the legal expert on the primary and secondary legislation required for their implementation;Support MoESD in piloting the implementation of market based support schemes for energy projects;Lead stakeholder engagement on the position paper to facilitate consensus on the proposed recommendations and action plan;Develop and update quarterly a Dash Board providing an overview of reform implementation progress;Prepare a final report on the work done for the key policy milestone including a final version of the position paper.Support the MoESD in developing papers and reports to be submitted to the Energy Community (e.g. a new renewable energy action plan and/or an integrated energy and climate action plan, including renewable energy). Objective 3: Support policy-making within the remit of the Assignment as an interlocutor between various state organisations (for the duration of the project)Ensure effective coordination on energy issues between various state organisations, the donor community and other relevant stakeholders. This will include (i) supporting MoESD in disseminating relevant information on energy policy developments to key stakeholders; (ii) supporting the coordination of consultation meetings with stakeholders on relevant issues; and (iii) reporting stakeholder views back to MoESD.The overall length of the Assignment is expected to be 24 months. The timeline for the key milestones in this Assignment as set out in the scope of services and workplan (Annex A) will be agreed during the inception phase between all parties in the kick-off meeting. The kick-off meeting will take place within 3 weeks from contract signing and will involve the Consultant, the MoESD and relevant authorities and the Bank. The Consultants shall submit electronic copies of all reports to the Client and to the Bank in English.ANNEX A: WORK PLAN Tentative Project Work Plan ObjectiveKey Activity TimelineDeliverable Comments (optional)Objective 1Task 1Assist the MoESD and other local stakeholders to finalise the selection from a short-list of a site for developing solar and wind power projects, based on technical, environmental and financial feasibility criteria, including technology prices.Jan 2020 – June 2020 (TBC)Define a list of criteria by which different sites should be assessed.The Consultant should rely primarily on existing sources to develop recommendations for a suitable site. This includes wind and solar measurement studies and any information on the characteristics of the site that will be provided to the Consultant by the authorities. The Consultant is also expected to undertake limited primary research to refine and verify the recommendations. Jan 2020 – June 2020 (TBC)Assessment of the sites short-listed by the Ministry against this agreed list of technical, financial and environmental criteria.Jan 2020 – June 2020 (TBC)Summary report of the assessment of potential sites, including recommendations for the most suitable option based on assessment against agreed criteria. This assessment should draw on feedback, if any, from other stakeholders, whilst ensuring agreement with the authorities. Task 2Initiate preparatory design work to organise a tender for a 30-50MW solar power plant auction according to the law on Public Private Partnership, in preparation for the key technical experts that EBRD is planning to mobilise for auctions preparation and implementation.Jan 2020 – June 2020 (TBC)Prepare report on requirements under the Public Private Partnership law and according to Res Directive 28/2009/EC.Jan 2020 – June 2020 (TBC))Roadmap and timeline for the design, approval and implementation of a competitive bidding process for renewable energy.Jan 2020 – June 2020 (TBC)Coordination of inputs from MoESD into the design, approval and implementation of a competitive bidding process for renewables energy.Jan 2020 – June 2020 (TBC)Coordination of inputs from MoESD into drafting and approval of tender related documentation required for the deployment of an RE auction.Task 3Support the MoESD in preparing an internal methodology for the implementation of the law on PPP on both Renewable Energy projects (solar and wind) and other type of power generation.Jan 2020 – June 2020 (TBC)Develop guidance to help identify if an energy project should/ qualify for implementation as a PPP project or not. Jan 2020 – June 2020 (TBC)Develop and agree with MoESD selection criteria for PPP energy projects, based on analysis of international best practice.Jan 2020 – June 2020 (TBC)Elaboration of existing MoESD guidelines on how the agreed selection criteria should be applied to energy projects identified for PPP implementation.Task 4Conduct stakeholder consultations (to include government, regulator, developers, industry associations, investors, etc.) on the draft recommendations prepared by the team of experts mobilised by EBRD under a separate TC project for the design of renewable energy auctions and reflect this feedback in the team of experts’ recommendations.Jan 2020 – June 2020 (TBC)Stakeholder consultations to seek feedback on the draft recommendations provided by the team of experts mobilised by EBRD under a separate TC project. Jan 2020 – June 2020 (TBC)Consolidation of stakeholder feedback into a report.July 2020– Dec 2020(TBC) Reflect stakeholder feedback in the final recommendations and design of RE auctions.Objective 2Policy Milestone 1Advise MoESD on policy development for the TSO unbundling in line with the Third Energy Package. July 2020– Dec 2020(TBC)Prepare an initial position paper based on analysis of EU best practice. The paper will outline the rationale and strategy for Georgia to pursue the specific reform of the electricity market. In particular the consultant will, in collaboration with the junior energy expert, model the market impact of different reforms design. July 2020– Dec 2020(TBC)Incorporate into the position paper?the legal expert’s advice on primary and secondary legislation to implement the action plan and recommendations; July 2020– Dec 2020(TBC)Stakeholder engagement on the position paper to facilitate consensus on the recommendations and action plan.July 2020– Dec 2020(TBC)Develop and update quarterly a Dash Board for MoESD providing an overview of reforms implementation. July 2020– Dec 2020Final report on the work done for each key policy milestone including final version of the position paper.Policy Milestone 2Advise MoESD on policy development for the DSO unbundling in line with the Third Energy Package. Jan 2021 – June 2021 (TBC)Prepare an initial position paper based on analysis of EU best practice. The paper will outline the rationale and strategy for Georgia to pursue the specific reform of the electricity market. In particular the consultant will, in collaboration with the junior energy expert, model the market impact of different reforms design. Jan 2021 – June 2021 (TBC)Incorporate?into the position paper the legal expert’s advice on primary and secondary legislation required to implement the action plan and recommendations; Jan 2021 – June 2021 (TBC)Support MoESD in piloting the implementation of market based support schemes for energy projects.Jan 2021 – June 2021 (TBC) Stakeholder engagement on the position paper to facilitate consensus on the recommendations and action plan.Jan 2021 – June 2021 (TBC)Develop and update quarterly a Dash Board for MoESD providing an overview of reforms implementation.Jan 2021 – June 2021 (TBC)Final report on the work done for each key policy milestone including final version of the position paper.Policy Milestone 3Support MoESD in the implementation of market based Renewable Energy support schemes (eg Feed in Premium, Feed in Tariff, Contract of Difference etc).July 2021 – Dec 2021 (TBC)Prepare an initial position paper based on analysis of EU best practice. The paper will outline the rationale and strategy for Georgia to pursue the specific reform of the electricity market. In particular the consultant will, in collaboration with the junior energy expert, model the market impact of different reforms design. July 2021 – Dec 2021 (TBC)Incorporate?into the position paper the legal expert’s advice on primary and secondary legislation to implement the action plan and recommendations; July 2021 – Dec 2021 (TBC) Stakeholder engagement on the position paper to facilitate consensus on the recommendations and action plan.July 2021 – Dec 2021 (TBC)Develop and update quarterly a Dash Board for MoESD providing an overview of reforms implementation.July 2021 – Dec 2021 (TBC)Final report on the work done for each key policy milestone including final version of the position paper.Jan 2020 – Dec 2021 (TBC)TBCJan 2020 – Dec 2021Support the MoESD in developing papers and reports to be submitted to the Energy Community (e.g. a new renewable energy action plan and/or an integrated energy and climate action plan, including renewable energy)Objective 3Support policy-making as an interlocutor between various state organisations (including the Prime Minister’s office, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Environment) and the donor community and other relevant stakeholders (including the donor community) on energy related matters within the remit of this Assignment. Jan 2020 – Dec 2021Support MoESD in disseminating relevant information on energy policy developments to key stakeholders.Jan 2020 – Dec 2021Support the coordination of consultation meetings with stakeholders on relevant issues.Jan 2020 – Dec 2021 Reporting stakeholder views back to MoESD. ................

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