Battle of FranceTotal War - ?is?warfare?that includes any and all?civilian-associated resources and infrastructure as?legitimate military targets, and typically involves the use of?weapons?and tactics?that result in significant civilian?or other?non-combatant casualties, whether?collateral damage?or not.France’s Maginot LineLine of concrete fortifications, obstacles and weapon installations that?France?constructed on the French side of its borders with?Switzerland, Germany?and Luxembourg?during the 1930s. The line did not extend through to the English Channel because the French military did not want to offend?Belgium given its policy of neutralityThe line was a response to France's experience in?World War I and was constructed during the run-up to World War IIWhy did France choose the Maginot Line?1) Population – After WW1 Germany’s population was 70 million Frances was 40 Million2) Effects of WW1 – France’s economy was hobbled by WW1 where Germany was relatively untouched.3) As Hitler took power Germany’s economy was 3 times larger than Frances economy4) Britain and the USA wouldn’t fully commit to defending France the same way they did in WW15) France’s mentality towards war was still in the WW1 mindset, so they were preparing for “la guerre de longue duree” (the war of long duration)What this means is that France’s gov’t didn’t think it could fight an offensive war with Germany so it focused on defense, which = the Maginot LineThe Maginot Line was quite deep, varying (i.e., from the border to the rear area) from between 20 to 25?kilometres. It was composed of an intricate system of strong points, fortifications and military facilities such as border guard posts, communications centres, infantry shelters, barricades, artillery, machine gun and anti-tank gun emplacements, supply depots, infrastructure facilities and observation postsGermany Invaded France In Early May 1940. Almost 9 months after War had been declared.Germany’s Case Yellow (Fall Gelb)Very similar to the Schlieffien Plan – Attack France (and its allies, Britain and Belgium) using the Blitzkrieg through Belgium (Ardennes), into Northern FranceThe British Troops and the French Troops were pushed back by the attack to the village of Dunkirk. The Evacuation at Dunkirk or Operation DynamoWith nowhere to go, the Allied forces were trapped in the Harbour village of Dunkirk. Operation Dynamo is the code name of the evacuation plan to get the Allied troops out of Dunkirk, safely back to EnglandIn 8 days the Royal British Navy evacuated approximately 338,000 soldiers. Some controversy remains because Hitler ordered a “halt order” for the German troops at Dunkirk, many believe this to be a failure of Hitler that he didn’t finish the job and the allied forces lived to fight on. Germany’s Case Red (Fall Rot)Phase 2 of Germany’s attack on FranceBritain didn’t offer much support after Dunkirk and France’s gov’t was split on how to deal with Hitler. Some wanted to sign a peace treaty others wanted to resist. Seeing that they were quickly defeated, France and Germany signed an Armistice on June 22, 1940 and France was split.Separation of France The North and West regions were under Nazi control; the French Gov’t moved to Vichy and was called Vichy FranceThe French Government at Vichy never joined the Axis alliance.Germany kept?two million French soldiers?prisoner in Germany, carrying out?forced labour. They were hostages to ensure that Vichy would reduce its military forces and pay a heavy tribute in gold, food, and supplies to Germany. French police were ordered to?round up immigrant Jews?and other "undesirables" such as communists and political refugees.Battle of FranceTotal War - ?is?warfare?that includes any and all?_________________________________ resources and infrastructure as?legitimate military targets, and typically involves the use of?weapons?and tactics?that result in__________________________________________?or other?non-combatant casualties, whether?collateral damage?or not.France’s Maginot LineLine of __________________________fortifications, obstacles and weapon installations that?France?constructed on the French side of its borders with?Switzerland, Germany?and Luxembourg?during the 1930s. The line did not extend through to the English Channel because the French military did not want to offend?Belgium given its policy of neutralityThe line was a response to France's experience in?_______________________________ and was constructed during the run-up to World War IIWhy did France choose the Maginot Line?1) ____________________ – After WW1 Germany’s population was 70 million Frances was 40 Million2)_________________________________– France’s economy was hobbled by WW1 where Germany was relatively untouched.3) As Hitler took power Germany’s economy was ______ times larger than Frances economy4) ______________________and the_____________________ wouldn’t fully commit to defending France the same way they did in WW15) France’s mentality towards war was still in the WW1 mindset, so they were preparing for “la guerre de longue duree” (_____________________________________)What this means is that France’s gov’t didn’t think it could fight an ________________________war with __________________________________ so it focused on defense, which = the Maginot LineThe Maginot Line was quite deep, varying (i.e., from the border to the rear area) from between_______________________?kilometres. It was composed of an intricate system of strong points, fortifications and military facilities such as border guard posts, communications centres, infantry shelters, barricades, artillery, machine gun and anti-tank gun emplacements, supply depots, infrastructure facilities and observation postsGermany Invaded France In Early__________________. Almost 9 months after War had been declared.Germany’s Case Yellow (______________________)Very similar to the _______________________________Plan – Attack France (and its allies, Britain and Belgium) using the Blitzkrieg through Belgium (Ardennes), into Northern FranceThe British Troops and the French Troops were pushed back by the attack to the village of__________________________. The Evacuation at Dunkirk or Operation DynamoWith nowhere to go, the __________________________were trapped in the Harbour village of Dunkirk. Operation _________________________________is the code name of the evacuation plan to get the Allied troops out of Dunkirk, safely back to EnglandIn 8 days the Royal British Navy evacuated approximately _____________________________soldiers. Some controversy remains because Hitler ordered a “_______________________” for the German troops at Dunkirk, many believe this to be a failure of Hitler that he didn’t finish the job and the allied forces lived to fight on. Germany’s Case Red (_________________________________)Phase __________ of Germany’s attack on FranceBritain didn’t offer much _________________________________ after Dunkirk and France’s gov’t was split on how to deal with Hitler. Some wanted to sign a peace treaty others wanted to resist. Seeing that they were quickly defeated, France and Germany signed an Armistice on June 22, 1940 and France was split.Separation of France The North and West regions were under ___________________________ control; the French Gov’t moved to ___________________and was called Vichy FranceThe French Government at Vichy never joined the______________ alliance.Germany kept?___________________________ French soldiers?prisoner in Germany, carrying out?forced labour. They were hostages to ensure that Vichy would reduce its military forces and pay a heavy tribute in gold, food, and supplies to Germany. French police were ordered to?round up immigrant __________________?and other "_______________________________" such as communists and political refugees. ................

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