
Name _______________________Chapter 12 – America and WW II 1941-1945Section 1: Wartime AmericaBuilding the MilitaryBefore the spring of 1940, many Americans opposes a _______________________. _______________________ changed after France surrendered to Germany in _______________________. In September of that year, _______________________ approved the _______________________ - the first _______________________ in _______________________.General George C. Marshall – You’re in the Army NowEarly Problems:1.2. 3.Describe the training of a new recruit:A Segregated MilitaryDescribe each of the following:Segregated Units –“Double V” –African Americans in Combat –Colonel Benjamin O. Davis –Tuskegee Airmen – Other Minorities in the Military – Japanese Americans – Hispanic Americans – Native Americans – Jewish Americans – Women Joined the Armed ForcesWere they allowed in combat?When were they first allowed by Congress?Describe the following:WAAC –Oveta Culp Hobby – WAC – Other Branches of Service – WASPs –American Economy in WartimeWhy did fighting a global war trouble FDR, but not Churchill?Converting the EconomyNational Defense Advisory Committee –Cost – Plus –Reconstruction Finance Corporation –American Industry Gets the Job DoneHow quick did American industry convert to war production?Describe the processes below:Tanks Replace Cars –Building Liberty Ships –War Production Board –Life on the Home FrontDescribe the ways the war dramatically changed American society.Great Depression –Problems –American Defense Factories –Women in Defense PlantsHow did the perception of the role of married women change? “Rosie the Riveter” – Why did American attitudes about women in the workplace change?African Americans Demand War WorkA.Phillip Randolph – Executive Order 8802 –Fair Employment Practices Commission – Mexican FarmworkersBracero Program –A Nation on the MoveSun Belt – NHA - Racism Leads to ViolenceDetroit –“Zoot Suits” –“Victory Suit” –“Zoot Suit Riots” -Japanese, German, and Italian American RelocationAfter Pearl Harbor, who did Americans turn their anger on?Executive Order 9066 – Internment Camps –Korematsu v. United States, 1944 –Germans and Italians –Daily Life in WartimeOffice of Price Administration and Civilian Supply (OPACS) and Office of Economic Stabilization (OES) –War Labor Board (WLB) –Support and SacrificesRationing – Victory Gardens –War Bonds – Though the war brought most Americans hardships they remained united behind one goal, what was that goal?Hollywood Goes to WarOffice of War Information (OWI) –Section 2: The War in the PacificHolding the Line Against JapanWho was the commander of the USN?What naval asset was not destroyed at Pearl Harbor?The Fall of PhillipinesWho was the commander of the American forces in the Phillippines?Where were they forced to flee after the Japanese invaded the Phillippines?Who promised “I shall return.”?Describe the following:Bataan Death March –Corregidor –The Doolittle RaidWhat was the Doolittle Raid? Why was such risky plan implemented?Japan Changes StrategyHow did the Japanese change their strategy after the Doolittle Raid?The Battle of Coral SeaWhat gave the Americans the advantage before the battle?What aircraft carriers were sunk by the Japanese?*****This naval battle was the first in Naval history to be fought with planes and not between ships.What was it a strategic victory for the Americans?The Navajo Code TalkersWho were the “codetalkers”?What their role?How were they effective at the battle of Iwo Jima?Battle of MidwayHow did the Americans know about the impending attack at Midway?Who was the commander of the Japanese Navy who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor and Midway?Why is considered the turning point of the war in the Pacific?Driving Back JapanDescribe plan the two pronged plan to defeat the Japanese.Naval Plan - Army Plan - Island-Hopping in the PacificDescribe the reasons for the following battles:Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands –Amphtrac – Kwajalein Atoll –Marianas Islands (Saipan, Tinian, Guam) – MacArthur ReturnsDescribe MacArthur’s campaign:Guadalcanal –New Guinea –Phillippines – Battle of Leyte Gulf –Kamikaze –Section 3: The War in EuropeHalting the GermansPeriphery – Where did the Allies launch their first offensive against Germany?The Battle for North AmericaTwo reasons for the invasion:1.2.“Desert Fox” – Battle of Kasserine Pass –George Patton –The Battle of the AtlanticWho entered American coastal waters and why?Convoy System – What three new technologies were developed?The Battle of StalingradWhy did Hitler decide to invade Southern Russia?Results of this horrific battle:Striking Germany and ItalyCasablanca Conference – “soft underbelly of Europe” –Strategic BombingDescribe three of effects of this campaign on Germany:1.2.3.Striking the Soft UnderbellySicily –July 25, 1943 –Why did the fighting continue?Anzio –The Italian campaign was one of bloodiest in the war, with more than ______________ Allied casualties.The Tehran ConferenceName the big three that met in Tehran – Describe the agreements: D-Day InvasionWho was chosen to lead the Allied invasion of France?Planning Operation OverloadWhere did Germany believe the landing would take place?Where did the Allies chose to invade?Why?Describe the preparations:What day did the invasion finally take place?The Longest DayName the 5 Beaches: happened at Omaha beach?Omar Bradley –Section 4: The War EndsThe Third Reich CollapsesHedgerows - The Battle of the BulgeThis was Hitler’s last despite offense. What was it’s goal?What role did the weather play in this attack?This is not in your book – What city was surrounded by the Germans? What is the famous quote from this battle?Who came to the rescue? The War Ends in EuropeWho reached Berlin first?What happened to Hitler?What is known as V-E Day?Japan is DefeatedWht is the April 12, 1945 ?The Battle of Iwo JimaWhy was Iwo Jima such a strategic island?This is not in your book - Where does the famous picture of the Marines raising the American Flag take place on Iwo Jima?Firebombing JapanWho was Curtis LeMay what strategy in he employ?Why was it controversial?Naplam –The Results:The Invasion of OkinawaWhy was Okinawa invaded?Result:The Terms for SurrenderDescribe the two biggest terms:1.2.The Manhatten ProjectDescribe the above:Hiroshima and NagasakiWhat was the debate?Enola Gay – Little Boy –Fat Boy –V-J Day -Putting the Enemy on TrialInternational Military Tribunal (IMT) –Nuremburg Trials –Results:Germany –Japan –Robert Jackson –WW II: A Turning PointList results of WW II:,5,Effect on the American Economy –What country rivaled America after WW II? ................

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