Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Reading Focus: What setbacks did the Allies suffer in 1917 and early 1918?

Section 3 Americans in Battle: How did the American Expeditionary Force help the Allies win the war?

What were the costs of the war?

|SETBACKS FOR THE |Allies lost millions of soldiers; troops were exhausted and ill. Civilians in |

|ALLIES |Britain & France were near starvation. |

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| |Russia Makes a Separate Peace – Russia decides to withdraw. The Bolsheviks |

| |took power and the new leader (Lenin) opposed the war. He opened peace talk |

|What setbacks did the Allies |with Germany. Later the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed and ended Russia’s |

|Suffer in 1917 and early 1918? |participation in the war. |

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| |The German “Peace Offensive” – In 1918 Germany mobilized its troops for an |

| |Attack. They were able to near Amiens (a city in France). |

| |They prepared for a final push that would end the war called the “peace |

| |offensive” |

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|THE AMERICAN |June 1918 Americans arrive in France. They were called the American |

|EXPEDITIONARY FORCE |Expeditionary Force (AEF) commanded by General John J. Pershing. |

|in FRANCE | |

| |The allied armies wanted the AEF to reinforce their own. Pershing refused. He |

| |Said that American troops operate as separate units. Because the US wanted to |

| |Have an independent role in shaping the peace. |

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| |Harlem Hell Fighters – An African American unit. They fought alongside with the |

| |French. For their bravery, the French awarded them the Croix de Guerre, their |

| |Highest military honor. |

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|How did the AEF help the |Marines Hold at Belleau Wood – June 1918 American troops fought in the |

|Allies win the war? |Battle of Belleau Wood, which lasted 3 weeks. They used expert marksmen. |

| |Individual soldiers charged German machine gun nests and on June 25 they |

| |won the battle. |

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|ALLIES WIN THE WAR |Germans tried to take Paris again. They pushed the Allies back until they came |

| |up against the Americans troops, the Allied troops with the help of the American |

| |troops pushed the Germans back. |

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| |Battle of Argonne Forest – On September 26, 1918 troops pushed into the |

| |Argonne Forest. Americans advanced quickly, then slowed down due to |

| |Heavy rain. They drove forward and captured Germans. After 47 days of fighting |

| |Americans broke through German defense. They won the Battle of Argonne Forest. |

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| |Armistice Ends the War – and armistice is an agreement to stop fighting. Pres. |

| |Wilson set two conditions. Germany must accept his plan for peace. |

| |Germany emperor must abdicate or give up power. |

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| |On November 9, the German emperor resigned and fled to Holland. War ended on |

| |November 11, 1918. |

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|THE COSTS OF THE WAR |Everyone spent a great deal of money. A large amount of Young European lost their |

| |Lives. Civilians died of disease, starvation. France lay in ruins. Millions of |

|What were the costs of war? |Germans were near starvation. Children were orphaned and homeless. |

| |A terrible influenza epidemic spread around the globe. |

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