U.S. History World War IIExtra Credit QuestionsName: _______________________________________Period: ___Instructions: Some slides from the World War II Power Point answer specific questions for your World War II Study Guide – these slides are labeled. For every unlabeled slide in the Power Point, there is an entry below. You can earn extra credit points by filling in the main points that you learned for each of these slides in the space provided (note: this only includes slides that do not answer questions on the regular study guide). The entries are in the same order that their slides appear in the Power Point. A few questions have been completed for you as examples.The Rise of Dictators: Stalin’s Soviet Union:Stalin took over the Soviet Union after Lenin’s death. Even though Lenin didn’t trust Stalin and liked Leon Trotsky better, Stalin claimed that he had always been Lenin’s favorite.Stalin’s Friends & Enemies:The USSR: “Godless Communists:”Stalin’s Economic Plans:Stalin’s Reign of Terror:The Rise of Dictators: Mussolini and Fascism in Italy:Fascism in Italy:Hitler’s Rise to Power in Germany:Hitler’s Failure:Mein Kampf:The Nazi Party:The Nazis Regain Popularity:Hitler Takes Over Germany:The Night of the Long Knives:Hitler Rearms Germany:The Spanish Civil War:The Germans and Italians helped the Spanish Nationalists win this war, but Nationalist leader Francisco Franco later kept Spain neutral during WWII instead of joining the Germans & Italians.The War in Western Europe:Dunkirk:The Fall of France:The Two Frances:The Battle of Britain:The Blitz:The RAF Saves Britain:The Empire of Japan:The Manchurian Incident:Japan vs. China:China Continues to Fight:The Flying Tigers:Japan Looks Beyond China:U.S. Isolationism:American Involvement Grows:War With Japan Grows Closer:Japan Plans for Pearl Harbor:December 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor:WWII: America Mobilizes:A major reason why the Allies won WWII was that the U.S. could produce more weapons & supplies than the Axis Powers.Mobilizing the Armed Forces:Diversity in the Armed Forces:Great Falls Does Its Part!:Financing the War:Daily Life on the Home Front:Office of Price Administration:The Atlantic Charter:When America Joined the Fight:The Battle of the Atlantic, 1939-1945:American Disaster at Kasserine:The Allies Take North Africa:The Allied Invasion of Italy Begins:Patton’s “Slapping Incident:”Fighting in Italy Continues:The Allies Liberate Rome:WWII in the Soviet Union:Air War:Dresden:D-Day:Omaha Beach:Casualties at D-Day:Overlord Succeeds:Operation Valkyrie:France is liberated:3rd Army is held up:Hitler’s Ardennes Plan:Operation Greif:Malmedy and Bastogne:Patton Saves Bastogne:The Allies Win the Battle of the Bulge:Taking the war to Germany:April 1945: The Deaths of Three Leaders:After Hitler’s Death:Germany surrenders:WWII in the Pacific: The Japanese Advance:Japanese Atrocities:The Bataan Death March:Outcome of the Bataan Death March:War at Sea:The Doolittle Raid:The Battle of the Coral Sea:Turning Point: Midway:Midway: Each side’s advantages:Midway inspired Americans:The famous photo of the Japanese cruiser Mikuma that had been destroyed by American planes at Midway was used in ads to get Americans to keep buying war bonds.Sgt. Paige’s Heroism:The Marianas Turkey Shoot:The Battle of Leyte Gulf:U.S. liberates the Philippines:More about Iwo Jima:More about Okinawa:The Manhattan Project:The Potsdam Proclamation:The USS Indianapolis: The ship that delivered “the bomb:”Did Stalin keep his promises?German Tiger II Tank:The M4 Sherman Tank:Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress:B-29 Superfortress:P-51 Mustang:P-38 Lightning:Chance Vought F4U Corsair:Japan’s Mitsubishi A6M Zero & Ohka kamikaze rocket plane:ME 262:The German battleship Bismarck:USS Missouri:World War II Propagandists:Anti-Axis Propaganda: ................

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