World of Tanks 7-player PvE BattlesFrance- "Battle of France" (II, III, IV)The team fights through a platoon of 5 German light tanks and proceed to the defense location. A wave of attacks from light panzers and several medium panzers will begin. Team supported by allied British bots taking the form of the Cruiser II, III, IV, and Matilda tanks. You are not expected to survive. Exp is awarded based on the tier the player chooses and how much damage and spotting is done until everyone has been destroyed. Enemy: Germany (unlimited light tanks, unlimited medium tanks at a slower rate)Tanks available: D1, D2, B1, H35, SomuaS35, FCM 36, AMX 38, R35No RespawnJapan- "Diatōa Sensō" (II, III, IV)Players assault allied enemy defensive positions, guns, handful of tanks and capture the enemy base without getting hit by artillery. Enemy will have the ability to call in naval bombardments if players have been spotted for too long, at 5min the bombardments cease and players will be able to use the ability. (Note: several base and gun emplacements can only be hit with this ability.) Enemy: China/Britain/USSR (4 light tanks, 6 field guns, 5 bases, 10 trucks)Tanks available: Ha-Go, Ke-Ni, Chi-Ni, Chi-Ha, Chi-He, I-Go/Chi-Ro1 RespawnBritain- "Battle of Burma" (II, III, IV)The mission is to escort an ally convoy of 5 trucks through the jungle to several waypoints. 3 waves and 1 final of Japanese tanks and light artillery will attack in separate platoons and will spawn in the forest at different times. There are 3 tanks per platoon and 4 in the final wave.Enemy: Japan (8 light tanks 6 medium tanks)Tanks available: Cruiser II, Cruiser III, Cruiser IV, Valentine, Matilda, Grant, Stuart I-IV, CovenantorNo RespawnAmericans- "Operation Overlord" (IV, V, VI)move from DD-tank deployment and advance on the beaches, capture assigned targets systematically as they come up and destroy targets and tanksEnemy: Germany (8 mediums, 4 Tank destroyers, 5 pumas, 5 trucks, 5 halftracks, 10 field guns, 7 bases) Tanks available: M5 stuart, M7 Preist, M4, M4A3E8, M4A3E2 Jumbo, M10 Wolverine, M18 Hellcat, M36 Jackson Ram II2 RespawnsChina- "Fatherland Liberation War" (IV, V, VI)charge and take back Korea from the Americans. Destroy convoys and push retreating bots back to boarder. Enemy: Americans (10 light tanks, 8 medium tanks, 3 heavy tanks, 8 field guns)Tanks available:2 RespawnsGermany- "Operation Market Garden" (V, VI, VII)Use team tactics to ambush American and British tanks and convoy. Don't allow enemy bots to advance past waypoints. Enemy will retreat after taking critical damage. 2 bot SdKfz234 Pumas are standing by for support and scouting. Enemy will have mortar and short artillery support. Enemy: Britain/Americans (10 medium tanks, 4 halftracks, 4 M8 Greyhounds)Tanks available: Grille, Hummel, Stug IIIG, JpPz IV, JPanther, Pz IVH, Tiger, PantherNo RespawnUSSR- "Stalingrad" (VI, VII, VIII)Players clear City of German panzers with armor. Capture all areas and prepare for counter-attackEnemy: Germany (4 light tanks, 10 medium tanks, 5 heavy tanks, 5 trucks, 8 halftracks, 4 field guns 4 Pumas)Tanks available: SU-100, T-44, T-34-85m, T-34-85, SU-152, ISU-152, IS, IS-2, KV-85, T-150, KV-2 S-513 Respawns ................

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