Cold War Political Cartoon

Cold War Political Cartoons

25 points

Due Date______________________________

1. Choose a specific event that occurred during the Cold War (see below for options). Use information from the text-book and extended research that explains the event in detail and write a brief explanation of the event.

2. Find a political cartoon of the time that depicts the event you will be drawing.

3. For your extended research, use at least three sources OTHER than your book and write them in correct bibliographic form at the end of your paragraph.

4. Draw two political cartoons that depict the event ( remember the class discussion about the purpose of a Political Cartoon)

o One from the Soviet perspective

o One from the U.S. perspective

o Each must have the political leader of the time!

We should be able to tell from which perspective each is drawn without asking!


Two-to-three paragraph summary of event 5 points

Political Cartoon of the time 5 points

Three sources in correct bibliographic form 5 points (NOT PC!)

U.S. perspective political cartoon 5 points

U.S.S.R. perspective political cartoon 5 points

Cold War Events

1. Berlin Airlift 17/1

2. Creation of NATO 17/1 and Creation of Warsaw Pact 17/1

3. U.S. tests first H-Bomb 17/1

4. Launching of Sputnik 17/1

5. U-2 incident 17/1

6. Death of Stalin 17/5

7. Korean War ends 17/3

8. Building of Berlin Wall

9. Cuban Missile Crisis 17/4

10. De-Stalinization 17/5

11. Hungarian Revolt 17/5

12. Czechoslovakian Revolt 17/5

13. U.S. Star Wars (Reagan not Lucas!) 17/5

14. Berlin Wall falls 19/3

15. German reunification 19/3

16. Boris Yeltsin elected Russian president 19/4

17. Formation of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 19/4

18. Russian war in Chechnya 19/4

Others with approval: such as events that are currently happening in either - Cuba, China, North Korea or Russia today!!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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