
WWIAnticipation GuideName _____________________Date _____________________Read each of the following statements about the First World War. Decide whether the statement is true or false, and circle your response on the left side of the page. After you have completed your study of the war, revisit this page and make corrections, if necessary, in the last column.Before StudyAfter StudyTrue?False?1.A major reason for the beginning of the war was that Germany and Britain were competing against each other for territory.True?FalseTrue?False?2.At the outbreak of war, Canada was well-prepared to fight.True?FalseTrue?False?3.One of the reasons the war was a “world war” was due to the fact that fighting occurred all over Europe, Africa, and Asia.True?FalseTrue?False?4.In wartime, only men were required to make big contributions to the war effort.True?FalseTrue?False?5.One of the factors that made the war so big was an alliance system that had been designed to prevent war.True?FalseTrue?False?6.By the end of the war, almost forty percent of Britain’s air force pilots were Canadian.True?FalseTrue?False?7.Canadian soldiers gained a reputation as capable and courageous.True?FalseTrue?False?8.Ninety percent of the Newfoundland Regiment were killed or wounded in one hour in one battle.True?FalseTrue?False?9.The most important battle in helping to win the war was the Battle of Vimy Ridge.True?FalseTrue?False10.Conditions in the trenches were almost as bad as the actual battles.True?False4480560-33337500WWI: Origins and Trench WarfareOrigins/CausesImperialism______________ of land possessions (colonies etc.) between countries created ______________. New land meant more ______________ growth and overall ______________. Certain countries were ____ to enter the game and had to catch up those with already elaborate “______________”.Countries such and ______________ and ______________ had far reaching influences (______________,______________, etc) while others such as ______________ and ______________ were considerably behind schedule. ______________ to acquire new land also increased tensions.Ex: Franco-Prussian War3708400652526000-1460506506845003227070-28194000AlliancesThe mounting ______________ encouraged the creation of powerful ______________: countries formed alliances with other countries, swearing to ____________ one another against any ______________ or ______________. Two main alliances were formed: ____________________________________________NationalismFeelings of ______________ and ______________ soon reigned over Europe. Most saw other countries as ______________ and their citizens as being ?_____ -them??.This ______________ pride leads to the final cause: ______________What better way to increase your _________________ presence then by building your ______________MilitarismTo ______________ the empires and further national ______________, countries entered dangerous _____________________.This arms race, in theory, could also be a ______________ to war: 3757295486473500No one would __________ declaring war on anyone as the resulting war would be ________________________.They were half right382905073621900024447550876200031813571869300CatalystThe war started when a young Serb assassinated Archduke, _______________________, heir to the ______________ -__________________ throne. The Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on ______________. __________________ quickly came to its defence, triggering a mass ______________ of _______This started the ______________ war the ______________ had ever seen. The alliances forced countries to protect their allies:______________, ______________ and ______________ with the Serbs;______________ and ______________ with the Austro-Hungarian Empire.Canada is constitutionally ______________ to join the War when ______________ doesWar Time in CanadaContributionMore than ___________ Canadians served in the war: an impressive contribution for a country of ______________Especially considering that most soldiers were ____, between the ages of _______More than ______________ Canadians ______________.More than ______________ Canadians ______________.War EconomyThe need for war ______________ immediately ______________ the economy______________ produce and sell more to feed the ____________ in Europe.______________ are ______________, producing war materials paid for by the Canadian ______________.The ______________ explosion also leads to increase ____________ of natural resources:For the first time, ______________ production surpasses ______________ production in Canada.The ______________ of Québec and Halifax have never been ______________.However, the government must ensure it has enough resources for its population. The government:creates rules to control the sale of coal and other ______________creates the ??______________ of ______________ Supervisor?? to control the sale of ______________;Ensuring that not all of the wheat produced is sold ______________.ProblemsThe start of the war stimulates the ______________, BUT the government is paying for EVERYTHING and rapidly descends into serious ______________. The government: Increases ______________;Increases ______________ rates;Imposes new ______________ taxes;Sells ??____________________ ?It’s too late: ______________ debt increases from about ______________ dollars, to more than ______________ dollars between __________ and ___________.Consequences on the population___________ is so pronounced, that prices ____________ on most goods during the war. Ex: Cost to feed a Manitoban family in 1914 : ______________In 1918: ____________________________ power drops as ______________ essentially remain ______________ (or barely increase).Response: workers form ______________ and go on ______________:The government is forced to __________ strikes during the war.Consequence: worker ____________ increases ___________ tensions within the country.Lack of soldiersPrime Minister Robert ______________ faces two problems:1. Lack of ______________ ---solution: sell _____________________.2. Lac of ______________ ---solution: ______________ (mandatory military service)In ________ all men aged __________ are called into service.only ____________ of the __________ deemed fit for battle ever make it to FranceThe ______________ win the war a few months later.The conscription left some __________ in Canada and increased ethnic tensions between ______________ and ______________ (remaining from Riel).Francophones were strongly opposed to ______________:They believed they were being treated as ______________ -class citizens by their own government (______________ against Francophones was a reality of the times).They did not feel that they should be ______________ to fight for a country that did not ______________ them.The ______________ which ended the War is signed in ______________, 1918.3732530657860000Land, air and waterThis would be the first war fought on all three ______________Trench WarfareBoth sides began to construct deep ______________ protected by ______________ guns & ______________ wire.Parallel lines of trenches soon stretched from the ___________ Channel to ____________Opposing forces were only separated by ________ in some areas.-40640730631000Trench warfare ______________ the Western Front ______________ of WWI.3031490-34861500Trench Organization_________-line trench: firing-and-attack trench (closest to the enemy) __________ trench: with men and supplies that could immediately assist those on the front line __________ trench __________________ trenches, which allowed movement of messages, supplies, & men among the trenches 3260725333184500-18796036963354477156bottom00 -1066806689090003798570-32004000World War I Trench WeaponsDuring WWI, the soldiers in the trenches used a wide variety of weapons, these included:_____________ and __________________________ guns_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ throwersMustard and chlorine _____________ &Smokeless _____________-190502722880003571875259842000In the end, what killed the most soldiers throughout the War was getting hung up on barbed wire and being machine gunned while crossing no-man’s-landNo-Man's LandThe space between the trenches was called "No-man's Land" because it did not belong to either side. Most of the time the soldiers could only peep at it through tiny holes in defenses. It was a horrible sight with dead bodies stuck in the barbed wire, broken trees and big holes caused by explosionsCanadians on the Western FrontBattles____________ (April, 1915)4997450711835____________ (July – November, 1916)____________ (avril, 1917)____________ (October, 1917)YPRES…. April 1915In ________________________ action for ____________ on the Western Front.____________ advance toward the German lines (see image) The Germans occupy an ____________ position: they are able to ____________ gun the allied ____________. Allies: ____________, ____________ and ____________ troops participateThe Germans attack on April 22, 1915 with 160 tons of ____________ gas (first time used).4693285348297500The chlorine ____________ follows the ground and ____________ allied trenches. Canadians fight through the night to protect their ____________: the German gas attack was unexpectedly VERY ____________: TOO successful: the Germans were not ____________ to take full advantage of the situation. Canadians hold the ____________.____________ Canadian casualties: ________ in ________ injured and more than ____________ deadBattle of the Somme…. July 1st, 1916The battle is known as “The _________ ___________”The ____________ were trying to support the ____________ fighting in Verdun by attacking ____________ from another side. 4509135621982500The British fired more than ____________ shells in one weekAfter the ____________ bombardment and __________ detonations, soldiers were told that there should not be much German ____________ remaining. They were told the did not need their __________. Soldiers went over the top and began to cross no-man’s land“Even the ____________ will have been killed” BUT, the Germans were well ___________ in their deep _________ and had survived, mostly __________.When the Allied troops were close, the Germans opened fire and __________ the Brits. More than ____________ British casualties on the first day.5048885-33909000Beaumont-Hamel, July 1, 1916In Beaumont-Hamel, ____________ of the 1st battalion of the Newfoundland Regiment, is annihilated in one ________ by German ____________ guns. July 1st remains a day of _______________ in Newfoundland.87693598869500Canadians at the SommeThe battle continues: Canadians arrive in ____________ and fought the Germans until the end of ____________. ____________ Canadian casualties Canadian ____________ is established: ? The Canadians played a part of such distinction that thenceforward they were marked out as ____________ ____________; for the remainder of the war they were brought along to ____________ the assault in one great battle after another. Whenever the Germans found the Canadian Corps coming into the line they prepared for the ____________ ?A Somme…ary3917315562737000At the end of the first day: __________ British casualties (__________ dead). The battle is called “______________” ‘the blood bath’ by the Germans. After 5 months: losses of more than ____________ soldiers (including Germans), ____________ of which were Canadians.The “Push” resulted in only ________ gained. The British introduce ________ for the first time in ____________.The battle is called off when both sides run out of ____________:The Germans were MUCH worse off, but the Brits were ____________.4601845-22098000The Battle of Vimy Ridge: April 9th, 1917____________ was important to the Germans as their ____________ allowed them to see the ____________This was ____________ very important for the Germans: Their position was well ____________ with elaborate systems of ____________ and ____________ fortified with ____________ ______________________.In the effort to capture Vimy between 1914 and 1916, the French and the British lost more than __________ soldiers It was now the ______________ turn to take the German positionThe lessons learned from ____________ in previous years (Somme) gave birth to new ____________, ____________, and plans of ____________Canadian engineers dug ____________ in a large ____________Canadian troops practiced ____________ behind the ______________________Canadians also used ____________ photography The troops ____________ until each man knew the _________ and the ________ by heart4667250328549000The Battle of Vimy Ridge….. April 9th, 1917This is the most _______________ Canadian Battle during the WarMore than ____________ Canadiens participatedFor the first time all 4 Canadian divisions attacked ________________The Canadian troops gained more German __________, ____________, and ____________ than anyone had in the past 2 years____ Canadians received the ___________________3922395669798000-2413006588125004916805-26670000PasschendaeleThis Battle took place in the fall of __________It is also known as the ______ Battle of ____________.The battle field was covered with ______ and ___________ due to torrential _______ and previous attacks which had destroyed ____________ systemsThe ____________, ____________, ____________ and ____________ were all stuck in the ____________More than ____________ Canadian casualtiesThe ____________ gained around ____________-85725259524544589702774315425831046107350019685446913000The End of the WarThe arrival of the Canadian and American forces on the Western front slowly started to decimate the Germans. It wasn’t one battle or one invasion in particular which finished WWI, it was more so a sustained attack which the Germans could no longer defend themselves against.254508013716000Treaty of VersaillesVersailles Overview____ victorious countries met at the Palace of ____________ (just outside Paris, _______________)Because of our strong role in the war effort, ________ was represented as a single ____________ at the meetings & at the official treaty signing.Main decisions were made by the so-called “Big Three” (____________, _____________, _________)_________________ was not invited to the peace talksThe Big ThreeUnited States….Woodrow ____________Great Britain….David Lloyd ____________France….George ____________U.S Post War WorldWanted ____________ to ensure lasting ________________________ countries should be treated ____________Wilson’s “fourteen points” included free ____________ & ________________________ of ____________ be set up to settle future ____________ by promoting ____________ between countriesBritish Post War WorldBritish had lost many ____________ in the warBritish citizens wanted ____________ to ____________ for what they had donePM felt a ____________ treaty might cause ____________ that would cause Germany to seek ____________ in the futureFrench Post War WorldWanted to ____________ another ____________Thought Germany should pay for starting the ____________ & the ____________ caused in the warHe wanted to ensure that Germany was too __________ to ever _________ France again 4606290-20764500Terms of TreatyGermany had to admit full ___________________ for starting the war. This was Clause 231 - the infamous "__________________________". Germany had to pay ________________ (6.6 billion Pounds), the bulk of which would go to ____________ & ____________ to pay for the damage done to the ___________________ of both countries by the war. (Clause 232)A League of Nations was set up to keep world _______. Germany not permitted an _____ force, the army was not allowed _____________.German army ____________ to 100 000 men.Germany only allowed ____ naval ships and no ____________.All German ____________ taken away and Germany reduced in ____________centerbottom00The HomefrontWorld War IChanges to SocietyThe __________ of _____________ changedWomen took over _________________ when they ________________ for war duty________________ workersRan ________________Ran ________________________________ the war, women were expected to return to their more ________________ roles, which they did, but with a greater sense of ________________ in themselves and their abilitiesPower of the workers increased________________ had to be maintainedStrikes would slow down ________________, therefore ________________ was more ready to ________________ with ________________Personal Economics DeclinedCost of ________________ rose (________________ and ________________)________________ stayed the sameTherefore people were actually ________________________________ by many companies – ________________ necessities until people are ________________, then charging ________________ prices for them.Ethnic Tensions Rose“________________________________” had to register with ________________Anyone who had ________________ to Canada from an ________________ country within the last ______ years was considered an enemy alienThey were treated with ________________ and ________________Over ____________ enemy aliens were placed in ________________ _____________ with ________________ – despite having done nothing of a threatening natureMany of the detainees were ________________Political GamesPrime Minister Robert Borden ran what has been called “the most ________________ ________________ in Canadian history”.Prior to the election Borden ________________ the ________________ from anyone who had ________________ from an enemy state within the last _______ yearsAlso removed the right to ____________ from all ________________ ________________ (Mennonites, Doukhobors, etc.)Borden split the ________________ party by asking the English speaking candidates to join him (Conservative) in a ________________ government. This left the French speaking members, who _________ the war, without a full party.He granted the right to vote in a federal election to any ________________ whose ________________ was serving overseas.Although Borden was soundly ________________ in ________________, he won in ________________ Canada, thereby ________________ his position as Prime Minister.Unrest continuedSeveral ________________ organizations walked off the job (postal workers, civic employees, longshoremen, etc.)Borden worried that the ________________ ideas from the ________________ Revolution would ________________ into Canada He ________________ foreign-language ________________, ________________ political parties, and made certain types of strikes ________________When the Men Came HomeDespite the ________________ the men showed on the ________________, and despite the ________________ that depicted all the soldiers as clean-cut, brave Canadian boys, the men returned home to a very ________________ welcome. There were no ________________, no ________________ coverage for those who needed continued care, no ________________, and a great deal of ________________. This classism meant that many ________________ did not want returning soldiers settling in their ________________, or working in certain ________________ level jobs. In short, most of the men ________________ for a country that didn’t ________________ them once they were out of ________________. 4337050-399415Winnipeg General StrikeAfter _______, many Canadian soldiers returned home to find few ________________.The ________________ thought the jobs they had left would be there when they returned. The soldiers were ________________. Canada provided little _____________, ___________, _____________ or ____________ to the veterans. As well, ________________ benefits were limited and veteran ________________ were often panies who made __________ equipment had enjoyed enormous ________________, and many business operators were ________________.4425950322897500For the _____________, __________ were low, working conditions were ____________, and labour ______________ were mostly non-existent. During the war, ________________ had worked in the ________________. They had gained _____________ and ______________. Many women did not want to return to the role of ________________.Prior to WW1, many _____________ Europeans had settled in ________________ Canada. Large groups of Ukrainians moved to ________________. Now, these groups were seen as ________________.In Canada, there was ________________ and very high __________ (40 - 60%) …frustration and anger. In ________________, the 1917 ___________ had put a ___________ government in power. For Canadian workers, a ______________ system (i.e., property and wealth ___________ subject to ____________ of society for the common good) seemed like a good__________.4855845610870000In May 1919, One Big Union was formed in ___________. The union was seeking better _____________ and working ______________ for workers in all Canadians cities.The union began to ____________ workers across Canada.Building and metal workers tried to become unionized, but ________________ refused to ___________. The workers decided to ______ for better wages and union recognition.One Big Union convinced all Winnipeg workers to support the strike, and by ________________, ___________ workers…almost ________________ in Winnipeg…were on strike.The strikers included ____________ workers, _____________ officers, __________ fighters, ____________ works operators and ________________.4161790-29210000At first, the strike was ________________, and a ________________ ________________ was formed.The Central Strike Committee _____________ the movement of _____________ and ______________ (e.g., milk and food delivery) in many parts of Winnipeg.Almost immediately, ________________ and the Winnipeg __________________ established the ________________________________, a group of Winnipeg's wealthiest ___________, ___________, ________________ and ________________. 4166870227520500The Committee ignored the strikers' demands for improved ___________ and union ___________. Instead, the Committee claimed the strikers were ________________ trying to start a violent ________________ ________________.Local ________________ had lost most of their employees to the strike. Papers such as the Winnipeg Free Press called the strikers ____________,_________ and ________________.They ran cartoons depicting hooked-nosed_________ radicals throwing _______. 4269105455231500In response to the negative press, workers began to hold similar but smaller ________________ in cities across ________________.The Government of ____________ began to worry about the ________________ of strikes in all Canadian ernment of Canada officials met with the Citizens' Committee of 1000, but they __________ to meet with the Central Strike Committee.4250690712914500With Government of Canada support, the Winnipeg City Council __________ all police officers. They were ______________ with members of the Citizens' Committee of 1000.The Government of Canada acted _____________.The Immigration Act was _______________ so strike leaders could be easily and quickly ___________ and ________________. Striking government employees were ________________ back to work.On 17 June 1918, ten strike ____________ were ________________.More __________ officers were sent to Winnipeg.In protest, the strikers organized a __________ in downtown Winnipeg.On June 21, 1918, the event turned ________________. RCMP on ________________ charged into the protesting strikers. Many more strikers were ________________, 30 people were ________________ and one person was ___________. This event is called ____________ Saturday.4735195-27368500On 25 June 1918, the strikers ______________ to work.This is a very important historical event in the ________, _____________ and _____________ values of Canadian history. Why? 806452649855Workers saw the need to ______________. This was the start of many unions in other parts of Canada, as well as meaningful ___________ and ________________ for ________________ (e.g., safe working conditions, appropriate wages).Strike leader J.S. ________________ …he was jailed during the Winnipeg General Strike…later founded Canada's first socialist political party, the ________. It became the New Democratic Party of Canada (_______)…the political party advocating the rights of ________________ and the ________________ choice during many Canadian electionsCanadians began questioning the ________________ and ________________ used by the government. Should governments be able to ________________ …in newspapers and with guns…its ________________? A Royal Commission said, “No.” Canadians agreed. ................

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