
Mr. Brush

A.P. United States History

Quiz #17-World War II

Multiple Choice

1. The Atlantic Charter

[A] repealed the American arms embargo and allowed Britain and France to buy American war materials on a cash-and-carry basis.

[B] provided Britain with 50 World War I vintage American destroyers in return for American control of British military bases in the Caribbean and the Mid-Atlantic.

[C] pledged Central and South American neutrality after Germany and Japan declared war on the United States.

[D] set collective war strategy and long-term goals for Britain and the United States.

2. The Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor succeeded for all the following reasons EXCEPT

[A] a conspiracy by the United States government to let the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor by surprise so America would have a legitimate excuse to enter World War II

[B] commanders at Pearl Harbor were convinced that the only real threat to the base was from local saboteurs, not a Japanese naval attack

[C] a message ordering the base on maximum war alert was sent via commercial telegraph rather than military cable and did not arrive until the day after the attack

[D] inter-service rivalry effectively kept the military intelligence services from sharing and coordinating the information they had collected which could have allowed them to anticipate the Pearl Harbor attack

3. All the following were groups of contemporaries EXCEPT

[A] Jane Addams, Ida B. Wells, Ida Tarbell

[B] Fredrick Douglass, John Brown, Robert E. Lee

[C] John C. Calhoun, Nat Turner, John Quincy Adams

[D] General Dwight D. Eisenhower, General Ulysses S. Grant, General Douglas MacArthur

[E] Herbert Hoover, William Jennings Bryan, A. Mitchell Palmer

4. At the Munich Conference

[A] Hitler agreed to form an alliance with Italy and Japan.

[B] the Big Three agreed to demand unconditional surrender from the Germans and Japanese.

[C] Britain and France gave in to Hitler’s territorial demands.

[D] the United States promised Germany that it would remain neutral in the war.

5. During World War II, labor unrest was kept to a minimum with the exception of John L. Lewis’s

[A] United Auto Workers.

[B] United Mine Workers.

[C] United Farm Workers.

[D] Knights of Labor.

6. In order to establish a new Italian empire, Mussolini ordered his military to invade

[A] France.

[B] Poland.

[C] Ethiopia.

[D] Egypt.

7. This famous photograph below is captured at which battle of World War II?


[A] Guadalcanal

[B] Midway

[C] Arnhem

[D] Iwo Jima

8. At which conference did the Big Three FIRST meet?

[A] Casablanca

[B] Teheran

[C] Potsdam

[D] Yalta

9. The United States policy of Lend-Lease in 1940 benefited what allied nation the most?

[A] France

[B] Great Britain

[C] The Soviet Union

[D] Finland

10. This picture below is referring to


[A] industrialization during World War II.

[B] the Bonus Army marching on Washington, D.C.

[C] the enactment of women’s rights in the Nineteenth Amendment.

[D] the unprecedented number of women who replaced men in the factories

during World War II.

11. Which of the following were NOT a part of Roosevelt’s policies designed to aid Britain despite the Neutrality Acts?

[A] Cash and Carry

[B] Lend-Lease

[C] Destroyers for bases

[D] The Draft

[E] The Good Neighbor Policy

12. Which Allied nation provided support to the Loyalists in the Spanish Civil War?

[A] The United States

[B] Great Britain

[C] The Soviet Union

[D] France

13. Which battle was the turning point in the Pacific war between Japan and the United States?

[A] Guadalcanal

[B] Pearl Harbor

[C] Iwo Jima

[D] Midway

14. The Stimson Doctrine

[A] was widely condemned by the America First Committee.

[B] stated that the United States would not recognize Japan’s puppet government in China.

[C] implied that the United States would not challenge Soviet influence in Eastern Europe.

[D] stated that the United States would seek unconditional surrender terms from Japan and Germany.

15. The Manhattan Project was a top-secret plan

[A] to prevent Japan from acquiring raw materials necessary for the expansion of its military.

[B] devised by the Nazis to eliminate Europe’s Jews.

[C] by the United States to develop the atom bomb.

[D] that led to the formation of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis.

16. In the Second World War the Allied strategy, agreed upon by the United States and Great Britain, was to

[A] concentrate on defeating Japan first before turning to Germany.

[B] divide all resources equally between the war against Japan and Germany.

[C] fight only against Japan, leaving the Russians to fight Germany alone.

[D] concentrate on defeating Germany first before turning on Japan.

17. When President Roosevelt stated that this event was “a date which will live in infamy,” he was referring to

[A] the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.

[B] the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan.

[C] the beginning of the Holocaust.

[D] Germany’s invasion of Poland.

18. She revolutionized the role of First Lady. While her husband was president, she wrote a column for a newspaper, “My Day”; promoted the careers of talented women; and worked openly for civil rights for Blacks, something her husband could not do. Later she represented the United States in the United Nations and chaired the President’s Commission on the Status of Women, which led to the Equal Pay Act. Who is this pioneering First lady?

[A] Abigail Adams

[B] Mary Todd Lincoln

[C] Eleanor Roosevelt

[D] Edith Bolling Galt Wilson

19. During World War II, which countries were a part of the Axis powers?

[A] Spain only

[B] Germany, Italy, and Japan

[C] The United Kingdom, France and the USSR (Russia)

[D] Germany, Russia and Italy, Japan

20. In the Panay Incident

[A] the Japanese inadvertently sank a U.S. gunboat on patrol in China.

[B] the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the Seventh Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

[C] Japan invaded China.

[D] the Japanese government agreed not to invade China in return for territorial concessions in Southeast Asia.

21. The Dawes Plan and the Young Plan

[A] repudiated the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.

[B] provided for Filipino independence.

[C] increased U.S. financial aid to South America.

[D] assisted Germany with its reparations.

22. The picture below refers to


[A] the Casablanca Conference.

[B] The Spanish Civil War.

[C] Bacon’s Rebellion.

[D] Japanese-American Internment.

[E] fighting between lumberjacks on the border of Maine and New Brunswick in Aroostook County.

23. At the time the Second World War began in Europe, the general mood in the United States with regard to the war was

[A] determination not to get involved.

[B] eagerness to aid Great Britain by all means short of war.

[C] dissatisfaction with Roosevelt for failing to take the U.S. into the war immediately.

[D] mildly favorable to Germany.

24. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor occurred after

[A] diplomatic negotiations with the United States reached a stalemate.

[B] the United States declared war on Japan.

[C] Japan invaded the Philippines.

[D] Japanese-Americans were forcefully evacuated from the West coast.

25. All of the following occurred during the Second World War EXCEPT

[A] a dramatic increase of married women entering the paid work force

[B] the forced relocation of Japanese-Americans from the West coast to camps in the interior

[C] the prohibition of interstate travel without government permission

[D] the federal rationing of gasoline and sugar

[E] an increase in Black migration to urban areas

26. The United States entered World War II

[A] after the sinking of the Lusitania.

[B] after Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii.

[C] after Japan invaded China.

[D] after Germany invaded Poland.

27. The thrust of Roosevelt’s “Good Neighbor Policy” was to

[A] retreat from the military interventionism and blatant economic domination which had characterized previous American policy toward Latin America.

[B] guarantee the protection of Latin America and South America from European aggression by permanently stationing U.S. forces in the region.

[C] promote “Good Samaritanism” in the United States by encouraging people who still owned their own homes to provide temporary housing for their neighbors who had become homeless because of the Great Depression.

[D] force Latin American countries to cooperate peacefully with each other and end their petty border disputes or face United States military intervention.

28. During the Manchurian crisis of 1931-1932, the Hoover administration did which of the following?

[A] Levied an embargo on Japanese goods

[B] Banned the sale of arms to either side

[C] Refused to recognize Japan’s new conquests

[D] Withdrew diplomatic representation from Tokyo

29. The America First Committee

[A] was strongly in favor of providing economic assistance to Britain, but opposed military aid.

[B] believed the United States should enter the war only if its ships were attacked by German submarines.

[C] was strongly in favor of the assistance President Roosevelt gave to the British.

[D] strongly opposed U.S. intervention in World War II.

30. During World War II, African-Americans in the military

[A] could only serve in the Army.

[B] were integrated for the first time into White units.

[C] were seldom given combat assignments.

[D] received training as airplane pilots.

31. Which of the following made the Soviet Union suspicious of the motives of the United States and Great Britain during World War II?

[A] The delay in opening the second front in Europe

[B] The refusal to grant the Soviet Union lend-lease aid

[C] The American monopoly on atomic bomb technology

[D] The failure of the West to accept changes in the borders to Poland

32. This picture below shows a picture of two leaders from which type(s) of government?


[A] Fascism

[B] Communist

[C] Republican

[D] Fascist and Totalitarian

33. The major goal of the Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, 1937, and 1939 was to

[A] prevent the United States from becoming involved in another global conflict.

[B] address the economic effects of the Great Depression.

[C] assist the Fascist nations by not helping Britain.

[D] keep European nations from interfering in the China.

34. Charles Lindbergh became a national hero for all of the following EXCEPT

[A] he was seen as a modest, handsome daredevil.

[B] he made a solo flight across the Atlantic.

[C] he embodied American traditional values in the new industrialized society.

[D] his success incorporated elements of technology and individualism.

[E] he advocated American leadership in world affairs.

35. During the Second World War the United States sought greater cooperation with the nations of Latin America primarily to

[A] promote the industrialization of Latin America.

[B] encourage Latin American social and economic reforms.

[C] end repressive Latin American military dictatorships.

[D] develop a hemispheric common front against fascism.

36. This is a famous picture of the Big Three meeting at which conference?


[A] Teheran

[B] Yalta

[C] Casablanca

[D] Potsdam

37. The “Hundred Percenters”

[A] advocated the repeal of the Volstead Act.

[B] favored a loose immigration policy.

[C] favored an isolationist policy.

[D] were rural Americans who condemned urban life.

38. At the time of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States found itself

[A] partially prepared by over a year, in light of the fact that the nation’s first peacetime draft had been in place for more than a year.

[B] fully prepared though complete mobilization and training beginning at the outbreak of the war in Europe.

[C] almost completely unprepared, with one of the smallest armies in the world.

[D] with a large and modern navy but an army of under 100,000 men.

39. The American home front in World War II is best described as

[A] politically divided over the wisdom of the American war effort.

[B] unaffected by ethnic and racial tensions.

[C] economically invigorated by military spending.

[D] rededicated to the reform efforts of the New Deal.

40. Which genocide is the following picture below regarding?


[A] Rwandan

[B] Armenian

[C] Bosnian

[D] Jewish Holocaust

41. Which of the following was LEAST likely a factor in the decision to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

[A] Hope that a quick victory in the Pacific would accelerate an Allied victory in Europe

[B] Fear that the Soviet Union would soon enter the war with Japan

[C] Concern that a land war in Japan would result in massive American casualties

[D] Desire to demonstrate to other world powers the potency of America’s new weapon

42. The internment of Japanese-Americans by the United States during World War II was primarily because

[A] of evidence and suspicions that they were involved in treasonous activity.

[B] they were Japanese.

[C] of desires by business leaders to grab valuable Japanese-owned properties in California.

[D] most of them refused to take oaths of loyalty to the United States even though they also publicly denounced Japanese government actions and condemned the Pearl harbor attack.

43. What is this a picture of?


[A] Nazi pilots taking a photograph before beginning their blitzkrieg.

[B] Charles Lindbergh and colleagues before taking off on an extended flight

[C] The Tuskegee Airmen

[D] The internment of Japanese-Americans by the United States during World War II.

44. Which of the following is TRUE about the internment of those Japanese living in the United States during World War II?

[A] The majority of those confined were native-born Americans.

[B] Many of those relocated were known dissidents.

[C] Only 2,000 Japanese Americans were relocated.

[D] Those who were relocated eventually recovered their homes and possessions.

45. Which of the following sequences of wartime conferences is in CORRECT chronological order?

[A] Casablanca, Yalta, Teheran, Potsdam

[B] Casablanca, Teheran, Potsdam, Yalta

[C] Yalta, Casablanca, Teheran, Potsdam

[D] Casablanca, Teheran, Yalta, Potsdam

46. Which of the following was the major reason Truman used to justify his decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in August 1945?

[A] He believed it would shorten the war and eliminate the need for an invasion of Japan.

[B] He believed it would end up saving Japanese civilian lives, when compared to the casualties expected from an invasion of Japan.

[C] He wanted to send a strong warning message to the Russians to watch their step in the Pacific after Japan was defeated.

[D] He believed it would be an appropriate revenge for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

investments in time, resources, scientific expertise, and expanse involved in developing it.

47. Which of the following sequences of events are in CORRECT chronological order?

[A] FDR’s death, V-J Day, Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

[B] German invasion of Poland, V-J Day, Battle of Britain

[C] Doolittle’s Raid, Casablanca Conference, Kristallnacht

[D] The Battle of Britain, December 7th, 1941, D-Day

48. The G.I. Bill provided which of the following to veterans of World War II?

[A] Free housing and medical care

[B] Student loans for education

[C] Free education and loans to buy homes, farms, and small businesses

[D] Low-cost education in return for two more years of service in the armed forces

49. This poster below had to do with which ethnic group/country during World War II?


[A] Guatemala

[B] Haiti

[C] Spain

[D] Mexico

50. American participation in the Second World War had which of the following major effects on the home front?

[A] A decline in farm income

[B] A movement of women into factory work

[C] The breakdown of segregation in the South

[D] The introduction of a system of national health insurance


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