
Week 5 (1/29-2/2)Monday-CW: Early Aggressive Actions Quiz -HW: Read “Hitler’s Lightening War pg. 925-930 . Complete worksheet-Quiz (10)-Review early Aggressive acts prior to start of WWII (5)-Who may Hitler need to talk to before he invades Poland? Why? (5)-Read pg. 919 and 925 “The Nazi-Soviet Pact” (5)-Notes: Early aggressive actions and Causes of WWII (10)-Partner: Read Chapter 925-930 and complete worksheet (15)Tuesday-Type I – Lebensraum. Discuss with partner (10)/Check worksheets-Discuss (5)-Review Early Aggressive Acts. MRASC (maps) (5)-Show/Discuss pictures from Europe. Austria, Prague, etc. Compare with online pictures: Heldenplatz/Hitler in Vienna (10) **Pictures**-Review. 925 Nazi Soviet Pact (5)-Question #1 “Hitler’s Lightening War” worksheet “What did each leader gain from the secret agreement?” (5)-Discuss question #2 “What strategy did Hitler use to conquer Poland?” Blitzkrieg strategy. **Start of WWII** Britain and France declare war (5)WednesdayReview Nazi Soviet Pact and start of WWII-View map on pg 926-Discuss “sitting war” or “phony war” after invasion of Poland to May 1940. take over of Denmark (Signficance?), Norway (Significance?) (naval ports, deny enemy iron-ore from Sweden by stopping shipments via control of Norway. “Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg (Dominoes) (5)-United Streaming Video Yearbook Collection: Before Pearl Harbor 1931-1941-Start: 13:40-23:20. Starts after Munich Agreement and taking over of Sudetenland (10)- Question #3 “What was Hitler’s plan for conquering France?” Discuss significance of fall of France: Italy invades from South. Germany around Maginot Line. Map pg. 926. Vichy Government. (5)-Question # 4What happened at Dunkirk?” May 26-June 4th 1940. 850 British ships. Rescued 338,000. Charles De Gaulle “government-in-exile”(5)-Discuss geographical difference with invasion of Britain (5) - United Streaming Video Yearbook Collection: Before Pearl Harbor 1931-1941(6)1. . Epic Evacuation (2)2. France Crumbles (3)3. June 1940 (1)-Class Read: Handout: Blitz. Blackout or homework . Show pics of Big Ben and read article (10)Thursday-Review start of WWII: (Blitz,Poland, France) (5) -Review Handout: Geographical difference with invasion of Britain. Blitz/Blackout. (5) -Video: Chronicles of Narnia (10)-Discuss significance of chronicles of Narnia. Connect to textbook. Britain’s resolve to win: Blackouts and sending children to countryside, Enigma code-making machine, radar (5)Discuss # 5 “What was the outcome of the Battle of Britain?” View pic in textbook pg. 924 and 928. Summer of 1940 to May 1941. (5)-Class Read Tri-partite Pact handout (5) -Partner: Answer questions (10) or discuss as a class-Discuss answers (5)Friday -CW/HW: Read textbook pg. 931-935 and 940-947. Complete Chapter 32 worksheet Guided Reading “Japan’s Pacific Campaign” or Chapter 21 Guided Reading “The Allied Victory”-Review Tri-partite pact and Axis powers v.s. Allied powers.-Type I - Invasion of Soviet Union - 1st mistake (10)-Discuss (5)-Class read U.S. enters the war handout (10)-Significance of Pearl Harbor? Show pics. Map of Pearl harbor and attack. (My pics). In 2 hrs. 3400 wounded, 2300 killed. 19 ships, including 5 battleships and 188 planes destroyed. Significance of Hilter's decision? 2nd mistake (5)-Review Tri-partite pact and Axis powers v.s. Allied powers. Use Flags. U.S.S.R with allies due to Germany’s invasion. U.S. Joins allies (5)-Partner: Chapter 32 section 2 or 4 worksheet (15) ................

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