
Distinguished Professor of Political Science

Social Science Division

Pepperdine University

24255 Pacific Coast Highway

Malibu, CA 90263-4372

Tel.: 310-506-4372

Fax: 310-506-7271



Yale University, New Haven, CT

Ph.D., Department of Political Science, 11/96

M.Phil., Department of Political Science, 11/93

M.A., Department of Political Science, 11/91

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

A.B., summa cum laude,

Phi Beta Kappa, with distinction in all subjects, 5/88

majors in Government and English, minor in French

Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen (ZUMA), Mannheim, Germany

Friedrich Ebert Fellow, 1/95-6/95

Université de Paris (Jussieu, Sorbonne), Paris, France

EDUCO/Cornell-in-Paris, 1/87-7/87

Institut d'Études Politiques, Paris, France

EDUCO/Cornell-in-Paris, 1/87-7/87

Language study at Georgetown University, University of Minnesota, Goethe-Institut Schwäbisch Hall, Central Michigan University, University of California at Los Angeles, Pasadena City College, East Los Angeles City College, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Taipei Language Institute, Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center, Overseas Chinese Calligraphy Association, San Fernando Valley Chinese Cultural Association, Korean Cultural Center of Los Angeles, University of Hawai’i, University of Pittsburgh, and private tutoring (Slovak)


2018. Religion and Nationalism in Global Perspective (with J. Christopher Soper). New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2015. Open Borders and International Migration Policy: The Effects of Unrestricted Immigration in the United States, France, and Ireland. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

2012. Confucianism, Democratization, and Human Rights in Taiwan (with J. Christopher Soper). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

2011. Luxembourg as an Immigration Success Story: The Grand Duchy in Pan-European Perspective. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

2005. Muslims and the State in Britain, France, and Germany (with J. Christopher Soper). New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2000. Public Attitudes toward Immigration in the United States, France, and Germany. New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1989. Selective Prosecution of Religiously Motivated Offenders in America. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen.


2019. “Support for Democracy and Willingness to Emigrate from Hong

Kong” (research note; with Brandon Alexander Millan). Taiwan Journal of Democracy 15(2):195-212.

2018. “Realistic Group Conflict and Voting for the 2002 Aboriginal Treaty Negotiations Referendum in British Columbia” (research note). Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques au Canada 50(1):141-153.

2018. "Church and State in Japanese-Occupied Hong Kong" (with J. Christopher Soper). American Journal of Chinese Studies 32:301-313.

2017. “Opposition to Irish Travellers’ Halting Sites in the Republic of

Ireland: Realistic Group Conflict or Symbolic Politics?” Irish Journal of Sociology 25(2):195-206.

2016. “The Politics of British Columbia’s 2002 Aboriginal Treaty Negotiations Referendum: Democratic Governance or Electoral Strategy?” (research note). Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques au Canada 48(2):157-166.

2015. “Early Chinese-American Society as Portrayed in Chinese Letters of the Ah Louis Family of San Luis Obispo, California, USA.” Journal of Chinese Overseas 11:199-215.

2015. “The Causes of Emigration from Singapore: How Much is Still Political?” (with Brandon Alexander Millan). Critical Asian Studies 47(3):462-476.

2014. "Church and State in Spanish Formosa” (with J. Christopher Soper). Review of Religion and Chinese Society 1(2):236-248.

2011. "The Determinants of Public Attitudes Toward the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan” (with J. Christopher Soper). Taiwan Journal of Democracy 7(1):95-114.

2011. “The Evolution of Public Attitudes toward Immigration in Europe and the United States, 2000-2010.” Report to the European Commission as part of the Directorate-General for External Relations’ project “Improving EU and US Immigration Systems’ Capacity for Responding to Global Challenges: Learning from Experiences.” Florence, Italy: Migration Policy Centre.

2010. “The Causes of Pro-Immigration Voting in the United States Supreme Court” (with Melissa G. Ocepek). International Migration Review 44(3):659-696.

2010. "Confucian Values and Elite Support for Liberal Democracy in Taiwan: The Perils of Priestly Religion" (with J. Christopher Soper). Politics and Religion 3(3):493-517.

2010. "The Not So Naked Public Square:  Islam and the State in Western Europe" (with J. Christopher Soper). Orient [Berlin] 2010(2):6-14.

2010. "Location Decisions of Abortion Clinics and Crisis Pregnancy Centers in California" (with Andrew Yuengert). Catholic Social Science Review 15:211-235.

2008. "Public Support for the 1990 Student Democracy Movement and Emigration from Taiwan: Exit and Voice or Exit or Voice?" (with Brandon Alexander Millan). American Journal of Chinese Studies 15(2):501-511.

2008. "Election Strategy and Ethnic Politics in Singapore." Taiwan Journal of Democracy 4(1):135-153.

2007. "The Effect of Confucian Values on Support for Democracy and Human Rights in Taiwan" (research note; with J. Christopher Soper). Taiwan Journal of Democracy 3(1):143-154.

2007. "Religious Institutions, Church-State History, and Muslim Mobilization in Britain, France, and Germany" (with J. Christopher Soper). Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 33(6):933-944.

2006. "Why Did House Members Vote for H.R. 4437?" (research note). International Migration Review 40(3):698-706.

2006. "Practicing their faith: Muslims and the State in Britain and France" (with J. Christopher Soper). Public Policy Research [London] 12(4):234-237.

2005. "Public Opinion and Immigration." In Matthew J. Gibney and Randall Hansen, eds. Immigration and Asylum: From 1900 to the Present. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.

2004. "Looking to the Past for Clues to Current Immigration Concerns." Public Affairs Report [Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California at Berkeley] 45(1):1 & 10-14.

2003. "The Roots of Public Attitudes Toward State Accommodation of European Muslims’ Religious Practices Before and After September 11" (with J. Christopher Soper). Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 42(2):247-258.

2003. "Explaining the Accommodation of Muslim Religious Practices in France, Britain, and Germany" (with J. Christopher Soper). French Politics 1(1):39-59.

2000. "Economic self-interest or cultural marginality? Anti-immigration sentiment and nativist political movements in France, Germany and the USA." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 26(1):5-23.

1999. "Nativism," "Sanctuary Movement," "Jacob Riis," "How the Other Half Lives," "Sun Myung Moon," "Horace Meyer Kallen," "Timothy Byrnes," and "John Green." In Jeffrey D. Schultz, John G. West, Jr., and Iain Maclean, eds. Encyclopedia of Religion in American Politics. Phoenix: Oryx.

1998. “Religious Minorities and Support for Immigrant Rights in the United States, France, and Germany.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 37:41-49.


2019. “The Long Journey toward Establishing Muslim Organizations in

Germany: A Comparison with other European Countries.” Pp. 19-22 in Tagesband der Fachkonferenz „Mittendrin und nicht dabei? Perspektiven auf die Partizipation islamischer Interessensorganisationen.“ Berlin: Allianz gegen Islam- und Muslimfeindlichkeit (CLAIM).

2013. “Democratization, Human Rights, and Religion-State Relations

in Taiwan and Hong Kong” (with J. Christopher Soper). Pp. 157-185 in Mehran Tamadonfar and Ted G. Jelen, eds. Religion and Regimes: Support, Separation, and Opposition. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.

2012. “Public Opinion and Populism.” Pp. 301-323 in Marc R. Rosenblum and Daniel J. Tichenor, eds. Oxford Handbook of the Politics of International Migration. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2012. “The Paradox of Immigration Attitudes in Luxembourg: A Pan-European Comparison.” Pp. 78-92 in Gary P. Freeman, Randall Hansen, and David L. Leal, eds. Immigration and Public Opinion in Liberal Democracies. London: Routledge.

2012. “An Ecological Analysis of the 2009 Swiss Referendum on the Building of Minarets” (with J. Christopher Soper). Pp. 101-111 in Marc Helbling, ed. Islamophobia in the West: Measuring and Explaining Individual Attitudes. London: Routledge.

2009. “The Practice of their Faith: Muslims and the State in Britain, France, and Germany” (with J. Christopher Soper). Pp. 35-49 in Abdulkader Sinno, ed. Muslims in Western Politics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

2008. “The Roots of Public Attitudes Toward State Accommodation of European Muslims’ Religious Practices Before and After September 11” (with J. Christopher Soper). Pp. 160-176 in Bryan S. Rennie and Phillip L. Tite, eds. Religion, Terror and Violence: Religious Studies Perspectives. London: Routledge.

2006. “Religija i politika u sekularnoj Evropi [Religion and Politics in Secular Europe]” (with J. Christopher Soper). Pp. 75-99 in Ivan Cvitković and Dino Abazović, eds. Religija i europske integracije [Religion and European Integration]. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina: Magistrat.

2006. "Religión y política en una Europa laica: caminando a contracorriente" (with J. Christopher Soper). Pp. 219-250 in Ted Gerard Jelen and Clyde Wilcox, eds. Religión y política: una perspectiva comparada. Álvaro Ramón Arizaga Castro, trans. Madrid: Akal.

2006. "California: Ménage à Trois: The Christian Right, the Republican Party, and Arnold Schwarzenegger." (with J. Christopher Soper). Pp. 216-237 in John C. Green, Mark J. Rozell, and Clyde Wilcox, eds. The Values Campaign?: The Christian Right and the 2004 Elections. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

2006. “Economic Research in the Abortion Decision: A Literature Review and a New Direction” (with Andrew Yuengert). Pp. 421-437 in Joseph W. Koterski, ed. Life and Learning XV: Proceedings of the Fifteenth University Faculty for Life Conference at Ave Maria Law School, 2005. Washington: University Faculty for Life/Georgetown University.

2003. "The Christian Right in California: Dimming Fortunes in the Golden State" (with J. Christopher Soper). Pp. 209-230 in John C. Green, Mark J. Rozell, and William Clyde Wilcox, eds. The Christian Right in American Politics: Marching to the Millennium. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

2002. "Religion and Politics in a Secular Europe: Cutting Against the Grain" (with J. Christopher Soper). Pp. 167-191 in Ted Gerard Jelen and Clyde Wilcox, eds. Religion and Politics in Comparative Perspective: The One, the Few, and the Many. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2001. "Dr. Ron Sider: Mennonite Environmentalist on the Evangelical Left" (with Gretchen S. Carnes). Pp. 159-174 in Jo Renee Formicola and Hubert Morken, eds. Religious Leaders and Faith-Based Politics: Ten Profiles. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

2001. "Shaping Pacifism: The Role of the Local Anabaptist Pastor." Pp. 177-187 in Sue E.S. Crawford and Laura R. Olson, eds. Christian Clergy in American Politics. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

2000. "The Christian Right and the Republican Party in California: Necessarily Yoked" (with J. Christopher Soper). Pp. 93-113 in John C. Green, Mark J. Rozell, and Clyde Wilcox, eds. Prayers in the Precincts: The Christian Right in the 1998 Elections. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

1997. "California: Between a Rock and a Hard Place" (with J. Christopher Soper). In Mark J. Rozell and Clyde Wilcox, eds. God at the Grassroots, 1996: The Christian Right in the American Elections. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.


2015. "Constructing Muslims in France: Discourse, Public Identity, and the Politics of Citizenship, by Jennifer Fredette." Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East Migration Studies 3(1):96-98.

2014. "One Family Under God: Immigration Politics and Progressive Religion in America, by Grace Yukich." Sociology of Religion 75(3):489-490.

2014. "Fireproof Moth: A Missionary in Taiwan’s White Terror, by Milo L. Thornberry." Politics and Religion 7(1):227-229.

2012. "States Against Migrants: Deportation in Germany and the United States, by Antje Ellermann." Perspectives on Politics 10(2):515-517. 

2012. "Religious Newcomers and the Nation State: Political Culture and Organized Religion in France and the Netherlands, by Erik Sengers and Thijl Sunier." Journal of Church & State 54(2). 

2011. "New Guests of the Irish Nation, by Bryan Fanning." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 37(10):1697-1698.

2007. "The Transnational History of a Chinese Family: Immigrant Letters, Family Business, and Reverse Migration, by Haiming Liu." American Journal of Chinese Studies 14(1):99-101.

2001. "Christian America? What Evangelicals Really Want, by Christian Smith." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 40(2):331.

1998. "Xenophobia in United Germany: Generations, Modernization, and Ideology, by Meredith W. Watts." International Migration Review 32:507.

1995. "The Analysis of Religious Assortative Marriage: An Application of Design Techniques for Categorical Models, by John Hendrickx." Review of Religious Research 37(2):177-178.


2015. "Immigration, Segregation, and Religious Freedom in Europe.” Cornerstone: A Conversation on Religious Freedom and Its Social Implications [published by Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs], June 9, .

2014. "Confucianism, Democratization, and Human Rights in Taiwan” (with J. Christopher Soper). Georgetown Journal of International Affairs Online, March 24, confucianism-democratization-and-human-rights-in-taiwan-by-drs-joel-s-fetzer-and-j-christopher-soper/.

2013. "In Memoriam: David Halloran Lumsdaine” (with Timothy R.A. Sherratt). PS: Political Science & Politics 26(4):852-853.

2007. "Religious Freedom for European Muslims: New immigration poses cultural challenges for Britain and France" (with J. Christopher Soper). Insights on Law and Society: A magazine for teachers of civics, government, history & law [published by American Bar Association’s Division for Public Education] 7(3/Spring):7-9.


Immigration Politics, Race and Ethnicity, Religion and Politics, Public Opinion and Voting, Europe, North America, East Asia, Indigenous Rights, State and Local/Sub-National Government, Politics of Development


American Presidency and Bureaucracy, Comparative European Politics, East Asian Politics, Government and Politics of Developing Areas, Immigration Politics and Ethnic Relations, Introduction to American Politics, Introduction to International Relations, Introduction to Statistics, Political Science Honors Seminar, Public Opinion and Voting, Urban Development, Modern Asian Political Philosophy, Indigenous Peoples of North America, State and Local Governments


Slovak Scholarship, Summer Language Institute, University of Pittsburgh, 2020

Coordinator, Department of Political Science, Pepperdine University, 2019-


External Reviewer, Agence nationale de la recherche (France), 2019

Taiwan Studies Paper Award, American Association for Chinese

Studies/Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, 2018

Director, Survey Research Minor, Pepperdine University, 2018-present

Board of Directors, American Association for Chinese Studies, 2018-present

Program Committee, annual meeting of the American Association for Chinese Studies, 2018

External reviewer, application for tenure and promotion, Department of

Political Science, McMaster University, 2017

External reviewer, application for promotion, Department of Sociology,

University of Texas at Arlington, 2016

Local host, annual meeting of the Taiwan Benevolent Association of

America, 2016

Taiwan Fellowship, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan), (declined), 2016

Local Arrangements Chair, annual meeting of the American Association for

Chinese Studies, 2016

Research Fellowship, Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche sur la

citoyenneté et les minorités (CIRCEM), Université d’Ottawa, 2015

Biography published, Contemporary Authors, 2015

Nomination to serve on Council, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion

(declined), 2015

Nomination for Paul J. Weber Paper Award (with J. Christopher Soper),

Religion and Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, 2015

External reviewer, Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme (Paris), 2014

Selection Committee, Best Article Award, Migration and Citizenship Section

of the American Political Science Association, 2014

Editorial Board, Politics and Religion, 2012-2016

External reviewer, Fulbright Commission, Czech Republic, 2011

External reviewer, Swiss National Science Foundation, 2010

Early promotion to full professor, Pepperdine University, 2010

External reviewer, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of

Canada, 2008

External reviewer, application for tenure and promotion, Division of

International Politics and Foreign Policy, School of International Service,

American University, 2008

Program Chair, Religion and Politics Section, American Political Science Association, 2008

Selection Committee, Paul J. Weber Paper Award, Religion and Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, 2007

Frank R. Seaver Professor in Social Science, Pepperdine University, 2006-2011

& 2013-2018

Research Fellowship, Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History/Columbia

University Library, 2006

External reviewer, Austrian Science Fund, 2006 & 2010

External reviewer, National Science Foundation, 2006 & 2013

External reviewer, Metanexus Institute, 2005

Biography published, Who’s Who in America, 2005, 2009-present

Book jacket testimonial writer, Cambridge University Press, Palgrave Macmillan, Policy Press, 2004-present

Selection Committee, Peace Scholar Fellowship Program, United States

Institute of Peace, 2004

External reviewer, Israel Science Foundation, 2003, 2005 & 2017

External reviewer, Research Fellowship Program, German Marshall Fund of the United States, 2003

External screener, Global Security and Cooperation Program, Social Science Research Council, 2002

Selection Committee, Aaron Wildavsky Dissertation Award, Religion and Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, 2000 & 2002

Invited lectures/presentations, California State University Channel Islands/World Affairs Council, Allianz gegen Islam- und Muslimfeindlichkeit (CLAIM)/Junge Islam Konferenz/Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Evangelischen Jugend (Germany), Université d’Ottawa, University of Southern California, Depauw University, University of California at Berkeley, University of California at Los Angeles, University of California at Santa Barbara/Center for Taiwan Studies, University of Groningen (Netherlands), University of Osnabrück (Germany), University of Texas at Austin, Chinese Historical Society of Southern California, Los Angeles Trade and Technical College, McMaster University, San Luis Obispo County Historical Society, Taiwan Benevolent Association of America, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Germany), Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen (Germany), Embassy of Luxembourg/Migration Policy Institute (Washington, DC), Princeton University, Harvard University, and Yale University, 1995-present.

External Research Associate, Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of California at San Diego, 2001-present

Research Award (with J. Christopher Soper), Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2001

Small Research Grant (with J. Christopher Soper), American Political Science Association, 2001

Research Fellowship, German Marshall Fund of the United States, 2001

Provost's Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Endeavors, Central Michigan University, 2000

Executive Committee, Religion and Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, 1999-2001

Peace Scholar Fellowship, United States Institute of Peace, 1995-1996

Referee for Acta Politica, American Journal of Chinese Studies, American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, Ashgate Publishing, Berghahn Books, British Journal of Political Science, Cambridge University Press, China Journal, Comparative Political Studies, Democratization, Ethnic and Racial Studies, European Political Science Review, European Union Politics, Government and Opposition, Indigenous Law Journal, International Migration, International Migration Review, International Sociology, International Studies Quarterly, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of East Asian Studies, Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies; Journal of Migration and Ethnic Studies, Journal of Peace Research, OMNES: Journal of Migration & Society, Oxford University Press, Political Research Quarterly, Palgrave Macmillan, Politics & Gender, Politics and Religion, Politics, Groups, and Identities, PS: Political Science & Politics, Religions, Review of Religion and Chinese Society, Scandinavian Political Studies, Schmollers Jahrbuch: Journal of Contextual Economics, Social Forces, Social Problems, and Sociological Perspectives, 1994-present

Ebert Dissertation Fellowship, Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Bonn, Germany), 1994

MacArthur Foundation Dissertation Fellowships, International Security Studies, Yale University, 1993 & 1994

Jacob K. Javits Fellowship, U.S. Department of Education, 1990-1994

Distinction on Empirical Methodology field exam, Department of Political Science, Yale University, 1992

Clyde A. Duniway Prize for best graduating student in Government Department, Cornell University, 1988


American Association for Chinese Studies, American Political Science Association, Conference Group on Taiwan Studies, Gypsy Lore Society, Society for German American Studies, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion


Political Science Department, Social Science Division, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA

Distinguished Professor of Political Science, 8/19-present

Professor of Political Science. 8/10-7/19

Associate Professor of Political Science (with tenure). 8/05-7/10

Assistant Professor of Political Science. 8/01-7/05

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Political Science. 7/97

Visiting Instructor of Political Science. 8/96-5/97

Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche sur la citoyenneté et les minorités (CIRCEM), Université d’Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada

Chercheur invité, 9/15-11/15

Political Science Department, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Visiting Professor. 7/13

Pepperdine-in-Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Visiting Faculty Member. 9/09-4/10

Laboratoire de sciences politiques, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

Visiting Scholar. 9/08

Pepperdine-in-China, Hong Kong and Beijing, China

Program Director and Faculty in Residence (cooperative arrangements with Hong Kong Baptist and Tsinghua Universities). 8/04-5/05

Centre d'Études et de Recherches Internationales (CERI), Institut d'Études Politiques, Paris, France

Visiting Scholar. 6/01-7/01

Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS), Universität Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany

Visiting Scholar. 1/01-5/01; 5/04; 10/08-12/08

Department of Political Science, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI

Assistant Professor of Political Science. 8/98-12/00

Center for International Studies, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

Visiting Scholar. 8/97-7/98

Directorate of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC

Equal Opportunity Specialist. 6/84-5/88; 7/89-8/90

Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, Washington, DC

Corporate/maritime legal assistant and translator (French). 7/88-7/89

Lake Ridge Lantern/Old Bridge Observer, Lake Ridge, VA

Staff photographer. 9/82-8/90

Potomac News, Woodbridge, VA

Photojournalist (stringer). 9/82-8/84


French (fluent), German (fluent), Spanish (fluent), Italian (reading), Mandarin Chinese (advanced spoken and written), Cantonese Chinese (beginning spoken), Slovak (intermediate spoken and written)


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