World War I

World War I

Causes of WWI

1. Nationalism-pride for one’s country, devotion, loyalty, protectiveness

Desire to prove national supremacy

Mistrust and rivalry between nations

Example: Alsace-Lorraine-France never forgot their loss

2. Alliances-an attack on one nation forced all its allies to come to its aid

Any small conflict would become a larger war

Triple Alliance vs. Triple Entente

Germany France

Austria-Hungary Russia

Italy Britain

Central Powers vs. Allied Powers

Austria-Hungary Serbia

Germany Russia

Ottoman Empire France

Bulgaria Britain


3. Militarism-major powers built up their armies/navies

4. Imperialism-Competition for colonies in Africa, Asia and the Pacific

The Spark-June 28, 1914-Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Austria-Hungary) is assassinated by Princip

Austria-Hungary accused Serbia of organizing the assassination

Trench Warfare

Stalemate-deadlock after neither side is strong enough to defeat the other

“No Man’s Land”

Huge death toll-between July and November 1916-1.2 million casualties

Allies only gained 7 miles

What Is America Doing?


Public Opinion-Divided along ethnic lines

Propaganda-spreading of ideas that help a cause or hurt an opposing cause

Economy is good-trading with the allies

Submarine Warfare

Fall 1914-Britain sets up naval blockade of German ports

Germany responds by attacking merchant ships off British coast


May 1915-German U-Boats attack the Lusitania killing 1,198 people (128 Americans)

Wilson demands an end to unrestricted submarine warfare

Sussex Pledge-agreement to surface/give warning-delayed US entry into war


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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