
Planning my Research Processes Example (P2)RP Question: What are the skills and knowledge needed by an amateur writer to get their first book published?Week:What research process will I be using?What sub-question will I be researching?What activities will I be completing?Challenges/Limitation Opportunities/StrengthsWeek 1Media analysisLiterature reviewGuiding question 1What processes are undertaken when the book is given to the publisher to be published?Find media video about a publishing corporation which discusses the processes and efforts undertaken in order to get a book/work published. Watch the video and take notes that relate to the processes as well as any other facts or use. Note down the reference for the video too.Write an analysis/ reflection after watching video. Look for book either at Urrbrae Library or on internet in which I will be able to acquire to read. Begin to read the book and take notes on it including the reference of the book.Are there any documentaries?? Where do I start looking?The school Library doesn’t have a lot of books on writing. The SA Writers Centre is a good starting point. They have lots of resources and they might know some good documentaries. We have access to resources from all around SA via TAFE. My local library is also really good.Week 2Literature reviewOnline searchingGuiding question 1 cont.Guiding question 2What people do you need to contact/have spoken with in order for your book to get published? Finish reading book and write reflection/analysis on itResearch the careers involved with publishing/ writing online. Record all websites/blogs used and or looked at for referencing purposes and take notes. Clarify who exactly I would need to speak to in order to get work published and what I’d need to say/have organised when speaking to someone involved with publishing.Getting Australian information that is current could be difficult. How am I going to find people that are willing to talk to me?There could be a huge amount of information online. How am I going to work out what is good information?Publishing companies all have their contact details online. Once I work out who the publishing companies are, I will be able to send the same email to all of them.Week 3Primary contactGuiding question 3How do you as a first time author/ writer manage to get a contract or get work published?Find the contact details (e.g. an email address) for Catherine Miller, a writer and photographer for the Stock Journal, Jackie French, an Australian author and Dr Jones, co-ordinator of English at Urrbrae High School.Email the contacts asking if I can perform an interview on them and organise the way the interview is going to be conducted.Draw up questions for the people being interviewed, incorporating questions relating to how you approach publishers as a first time author and also as someone well known getting more work published. Get questions checked to make sure they are suitable and appropriate for the interview.Getting a response might be difficult. What am I going to do if no one responds?How do I know what questions I should be asking? I don’t want to sound stupid.There have been lots of writers who have visited Urrbrae e.g. Jackie French, Scot Gardner etc. Ms Dalzell has their contact details so I have a connection with them and they might return my emails. Week 4Primary contactPractical researchOnline searchingDiscussion Guiding question 2 and 3 cont. Guiding question 4Are there many writers under the age of eighteen?Conduct the interviews with the three people organised. Recording all results and making sure to ask for permission of use of their information and name in the project. Analyse and reflect on results. Combining the three interviews together to identify the important points and what best contributes to answering the guiding questions and the research project question. Organise a survey which asks people aged eighteen and under if they have ever written work in which they plan on or have had published. Do some online searching about young writers, either by finding blogs or websites written by one or about one. Record all references for each site visited.I don’t want to spend all my time analysing survey results. What is the best way? Who do I survey?Is a survey even the best way to find this information? I’ve got no idea how many people under 18 are in to writing. Perhaps this sub-question isn’t even important.The SA Writers Cenre might have some data I could use so I can save time and not do a survey.Week 5Practical researchLiterature ReviewGuiding question 4 cont.Work out how I could conduct the survey and then execute the method. Gather results, concluding how many people under eighteen write and what the advantages and disadvantages are of it. Find a literature review such as a news article or magazine piece which is about a young write or find an article that is written by someone young.Record references used and write a reflection and analysis on findings from literature reviewWeek 6Online researchPrimary contactLiterature reviewGuiding question 5What publishers are available? Do some online research to find what publishers are in Australia. Find the contact details for a few of them. Record references of all websites visited. Arrange questions relating to the requirements the publishers have, the cost and anything else relating to their business. Get questions checked and either send the questions off to the publishing corporations or attempt to find the answers through their website if contacting them was not a possibility.Begin looking for a literature review in terms of different books and newspapers with the details of their publishing corporations. Collect results from publishing corporations and draw conclusions in terms of what publishers are available and what ones are good options for young writers. Finish analysing different books and draw conclusions in terms of what publishers were available. Tidy up any loose ends from the past seven weeks and begin finalising work for research outcome. How do I work out the good publishers?If the authors I contact don’t respond, which publishers should I contact? This could be easy to do with just a simple Google search. ................

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