Vba format date time milliseconds

Vba format date time milliseconds

To select the column you want to format, click its heading.Right-click the selected column.Select Format Cells from the right-click menu.Click the Number tab, if it is not already selected.Click the Date category.Select a timestamp type in the Type group box.If you need to display milliseconds, instead of clicking the Date category, select Custom, and then enter dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.000 in the Type field.Click OK. See all How-To Articles In this tutorial, you will learn how to format time to milliseconds in Excel. Format Time to Milliseconds Say you have the time values below in Excel with hours, minutes, and seconds displayed, and you want to show milliseconds as well. Follow these steps to create a custom time format that displays milliseconds: 1. Select the cells with times (B2:B8) and right-click anywhere in the selected area. Then click Format Cells (or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + F). 2. In the Format Cells window, go to the Number tab, select Custom from the Category list, and enter h:mm:ss.000 in the Type text box. As a result, all of the time values are displayed with milliseconds as decimals. See all How-To Articles The Excel VBA NOW function is a built-in function in Excel that return the current system date and time, but not contains milliseconds. So, we can't use NOW to convert ISO 8601 UTC time stamp. With Milliseconds 'Private Declare Sub GetSystemTime Lib "kernel32" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME) Private Declare PtrSafe Sub GetSystemTime Lib "kernel32" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME) 'windows 64bit Private Type SYSTEMTIME Year As Integer Month As Integer DayOfWeek As Integer Day As Integer Hour As Integer Minute As Integer Second As Integer Milliseconds As Integer End Type Public Function ISO8601TimeStamp() As String Dim t As SYSTEMTIME, currentime As String GetSystemTime t CurrentTime = t.Year & "/" & t.Month & "/" & t.Day & " " & t.Hour & ":" & t.Minute & ":" & t.Second & "." & t.Milliseconds ISO8601TimeStamp = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(CurrentTime, "yyyy-mmddThh:MM:ss.000Z") End Function No Milliseconds If you don't need milliseconds(milliseconds will be display 000), try this code: Sub ISO8601TimeStampNoMS() Dim dt As Object, utc As Date, timestamp As String Set dt = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime") dt.SetVarDate Now utc = dt.GetVarDate(False) 'False: UTC time, True: local time. timestamp = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(utc, "yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ss.000Z") Set dt = Nothing End Sub Step 02 We proceed to discuss the work plan and analyze it. Involves analyzing end-user business requirements and refining project goals into defined functions and operations of the intended system Involves describing the desired features and operations of the system. Flaws in accurately defining and articulating the business problem. Managing costs, resources, and time constraints. Assumes users can specify all business requirements in advance. All of these. I don't know how I missed this post... I was trying to do this very thing on Friday using SYSTEMTIME, got frustrated and just stuck with seconds. Thanks for providing a usable function, Mary! The code below contains all the components you might need to manage your dates and their milliseconds. Private Sub ParseTime() Dim strTime As String Dim Sp() As String Dim Dt As Double strTime = "2017-12-23 10:29:15.221" Sp = Split(strTime, ".") strTime = Sp(0) Dt = CDbl(CDate(strTime)) strTime = "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" If UBound(Sp) Then Dt = Dt + CDbl(Sp(1)) * 1 / 24 / 60 / 60 / (10 ^ Len(Sp(1))) strTime = strTime & "." & CInt(Sp(1)) End If Debug.Print Format(Dt, strTime) End Sub I can't say that I am entirely happy with the solution because the print is only implicitly equal to the date value. However, I found that the formerly valid Date/Time format, like "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000", doesn't seem to work since 2007. However, it should be possible to prove conclusively that the Date/Time value is equal to its rendering by the format mask I includedcd above. Thanks for the reply! Unfortunately my knowledge of excel VBA is fairly limited and I don't know how to use this information in my macro. I could benefit also from just receiving hundredths of second or tenth of second data. The now function can normally be formatted to show tenths of a second (MM:SS.0). How could I modify my macro so that the times are shown in this format? As I already said, simply using MM:SS.0 in the macro instead of HH:MM:SS appends a "0" after each timestamp. Thanks! Can anybody offer any further advice on this? I should also mention that I run this on a Mac OS 10.9.1 All you need to do is make a slight modification to the Function provided in the link I sent you to remove the date piece. Then just paste the resulting Function in the VB Editor in a Standard Module (or the module where your macro exists), i.e. Public Function TimeInMS() As String TimeInMS = Strings.Format(Now, "HH:nn:ss") & "." & Strings.Right(Strings.Format(Timer, "#0.00"), 2) End Function Then just call that function in your code: [COLOR=#574123]Sub AltRight_Sub()[/COLOR] [COLOR=#574123] On Error Resume Next[/COLOR] [COLOR=#574123] Cancel = True[/COLOR] [COLOR=#574123] Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Offset(1) = [/COLOR]TimeInMS() [COLOR=#574123]End Sub[/COLOR] That's all there is to it! Your welcome! Glad you got it working out! All you need to do is make a slight modification to the Function provided in the link I sent you to remove the date piece. Then just paste the resulting Function in the VB Editor in a Standard Module (or the module where your macro exists), i.e. Public Function TimeInMS() As String TimeInMS = Strings.Format(Now, "HH:nn:ss") & "." & Strings.Right(Strings.Format(Timer, "#0.00"), 2) End Function Then just call that function in your code: [COLOR=#574123]Sub AltRight_Sub()[/COLOR] [COLOR=#574123] On Error Resume Next[/COLOR] [COLOR=#574123] Cancel = True[/COLOR] [COLOR=#574123] Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Offset(1) = [/COLOR]TimeInMS() [COLOR=#574123]End Sub[/COLOR] That's all there is to it! How might you modify to compare the difference between two time readings from the same function in VBA? stduc (Programmer) (OP) 12 Feb 13 07:02 Clutching at straws here but I would like see how long bits of a macro are taking and the now() function seems only to get the time to the nearest second even though I am using the following format mm:ss.000 I have also tried mm:ss.ms but I don't get the correct results displayed or the time captured to the nearest millisecond, only second. Is it possible to get the time captured and displayed to the nearest millisecond in excel? Thank you for helping keep Tek-Tips Forums free from inappropriate posts.The Tek-Tips staff will check this out and take appropriate action. Page 2 Are you aComputer / IT professional?Join Tek-Tips Forums! Talk With Other Members Be Notified Of ResponsesTo Your Posts Keyword Search One-Click Access To YourFavorite Forums Automated SignaturesOn Your Posts Best Of All, It's Free! *Tek-Tips's functionality depends on members receiving e-mail. By joining you are opting in to receive e-mail. Unix timestamp is also called Epoch time or POSIX time which is wildly used in many operating systems or file formats. This tutorial is talking about the conversion between date and Unix timestamp in Excel. Convert date to timestamp Convert date and time to timestamp Convert timestamp to date More tutorials about datetime conversion... Convert date to timestamp To convert date to timestamp, a formula can work it out. Select a blank cell, suppose Cell C2, and type this formula =(C2-DATE(1970,1,1))*86400 into it and press Enter key, if you need, you can apply a range with this formula by dragging the autofill handle. Now a range of date cells have been converted to Unix timestamps. Remove Time From DateTime In Excel, to remove 12:11:31 from 1/21/2017 12:11:31 and make it exactly 1/21/2017, you may have to take some time to create a formula to handle this job. However, the Remove time from date utility of Kutools for Excel can quickly remove timestamp permanently from the date time formatting in Excel. Click to download 30-day free trial. Convert date and time to timestamp There is a formula that can help you convert date and time to Unix timestamp. 1. Firstly, you need to type the Coordinated Universal Time into a cell, 1/1/1970. See screenshot: 2. Then type this formula =(A1-$C$1)*86400 into a cell, press Enter key, then if you need, drag the autofill handle to a range with this formula. See screenshot: Tips: In the formula, A1 is the date and time cell, C1 is the coordinate universal time you typed. Convert timestamp to date If you have a list of timestamp needed to convert to date, you can do as below steps: 1. In a blank cell next to your timestamp list and type this formula =(((A1/60)/60)/24)+DATE(1970,1,1), press Enter key, then drag the auto fill handle to a range you need. 2. Then right click the cells used the formula, and select Format Cells from the context menu, then in the popping Format Cells dialog, under Number tab, click Date in the Category list, then select the date type in the right section. 3. Click OK, now you can see the Unix timestamps have been converted to dates. Notes: 1. A1 indicates the timestamp cell you need. 2. This formula also can use to convert timestamp series to date and time, just format the result to the date and time format. 3. The above formula converts 10-digits number to a standard datetime, if you want to convert 11-digits number, or 13-digits number, or 16-digits number to a standard datetime in Excel, please use formula as below: Convert 11-digits number to date: =A1/864000+DATE(1970,1,1) Convert 13-digits number to date: =A1/86400000+DATE(1970,1,1) Convert 16-digits number to date: =A1/86400000000+DATE(1970,1,1) For different lengths of number which needed to be converted to datetime, just change the number of zeros of the divisor in the formula to correctly get the result. Tip: If you are in trouble with remembering complex formulas, here the Auto Text tool of Kutools for Excel can save all formulas you used in a pane for you, then, you can reuse them in anywhere anytime, what you only need to do is change the references to match your real need. Click for free download it now. Relative Articles: How to remove time from date in Excel?If there has a column of date with time stamp, such as 2/17/2012 12:23, and you don't want to retain the time stamp and want to remove the time 12:23 from the date and only leave the date 2/17/2012. How could you quickly remove time from date in mulitple cells in Excel? How to combine date and time into one cell in Excel?There are two columns in a worksheet, one is the date, the other is time. Is there any way to quickly combine these two columns into one, and keep the time format? Now, This article introduces two ways in Excel to combine date column and time column into one and keep the time format. No ratings yet. Be the first to rate!

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