Make Americans Free Again | The New Normal: Citizens In …

Make Americans Free Again!10 Ways to Get 10!In order to achieve our goals, we need to recruit, recruit, recruit! This means finding and enrolling every voting-age person who shares our goal:AVOID VACCINE MANDATES!If all of our current members recruit 10 new members, and then they get 10:WE WILL BE ABLE TO START INFLUENCING ELECTIONS!This means voting out politicians who support vaccine mandates andReplacing them with politicians who support our rights!Here are 10 strategies that you can use to get your 10 new members#1 Hand someone a MAFA Card (download from our website and print)#2 Place MAFA cards in strategic places#3 Post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram#4 Ask a store owner to post a MAFA flyer in a store window#5 Send an email to friends (samples are posted in this section)#6 Invite someone to participate in a conference call (schedule posted on our site)#7 Print one of our messages on your mask (if you MUST wear one)#8 Arrange an interview with one of our staff or volunteers#9 Wear a MAFA T-shirt# 10 Contact a like-minded group and invite their members to join us (see “message to groups and associations” posted on this site) ................

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