
Automatic Web Login

User/Installation Guide



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Copyright 2001-2006 MASTERCOM Consulting Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, or transmitted without the express written consent of the publisher.

MASTERCOM Consulting Ltd.

39 Reid Manor

Toronto, Ontario

Canada, M8Y 2H9


Automatic Web Login Installation Guide

11th Edition (July, 2006)

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Office File Update 2

Working with User Files 3

User File “USERFILE.IDS” Update 4

- User File “USERFILE.IDS” Password Update 5

Startup Errors 6

“USERFILE.IDS” File Additions

- Adding a New Web Site (with HTML Attribute Names) 7

- Adding a New Web Site (with Tabs) 10

- !!NAVIGATE in the “Notes:” Field 14

- Enter Network Password 14

Server Software Installation 15

License Installation 23

A Networked PC Setup For An Administrator 26

Client Software Installation 27

CSIO Single Sign-on Support 32

- User Change Password Support 34

- E-Mail Password Support 34

Appendix A - Working with User Files on PCs 37



With MASTERCOM’s “Automatic Web Login” web site access is effortless because the user does not have to remember usernames and passwords. Usernames and passwords can be maintained by each individual or by persons sometimes referred to as e.g. the Security/Privacy Administrators.

Web sites and their userids and password are defined at the server for all the office to use and an individual file can be specified for the user by an Administrator. The user can be given the option to update the file with his/her passwords as they change. Gone is the frustration of trying to remember usernames and passwords. Web sites and their userids and passwords are now easily administered on the server and in each user’s home directory located on the server. Logging into a web site is now quick and easy to get the information one needs to do their job.

MASTERCOM’s Automatic Web Login software also secures passwords and meets the Centre for Study of Insurance Operations (CSIO) Single Sign-On Standard.

With MASTERCOM’s Web Log In software, you merely select the web site you wish to log into and you are automatically logged in saving you the time and drudgery of having to log in manually.

Note: P& C insurance brokers will find this automatic log in a real time saver. Anybody with member-only web sites will find this software invaluable.

Support includes updates posted on MASTERCOM Consulting Ltd. web page . Problem reporting is via e-mail to “support@” with telephone support at 416-236-1493.


MASTERCOM‘s Automatic Web Login software requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or greater.

The Automatic Web Login programs are .NET client applications written in C# and use the Windows Forms classes contained in the .NET Framework 2.0. To run applications on the .NET Framework 2.0, you need:

Note: The Centre for Study of Insurance Operations (CSIO) has certified that MASTERCOM’s Automatic Web Login has met the requirements of the Standards for “CSIO Single Sign-On”.

Minimum Requirements

- Processor : Intel Pentium class, 2.00GHz or higher

- Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Professional,

- Minimum RAM Requirements: 512 MB

- Display Video: 800×600, 256 colours

The Microsoft .NET Framework 2 is required to run the MASTERCOM Automatic Web Login programs. The .NET Framework software comes preloaded on Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server etc. systems. Windows systems should have this software installed as part of the “Windows Update”.


Office File Update

To update the servfile.ids file located in the Automatic Web Login’s server directory, \WEBLOGINSERVER, select the Open Server Web Login File program-item in the Automatic Web Login (Server) program folder.


The servfile.ids file is considered the office file of web sites. These web sites allow multiple logins with the same username and password.


Working with User Files

Users have two files, the WEBLOGIN.INI file to store user properties such as name, CSIO single sign-on values etc, and the USERFILE.IDS to store web site definitions. By default Automatic Web Login assumes the user home directories are mapped and located on a server. However, if user home directories are located on their own individual PCs please see Appendix A “Working with User Files on PCs”

To work with these files, select the Work with User Files program-item in the Automatic Web Login (Server) program folder.

When a user is installed, i.e. when the “setupcli.exe” installation program is run, an entry is added to the user list. This entry is the user’s mapped drive letter to the \AUTOWELOGIN directory. This entry should be deleted and the path to the user’s directory on the server added. Use the Delete selected User button to delete a user from the list.

To add a user to the user list, select the Add a User to the List button and browse to the User’s \AUTOWEBLOGIN directory located in the user’s home directory on the server and select the OK button to add the user.


The first item, of a user entry, is from the Name: field in the Users Properties – WEBLOGIN.INI file accessed by using the Open User's Profile (WEBLOGIN.INI) File program-item. The second item, of a user entry is the user’s \AUTOWEBLOGIN as selected by the Browse For Folder dialog shown above.

Note: You must have the \WEBLOGINSERVER directory mapped with the same drive letter as the users.

User File “USERFILE.IDS” Update

When a password change occurs, the user’s web site definitions file, userfile.ids, can be updated by an Administrator or by the user.

Administrator Update

Move the Work with User files program-item in the Automatic Web Login (Server) program folder to your desktop to make this convenient to use.

To update a user’s file of web definitions (userfile.ids), double click the entry or click the entry and then click the Open User’s (USERFILE.IDS) file button.



User Update

If a user has been give the right to update his/her “userfile.ids” file, the user would select the Update button on his/her Automatic Web Log In dialog box shown below.



User File “USERFILE.IDS” Password Update


To update the password fields with the new password, type in the new password in the Password: field

and in the Again to Confirm: field and then select the Change Now! button. This button will turn red

when you enter the “Again to Confirm:” field as reminder that the button should be clicked to complete

the action.The Save Changes button will turn red as reminder to save all changes made for that

web definition. Select the Save & Exit button to save all web site definition changes to the user file.

If you do not want to save changes to the user file close the form by selecting the Cancel button.

If the user updates the password field, you should lock the fields in the form by selecting the

Work with User files program-item in the Automatic Web Login (Server) program folder

selecting the user and then clicking the Open User's Profile (WEBLOGIN.INI) File button.

and then checking the “Lock User File” checkbox as shown below.


All the fields would be locked except for the Userid:, Password:, Again to Confirm: fields. This will

prevent the user from accidentally changing the other fields.

Startup Errors

Startup Error 101

A startup error of 101 indicates that the license file has not been installed on the server. Check that the CPYRIGHT.LIC file exits in the \WEBLOGINSERVER\EXE directory on the server. If the CPYRIGHT.LIC file is missing, run your license setup file to install your license.


Startup Error 103

If you experience a startup error of 103, check that the user’s WEBLOGIN.INI file exists in user’s AUTOWEBLOGIN directory. If the WEBLOGIN.INI file is missing, run the setupcli.exe to

create the file.


Licensed Users Limit

You will experience this error if you have installed the Automatic Web Login on more PC’s then

your licensed number. This error will occur if you were moving users to different PCs. To get back to

your licensed limit, explore to the \WEBLOGINSERVER\USERS directory on the server and delete all

the ???????.USR files.


Adding A New Web Site (with HTML Attribute Names)

For a new web site definition:

Note: You can use the Export button to export a web site definition and then use the Import button

to import the web site definition at a different PC. This saves time having to retype all the

information again when adding a new web site definition to all the users’ web log in files.

1) Click the New button

2) In the URL Address: field specify the URL of the web page to be logged into.


3) Click the Get HTML Attribute Name button.

4) As shown below, type the word userid in the Username: field and password in the Password: field

and click on a blank part of the screen. Do not click the Login button.

Adding A New Web Site (with HTML Attribute Names)


After clicking on a blank part of the screen the web page will disappear and a dialog box will show the Web

page title name, the HTML attribute names and the number of Dones or document completions to display the web page. Usually the number of document completions (Dones) is one but for more complex web pages the number is greater.


5) Select the Yes button to transfer these values to the web site definition form.

Adding A New Web Site (with HTML Attribute Names)

The following dialog box is displayed if the name for the login button different from “login” or “logon”. You can ignore finding out the login button name unless the web site requires that you must click the login button.


6) Click the No button.


7) Click the With HTML Attribute Names radio button

8) Type in Name: field the name you are giving to the web site definition.

9) Click the Add Site button

Adding A New Web Site (with Tabs)

The first four steps are the same as adding a web site with HTML Attribute names. However when you click the Login button, as illustrated by Economical’s web page, the web page stays displayed because no HTML Attribute names are found.


When a web page does not close/disappear automatically, you must close it and you will get the following

dialog box. Select the No button.


Upon selecting the No button, the following dialog box is displayed to prompt you to click the

Get HTML Attribute Name button again to display the web page.

Adding A New Web Site (with Tabs)


After clicking the Get HTML Attribute Name button again you now must close the web page

without typing in the username and password etc. The following dialog box is displayed.


Select the Yes button and then the following dialog box is displayed.


Select the Yes button to do the transfer to the web site definition fields.

Adding A New Web Site (with Tabs)

Usually the web site positions the cursor in the userid field so the Userid Tabs is zero but in Economical’s case the cursor is not positioned in the Username field and 3 tabs are required. The Password Tabs is one because usually it is one tab to move from the userid field to the password field. You can leave the Login Button Tabs at zero because most web sites allow the login to occur by use of the Enter key in the password field. Note: “Automatic Web Login” uses the Enter key if the login tabs is zero.


Adding A New Web Site (cont’d)

Now to complete the web site definition, type the userid and password and password in the “Again to

Confirm” field and click the Change Now button then the Save Changes button.


Notes: 1) “Automatic Web Login” supports userids and passwords of up to 25 characters.

2) Check the Let the user click the 'Log in' button. checkbox only if the user must select

other login options before the user would click the ‘Log in’ button to login.

To exit select the Save and Exit button.

Adding A New Web Site

!!NAVIGATE in the “Notes:” Field

In some cases such as the CGI HITS web page, even though the HITS URL is correct, CGI takes you to their IBS Portal page where you must click HITS. For this, you must put !!NAVIGATE in the Notes: field as shown below.


As part of the Automatic Web Login you will be prompted with the following dialog box to remind you to double-click MASTERCOM in the Status bar when you have natigated to the HITS Login page.


Enter Network Password

The following is a sample of a Windows XP “Enter Network Password” dialog box.


Select ‘Enter Network Password’ Dialog Box if the login is an “Enter Network Password” dialog box.

If a domain field is required, specify the domain name in the Domain: field.

Server Software Installation

The setup program guides you through the Automatic Web Login installation process by prompting you

for information and automatically determining your system configuration.

When installing the Automatic Web Login software, you must have administrative privileges.

Note: Your Microsoft Internet Explorer must be Version 6.0 or greater.

To install the Automatic Web Login software

1) Insert the MASTERCOM CD into your CD or DVD-ROM drive. When prompted, click Next, as

shown below. If the Setup program does not start automatically, double-click SETUP.EXE from the

directory for your CD or DVD-ROM drive. Note: The CD-ROM autorun feature may not run if it has

been disabled or if you are logged on to Windows as a user without either Power User or

Administrator rights.



2) Click Next to continue.

Server Software Installation

The Setup program suggests a default directory of WEBLOGINSERVER on the Windows’ drive. Select the Browse button and put the \WEBLOGINSERVER directory on a shared drive.


3) Click Next to continue.


Server Software Installation

4) Click Next to continue.



5) ….by clicking “here now” displays the following web page to download the Microsoft .NET framework

from Microsoft’s Web Site.


Server Software Installation

6) Click the .NET Framework 2.0 hyperlink.


7) Click the Download button.


Server Software Installation

8) Click the Save button and Browse to the \WEBLOGINSERVER\DOTNET directory and click the

Save button to download the dotnetfx.exe installation file.




Server Software Installation


10) Click the Finish button to continue.

An Automatic Web Login (Server) program folder is created with the following program-items.


Server Software Installation


If the \WEBLOGINSERVER folder is a share the Microsoft security policy requires it to have full trust.

To give full trust to the \WEBLOGINSERVER share:

1) Select the Trust WEBLOGINSERVER Share program-item in the

Automatic Web Login (Server) program folder


2) You must browse to the .NET Framework 2.0 directory located in the

%Systemroot%\\Framework\version_number directory.

3) Type in the \\servername\sharename of the \WEBLOGINSERVER directory.

3) Select the Add Trust button and then type Y to the question as shown on the next page.

Server Software Installation

Trust \WEBLOGINSERVER Share (cont’d)


4) If you wish to see that it was successful, select the List Policy Levels & Code Groups button.

The share is normally added as group number 1.2.3 as shown below.


License Installation

To install your license for your Automatic Web Login software put your license file in the \WEBLOGINSERVER folder .

1) Explore to the \WEBLOGINSERVER folder on the server and double-click your license

installation program e.g. ABCIns.exe




2) Click Next to continue.

License Installation


3) Click Next to continue.


4) Click next to finish the installation.

License Installation

5) Now check that your license has been installed correctly, click License Info in the Automatic Web

Login (Server) program folder. You will get your license information displayed as below.


A Networked PC Setup For An Administrator

To avoid having to go the server to update the server’s “servfile.ids” and the user’s “userfile.ids” files, you can explore to the \WEBLOGINSERVER folder and run setuppc.exe to install the programs and program folder to manage the Automatic Web Login files from a networked PC.

1) On a networked PC, explore to the \WEBLOGINSERVER folder on the server and double-click setuppc.exe.


A program group Automatic Web Login (Server Programs) is created with the same program-items as on the server.


You must trust the \WEBLOGINSERVER as described above.

This completes the server software installation.

Client Software Installation


The user’s file of web sites is named userfile.ids and is located in user’s \AUTOWEBLOGIN directory in the user’s home directory. If you are creating user files with the same web log in definitions, create one user file, test it and then copy it to the server’s \WEBLOGINSERVER directory. When you run SETUPCLI.EXE to install a new client the userfile.ids located in the server’s \WEBLOGINSERVER directory will be automatically copied to each user’s \AUTOWEBLOGIN directory in the user’s home directory.

At every PC, explore to the \WEBLOGINSERVER folder on the server and double-click the program setupcli.exe. The “setupcli.exe” installation program guides you through the Automatic Web Login client software installation process by prompting you for information and automatically determining your system configuration.




1) Click OK to continue.

Client Software Installation


2) Click Next to continue.


3) Click Next to continue.

Client Software Installation


The Product Identification Number is located on a label affixed to the front of this manual.

4) Click Next to continue.


5) Click Next to continue.

Client Software Installation


6) Click the Yes button to allow users to update their file of web sites. If you click the No button then an Administrator updates the user’s file of web sites.


7) Click Finish to end the installation and install the .NET Framework 2 package, if required, after the PC

has been restarted.


8) Click OK to restart the PC.

Client Software Installation

When the installation finishes you will be have following Auto Web Login icon on the desktop.


Also an environment variable "AUTOWEBCLI" is created to specify the path for the Automatic Web Login client programs.

Be sure to restart your system so the AUTOWEBCLI environment variable will take effect immediately.

Note: For a Terminal Services installation copy the \AUTOWEBLOGIN directory from the installed user’s home directory to the home directory of the other users.

Add the Auto Web Login Link to Internet Explorer’s Links Bar

You can use Automatic Web Login On IE Page feature to login if you have the web page displayed by Internet Explorer. You must add the Auto Web Log-In program-item to Internet Explorer’s Links bar by dragging it from the desktop to the Internet Explorer’s Links bar. You must use the “Auto Web Log-In’ in the Links bar to use this On IE Page feature.

CSIO Single Sign-on Support

To manage a user’s sign-on to the Automatic Web Login select the Work with User Files program,-item in the Automatic Web Login (Server) program folder and then select a user entry in the list and then click the Open User’s Profile (WBLOGIN.INI) File button.


If a user is not required to sign-on to use the “Automatic Web Login” select the Sign-on is on required. checkbox and then select the Save and Exit button.

Clicking the CSIO Single Sign-on Standard checkbox set the fields to CSIO standard defaults.

For the user to request her/his password to be e-mailed, specify the user’s e-mail address in the E-mail:


CSIO Single Sign-on Support

Password effective Date – Allows future dated password activation with an effective date.

Password effective Time – Allows future dated password activation with an effective time

Password expiry Date – Allows for a termination of password by date.

Password expiry Time – Allows for a termination of password by time.

Time Zone – System requirement to record user activity with a time zone designator

Password Period – Number of days a password is valid

Number of Password Retentions – Number of password changes before a user could reuse a previous password

Initial Password reset - Allows for an initial temporary password with a mandatory password reset after

first Login.

Logon Attempts – Number of invalid log-on attempts prior to the user being locked out

Session Timeout – Amount of time a user’s signed-on system is idle, prior to system controlled

automatic shut down

Inactive Account – Number of days allowed between users access, before the users account is to be considered inactive

The user is presented with the following “Automatic Web Login” sign-on dialog.


Change/E-Mail Password Support

If the user clicks the Change Password button the following dialog box is displayed for the user to change her/his password to sign-on to use the Automatic Web Login.


If the user clicks the E-Mail Password button the following command window and dialog box is displayed showing that the password was successfully sent.


The following is the sample e-mail message giving the user the requested password.


E-Mail Password Support

To enable the sending of passwords to the user, select the Settings - Corporate Mail SMTP Server program-item in the Automatic Web Login (Server) program folder.


The settings would be the same as used in the Microsoft Outlook E-mail Accounts dialog boxes as illustrated below.

E-Mail Password Support



Working with User Files on PCs

To enable this support you must copy the file from the \ WEBLOGINSERVER directory to the \ WEBLOGINSERVER\EXE directory.

Users have two files, the WEBLOGIN.INI file to store user properties such as name, CSIO single sign-on values etc, and the USERFILE.IDS to store web site definitions. In this case the user home directory is located on the individual’s PC.

When the user is installed e.g. setupcli.exe is run on the PC, the user’s \AUTOWEBLOGIN path will be added to the user list as illustrated below.


This entry must be deleted by selecting the user and then clicking the Delete selected User command and selecting the Yes button as illustrated below.


On the user’s PC the user’s \AUTOWEBLOGIN directory must be shared out as e.g. AUTOWEBLOGIN. On the server or on an Administrator’s terminal a drive then must then be mapped to the user’s shared \AUTOWEBLOGIN directory as illustrated below.


Working with User Files on PCs

Then select the Work with User Files program-item in the Automatic Web Login (Server) program folder and add the user to the user list by selecting the Add a User to the List button and browse to the user’s mapped drive \AUTOWEBLOGIN directory and select the OK button to add the user.



Now if you want to use the same drive mapped for other users then add a mapping command by selecting the Add Map Drive Cmd. This drive mapping command will be automatically used to delete the existing mapping and then map the drive to the selected user’s \AUTOWEBLOGIN directory when the user’s file is opened.

Working with User Files on PCs

Type in the computer name and share name of the user’s \AUTOWEBLOGIN directory and then select the OK button. Note: To avoid having to type the share, copy it (Crtl C) from the Folder: text box of the Map Network Drive dialog box.



Now when a user’s file is opened the following command window will open to show the delete of the present mapping of drive e.g. U and the new assignment.


Note: The Administrator must have the \WEBLOGINSERVER directory mapped with the same drive letter as the users.



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