


Jason A. Heppler, PhD

University of Nebraska at Omaha

March 17, 2020


Hi. I'm Jason.

I like to gesture at screens.

Digital Engagement Librarian, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Mentor, Mozilla Open Leaders

Researcher, Humanities+Design, Stanford University

Today's plan

?Introduction to spatial data analysis

?Intro to sf, ggmap, and leaflet


Due to COVID-19 closures, this will be the final workshop.

Open up RStudio. We'll start doing a few things together soon.

The sf package

?Easy to work with spatial data, minimizes the distinction

between spatial data and other data types

?Spatial objects are stored as data frames, and

geometries stored in list columns

?All functions begin with st_ for easy RStudio autofill

?Functions are pipe friendly %>%

?dplyr and tidyr have been defined for sf objects

?ggplot2 can plot sf objects directly

The sf package

We have to know about a few different data types in GIS

before we go much further.

Vector data: representing real world features like hills,

roads, houses, rivers. Vectors have attributes that consist of

text or numeric information that describe features. Vectors

are often shapes created through geometry.

Raster data: a matrix of pixels containing values that

represent conditions for an area. This could be background

images of the Earth's surface or continuous data represented

on the Earth's surface.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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