RPA automation using UIPath Scope of Work - ISCA

RPA automation using UIPath

The purpose of this invitation to quote (ITQ) is to invite experienced vendors to submit their quotation to setup UIPath Robots, write the codes and implement the processes.

Scope of Work

The vendor is to provide a breakdown of the quotation into two parts ? Licensing cost for UIPath software to be purchased (Optional item if we can use the free license) and the cost of the professional service. We are currently looking at five to ten bots for automation for the start.

We will require to setup four bots for unattended automation using UI Path for this project for live environment, mainly interacting with several cloud portal systems for extracting and updating of information and sending email replies. The bot will need to read the email subject as trigger, open the attachment and do the necessary automation.

We are open to UIpath being either setup on cloud or setup on premises. As for the licensing cost for on-premises setup, we will mainly be looking at the licensing cost for UIPath. However, for onpremises setup, do provide us the necessary list of software required to setup in addition to UIPath.

There are 4+1 processes that we are considering. Pls quote the optional process as a separate line item.

Timeline: 3-4 weeks completion


Based on the below 5 scenarios, we are expected to receive a project proposal which should covers the following: The costs of the project, the breakdown for the required components for the project, a vague description of how the 4-5 scenarios will be implemented individually, and an estimated timeline.

Upon acceptance of the project between both parties, we will expect the project proposal documentation to be updated with the details of how the project will run with an updated timeline.

Completion of the project, we will expect the details of the project being implemented for the respective scenarios, source code, UAT acceptance from the respective users, walk through of codes with users to help them understand how to code and sign off as completion.

a. Process to RPA - Background checks on applicants using World Check Unattended bot to run loop through the downloaded excel file to check a public database for matching records, update the excel file and send the updated excel file once a month, on the first day of the month for the previous month.

1) Bot logins to a public database website with a set credentials.

2) Bot logins to CRM website.

3) Bot downloads an excel report from CRM. 4) Bot opens the excel report.

5) Bot copies the personal particulars from the row. 6) Bot search the public database with the name copied from `2'. 7) Bot update the cell of the row with `yes' or `no'. 8) If the updated cell is yes, bot highlight the whole row in red. 9) Bot loop through process 5 ? 8 until reach an empty row.

10) Bot save the excel file. 11) Bot logins email on a webmail website. 12) Bot creates an email, attach the excel file and send to staff.

b. Process to RPA ? Corporate Account Creation Unattended bot, trigger event via receiving of an email.

1) Bot receive an email attached with pdf for corporate account creation.

2) Bot check whether the pdf is for company or sole proprietor. 3) Bot open the pdf and check the signatories and company stamps are present.

4) Bot open browser, go to a public database and key in company ROC / UEN number. 5) Bot verifies company name is the same as the pdf.

6) Bot login to CRM with set credentials.

7) Bot search CRM with ROC / UEN number for any existing records. 8) Bot create a business account when there are no existing records. 9) Bot create a new contact account and select type as corporate. 10) Bot save the email and pdf file in `1' to a network drive. 11) Bot logins email on a webmail website. 12) Bot sends an email to one of the staff if the form marketing check box is ticked.

c. Process to RPA ? Unlocking of locked user accounts Unattended bot, trigger event via receiving of an email.

1) Bot receive an email with a unlock account subject. 2) Bot reads the email and extract out the personal particulars (name, account number, email) 3) Bot login to CRM. 4) Bot search the CRM using with account number and check whether the record matches all the three distinct variable. 5) Bot click on unlock account button if all records on `4' matches. 6) Bot click on `trigger password reset send to email' link. 7) Bot logins to email on a webmail website.

8) Bot send an email using email address from `2`, to inform the user that his/her account is unlocked.

d. Process to RPA ? Processing Refund Unattended bot, trigger event via receiving of an email.

1) Bot receive an email for refund with an excel document. 2) Bot get all the `credit note numbers' from the column. 3) Bot login to cloud website with set credentials. 4) Bot search the website with `credit note number'. 5) Bot click issue refund 6) Bot refund base on payment made ? either GIRO or credit card under create payment.

7) Bot fill up the details in create payment. 8) Bot click on button `Select and Add'.

9) Bot click `Apply' and `Ok' under Invoice and Pay. 10) Bot click on Button `Save and Create Another' 11) Bot read the screen for a successful `Confirmation' message. 7) Bot update the column on excel with `yes' for successful confirmation and `no' if fails. 8) Bot email the excel file to staff.

e. Process to RPA ? Rerun failed batch job (optional) Attended or Unattended bot, runs daily at 5am

1) Bot either logins to server remotely or start itself on the server 2) Checks on a sub-folder in folder A. 3) Move the all the files from sub-folder in folder A to a temporary folder except for one file. 4) Run batch job for folder A. 5) Move one of the files from the temporary folder to sub-folder A. 6) Repeat `4' and `5' until there are no more files in folder A. 7) Repeat `3' to `7' for folder B. 8) Repeat `3' to `7' for folder C. 9) Bot send an email for staff for any file that fails to process and still stuck in folder A, folder B and folder C after running all the previous steps.

Quotation Validity

Quotations submitted must be valid for 1 month from the date of opening of ITQ.


ISCA shall be under no obligation to accept the quotation with the lowest quote or enter into correspondence with any vendor regarding the reason for non-acceptance of quotation. ISCA reserves the right, unless the vendor expressly stipulates to the contrary in its quotation, to accept only such portion(s) of a quotation as ISCA may in its sole discretion decide and the quotation shall be adjusted accordingly.


For any enquiry or submission, please email to ict.tenders@.sg with the subject "ICT-16-2020" before the closing date. Closing date: 23 November 2020, 5pm


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