Where to Start….Getting Your Lead Generation Site Up:1. Get a domain name -. Create an email address once you have your domain name this can be done by your hosting company or with the company your setup your domain3. Get a logo created -Contact Rick rick@u- - 4. Find a background picture for your website- google Royalty Free Images5. Signup for (You want to do this so you can get your phone number if you don’t already have one) 6. Signup for your Oncarrot Account or with Tracy so they can build out your Lead Generation Website- Code: PIN307. Website Builders will need the following when you register-Domain Name-Email Address- Logo- Background Picture-Zip code you want leads pulled from8. They will build out your site and now you are ready to start marketing!!!LeadsTroy covered may ways to find leads; but if you want more leads, you can follow the ideas he mentioned in the Marketing for Notes Section. Here he covers 20 different ways to find leads/notes.If you would like to go and buy leads, you can do so by following this process…1. Contact Scott at Advanced Seller Data Services-Scott Arpan 800-992-4536 scott@ 2. Once you get your leads, you will want to have them skip-traced to get the emails and phone numbers of the Note Holders.-. Okay now you have your skip-traced leads back. Now it is time to upload them to your accountMarketingIf you haven’t already, let’s get your account setup1. Go to , go through the prompts to setup your account and your phone number.- when registering use the email address you setup above2. Once you setup your account, go and setup your “Virtual Email”- Click on the 3 dots on right hand side- Click on My Profile- Click on Virtual E-Mail (This can be anything: Company Name, Your Name, etc (It needs to be all one word with no spaces))- Watch this video on setting up your virtual email . Now it is time to upload your newly skip-traced leads…- Create a CSV file you do not need header columns; however when once uploaded, make sure the Billing Address field is the address of the Note-The Shipping address will be the Address of Seller so you can send letters-Watch this quick video on how to upload leads: . Now it is time to add your emails and/or text messages…-Click on “Templates”-Click on “Add Template”-Choose what template you are adding (SMS/Text Message, Email Template, Call Template, etc.)-Go ahead and create your template (you will need to do a separate template for each email or text message)-When you create your email templates, make sure that you add the “Unsubscribe Link” to the bottom of your email- Watch this video to see how to create a template email: you have your email/text templates loaded, you will want to create the email campaigns (this means that the emails/text will go out how you set them up (ie: email 1 goes out tomorrow, email 2 goes out in 7 days, email 3 goes out 7 days after email 2, etc.))5. How to create the campaign in , first you want to make sure all your contacts have a tag. To add a tag to all contacts, go to…-Click on “Contacts”-Click on the box next to “Last Communication”-Now all the boxes next to your contacts should be selected- Click on “Tag Selected”-Create a Tag ie: Note Seller Campaign-Click Submit- Click Here to watch video: 6. Creating the campaign:-Click on “Campaigns”-Click on “Add Campaign”-Follow this video: you have any questions please email Kim at kim@ ................

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