Get your hair cut have it done - KUL

Practical English ? Grammar Tomasz Czerniak, MA.

HAVE/GET something done

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin Summer Term 2015

1. What kinds of causative uses do the following examples represent? (Vince 2003; Advanced Language Practice)

a. Get your hair cut! Get it done! b. I eventually got the car fixed. c. I had my car stolen. d. I really must get this tooth pulled out. e. I've just had my car serviced. I have it done every spring. f. We got our roof blown off by the gale. g. We had our car broken into last night.

2. Rewrite the sentences using the causative forms (Matasek 2003; Zdania Angielskie w Parafrazie) a. We pay the people to clean the windows every month. b. I employed some man to tow my car to a garage. c. I will ask somebody to install the pipes in the bathroom. d. They have ordered some children to sweep the courtyard clean. e. He paid the mechanic to repair the gear box. f. The men are repainting our rooms. g. I persuaded my friend to write the homework for me. h. She paid the dentist to pull the sore tooth out. i. We are going to ask someone to mend the shoes. j. I went to the barber. He cut my hair. k. Someone stole my suitcase while I was looking the other way. l. Our clothes were blown away by the gust of wind. m. Her T-shirt was torn by someone during the game. n. They broke the windows in our room. o. Some people picked all fruit from the trees in our garden.

3. Rewrite the following using have or get (Foley and Hall 2008; Advanced Learners' Grammar) a. The washing machine was repaired by an engineer last week. b. Is your hair done at Ebony's? c. Somebody stole Liz's passport d. Some hooligans slashed John's tyres. e. Out of the blue, the board of directors approved Mark's plans yesterday. f. Tell someone to clean up this mess! g. Don't worry. I'll arrange for someone to finish the report before the board meeting.

4. Rewrite the following using have/get (Graver 1995; Advanced English Practice) a. You should arrange to install central heating before winter comes (have) b. He is arranging for an artist to paint his wife's portrait (get) c. They were made man and wife in 1980 (get) d. Five years later, they were no longer man and wife (get) e. Drive carefully if you don't want to risk the police endorsing your license again (have) f. The tree was so diseased that we had to ask someone to cut it down (have) g. The authorities are encouraging mothers to arrange for the vaccination of their children (get) h. Someone has written all the answers in this book. (have) This book.... i. She made an appointment with the optician for an examination of her eyes (have) j. Nobody would never have beaten the champion if he had retired after his last fight. (get) The


Passive voice 2


PREPOSITIONS IN THE PASSIVE 5. Change the sentences into the passive. Pay attention to the prepositions (Thomson and Martinet 1996;

A Practical English Grammar. Exercises 2) a. The government has called out troops. b. Fog held up the trains. c. You are to leave it here. Someone will call for it later. d. We called in the police. e. They didn't look after children properly. f. They are flying in reinforcements. g. Everyone looked up to him. h. All the ministers will see him off at the airport. i. He hasn't slept in his bed. j. They threw him out. k. They will have to adopt a different attitude. l. He's a dangerous maniac. They ought to lock him up. m. Her story didn't take them in. n. Burglars broke into the house. o. The manufacturers are giving away small plastic toys with each packet of cereal. p. They took down the notice. q. They frown on smoking here. r. After the government had spent a million pounds on the scheme, they decided that it was

impracticable and gave it up. (leave the bold as it is)

6. Rewrite the sentences in the passive (Graver 1995; Advanced English Practice) a. They gave up the search after three hours. b. No one brought up that question at the meeting. c. Someone should look into the matter. d. He had to put off our visit until later. e. Don't speak until someone speaks to you. f. The bank manager turned down his request for a loan. g. You must account for every penny you spend. h. Someone hasn't stuck this stamp very firmly. i. An official held us up at the Customs for half an hour. j. He hates people making fun of him (being)

7. Answer the question using a phrasal verb in the passive (Graver 1995; Advanced English Practice) a. What must be done with a bad tooth? (pull) b. What has to be done with a dirty crockery and cutlery at the end of a meal? (wash) c. What should be done if a mistake appears in a student's work? (point) d. What might happen if you crossed a busy road without looking? (run) e. What would happen to a lighted candle if there were a sudden gust of wind? (blow) f. What happens to traffic in a traffic jam? (hold) g. What happens to workers if they become redundant? (lay) h. What must be done if a plan or an idea proves unworkable? (give) i. I dropped a 10e note in the street, and can't find it. What must have happened? (take) j. No one can attend a meeting on that date. What could be done to solve the problem? (put)


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