
7th GradeSeptember 8th, 2019Class Get to Know You Day!Purpose: To give the teens and catechists tools to learn more about each other! Real relationships are made once barriers are broken. Reminders before class:Catechists/Aides are expected to participate in ALL activities, not just supervise!Give out candy to winning groupsWhat Devyn will prepare:Candy in each roomConstruction paper and markers for name platesIndex cards in each roomOutline:5:30-6:30pm: Youth Mass6:30-7:00pm: Snacks, candy question, opening prayer in dining room 7:00-7:15pm: Learning NamesHave everyone stand or sit in a circle. Feel free to move tables/ chairs around as long as you put them back at the end of the night!Give everyone 1 minute to learn the first, middle and last name of the person on their left and right.Pick 1 person to stand in the middle. They will point to a random person and say “left!” or “right!” The person being pointed to will say the name indicated. I they pause or stumble in saying the full name they then go in the middle. Once the game gets too easy tell everyone to switch seats and learn everyone’s name again. Play 2 rounds.7:15-7:20pm: Take attendanceFeel free to let teens make a name plate using the construction paper and markers provided7:20-7:40pm: Getting to know one anotherPass out index cards to each teen.Tell them to write two true statements and one false statement about themselves. Only give them about 3 minutes to do this.Go around the room having each teen read their statements and the rest of the group guessing which one is false.7:40-7:50pm: Group DetectivesThe basic idea is to have everyone gather into specified groups as quickly as possible. You will name common characteristics or descriptions and the teens must get into groups according to their answers.Read the following group descriptions, and feel free to add your own!See how fast you can get into groups of people who have the same first initialThose who have the same number of siblingsThose who have the same favorite colorThose who have the same color eyesThose with the same color socksThose who are the same ageThose who go to the same school.7:50-8:05pm: Teaching about critical thinking/ discussionsSay the following in your own words:Throughout this year we will be having discussions and maybe some debates in the classroom.The point of these lessons are not to feed you a bunch of information that you will spit back out on an exam. There is no final test, the goal is just to help you grow on your Faith Journey. We really want you to engage in this classroom. If you are confused about something, please say so! If you have a question please ask! I may not know the answer but I will be happy to look it up.The best debaters don’t always know everything. They use personal judgement to ask questions and figure out answers. We want you to feel comfortable having discussions with your peers.Critical thinking is a way of examining at topic that will help you make a judgement. Your personal opinion is important and we want to hear what you think. Our goal is to give you resources that will help you have more discussions outside of church (both about Catholic topics and secular [not religious] topics!) Ask the teens the following questions:Who here is comfortable speaking up in a group? Who would rather just talk to their friends? Who thinks they are the shyest person here? Why?What can we do to make this classroom environment more comfortable for you to ask questions and contribute to a discussion? (write down any notes that would be helpful for Devyn to include in lesson plans) Who here goes to Catholic School? Who here has never been to a “church class” before? How will your background help you contribute to our class discussions? Practice. Discuss the following questions with the teens.What do you think of when you think of the Catholic Church?What do you think other people think of when they think of the Catholic Church?Who is better: pirates or ninjas? Tell the teens that at the point of this discussion is to get you more comfortable in speaking out! We are a safe place here. Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts. 8:05-8:15pm: Q&AGive each teen the Q&A handout. If you have time ask the teens to share their answers. 8:15-8:30pm: Closing PrayerTake out your “Prayer Intention Journal”Tell the teens that each week we will be sharing our prayer intentions with each other.We are encouraged to be open and vulnerable with each other. You never know when someone next to you is going through the same thing you are!We will be following up with these prayer intentions next week to tighten our bonds as a group. Most of our other gatherings will have this prayer at the beginning of the session. Give the teens 1-2 minutes to think about their prayer intentions. Give them some examples such as: help my family, help me to have a good school year, help the unborn, etc.Start the prayer with the sign of the cross. Start with the following prayer:Lord, thank you for this time to get to know each other. You took the time to know each of Your Disciples and we pray we can learn to serve You like they did. Please here our personal prayers we say tonight.Invite the teens to speak out loud any prayer intentions they have.If they do not want to say theirs out loud have them say “for a special intention.”For today try and have everyone say a prayer. They are not required to each week but today was a good day of breaking down walls that will hopefully make them feel more united. After they say their prayer intention write it down in the book. Feel free to adlib a prayer about their intention (“Lord, please help Katie do well on her math test this week.”) or just say “We pray to the Lord” and invite the teens to respond “Lord Hear our Prayer.”Close with an Our Father.Tell the teens that later in the year the goal will be to have a teen lead the prayer intentions and we will have someone designated to pray for the prayers throughout the week! Thank the teens for coming and tell them to have a great week!JHY Q&A!What is your name? Are you new to this youth group? If Yes: Have you gone to another church before?If No: How long have you been going here? What are you hoping to learn this year?What questions do you have for your catechist? ................

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