Building Relationships with your students - Milwaukee Public Schools


Building Relationships with your students

Strategies and tips to build relationships with all students, K- Grade 12.




It is essential to create positive relationships with all your students from day one and keep those relationships strong throughout the year. Contained within this document are strategies for getting to know your students and to strengthen your personal relationship and connection with all students. Some of these activities are used during the first few days of the school year, and some can be used throughout the year to continue to get to know your students.

Getting to Know Each Other Bingo

Each student receives a bingo board on next page. Board squares can be adjusted if needed (board is for high school students). Students then walk around the room and find a student that fits into each square. The student then signs that square. Students continue to walk around the room until they have a bingo or a completed board for a bonus.

Bonus: when a student finishes they yell at bingo. The game stops and this student must point out by name each student who signed their board. If student cannot do this, they are eliminated and game continues until next student has a bingo or completed board.


Find someone who has a pet

Find someone who has a same class as


Find someone who knows what

college they want to go to.

Find someone who knows what career

they want after high school.

Find someone who plays a sport here (or wants to this


Find someone who is new to this school

Find someone who has an older sister.

Find someone who takes yellow bus

Find someone who went to

Summerfest or another festival

this summer.

Find someone who has traveled out of

the state

Find someone who saw the same

movie as you this summer.

Find someone who had a summer job

Find someone who has the same lunch

hour as you

Find someone who is an only child.

Find someone who you have never met before

Find someone who has an older brother

Find someone who fits under any of the above. This student must sign their name in the box that applies to them. Each student can only be used for 2 boxes. A bingo is 4 in a row or diagonal. Bonus for a completed board.

Facebook Template

Have students complete Facebook template about themselves on the first day of class. Prompt students to complete with their real, personal information and that these will be displayed so everyone can get to know each other in this class.

Teacher should also complete a template and share theirs with the students. Once completed, they should be collected. Take time to look through them so you get to know the students.

Completed sheets can be posted on a classroom bulletin board or put into a binder to create a classroom "Facebook Group."

Encourage all students to look at bulletin board in or in the binder to get to know their classmates better.

My Picture

Someone I Love/ Care About

Your Name


What 4 of my friends would say about me:






Home Address/ Phone # Relationship Status

Favorite Class

Favorite TV Shows


Favorite Movies Favorite Music

Picture / description of you in 10 years

Favorite Quote Wrote Favorite Candy



Recent News about you

Describe yourself in words


Upcoming Events / things to do/ goals

you enjoy

Morning Check In

Elementary School:

At the very beginning of the day have students sit in a circle (can stay at desks if space is an issue). Ask students how they are feeling today. Students raise their fingers 1-5. 1 is great, 2 is okay, 3 is fine, 4 is not good, and 5 is angry. Ask a few random students why they raised a certain finger. Note any students who raised a high number that you don't call on so you are able to talk to them one-on-one. Pick a random student to start and have them high five the student to their right and say "Good Morning" with the student's name. The next student then goes to their right, and this continues until all students have gone. If students are not sitting in a corner, can adjust to your needs.

Middle/ High School Adjustment:

At beginning of class have students raise a finger on how their day is going so far, not needed to sit them in a circle. Have students high-five or give each other a handshake and wish the next student a good class period of learning, or something else.

Adapted from:

Random Questions

Students take turns rolling a dice and answering the question that the dice roll corresponds to. Questions can be adjusted for the time of the year (in September have questions about what they did over summer, in February have questions about winter favorites, etc). Can take time and have students do questions as a whole class or attach the dice roll to something within the class structure. If a student wants to go to the bathroom, they have to first roll the dice. Grab random students as they enter class and have them roll dice. If a student turns in homework late, etc. Teacher can also participate in questions with students, so students get to know the teacher.

Example questions: 1) What is one thing you are really good at outside of school? 2) What is your best subject in school? 3) What accomplishment in your life are you most proud of? 4) What do you want to be remembered for? 5) What are you best at in school or outside of school? 6) How do you feel when you are successful at something?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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