Casio protrek prw 2500


Casio protrek prw 2500

Introducing the new Pro Trek PRW2500R, a high performance tool developed under the supervision of meteorologists to take on challenging environments. Like all triple sensor Pro Trek models, the PRW2500R features easy-one-touch operation of its Altimeter/Barometer, Compass and Thermometer. A reconfigured duplex LCD layout provides optimal upper & lower LCD layout for information at-a-glance when you're on the go. In addition to numerical and trend graph data, unique arrow icons help to indicate characteristic barometric pressure patterns. 200 meter water resistance has also been employed to ensure strong water resistance for river trekking & rafting where one would encounter strong water pressure. The addition of tide & moon graph/data provides convenient information for sea kayaking and fishing. Black resin band digital watch with neutral face. 200M Water Resistance Tough Solar Power Multi-Band 6 Atomic Timekeeping New Duplex LC Display Triple Sensor with Tide & Moon Graph/Data Thankfully a good number of Casio watches grace my wrists. There are few other inexpensive watch brands I so eagerly strap on and wear with glee ? which is especially true for their Pro Trek (formerly Pathfinder here in the US) collection of multi-function watches. This time I check out the mid-range Pro Trek PRW-2500 and am again impressed. In my opinion there are enough Casio watch models available for one to get highly confused. The difference between one model and another can be confusing, with many having very slight changes here and there. Though overall new Pro Trek models tend to have the latest technology and are more often than not more advanced than their predecessors. The Pro Trek PRW-2500 isn't about breaking too much new ground feature wise, but inserting Casio's latest developments into a new watch meant specifically for outdoor enthusiasts. As a mid-range Pro Trek model this piece really does have a lot of the latest cool features that many people want from a Pro Trek watch. The collection for years has been the go-to timepiece for anyone with nature exploration in mind given the watch's wealth of durability, longevity, and information features. Notably, the PRW-2500 is solar (light) powered, six band atomic clock controlled, has a duplex LCD screen, claimed improved sensors, claimed improved durability, and legendary legibility for loads of details at a glance. The full list of features is too long to go into, but suffice it to say that few features are lacking. Honestly, the only thing Casio can't claim with a watch like this is that it is suitable for a suit or sophisticated outing. At about 50mm wide Pro Trek watches aren't small, but Casio makes them the most comfortable large watches I've ever worn. They feel thin compared to older models and have that create strap-end system that wraps around any wrist. In the resin case the watch is also extremely light. In addition to this black-toned resin (fancy plastic) model, there is a PRW-2500 model with a titanium case and bracelet. Casio claims that the sensors in this watch have been shrunken a bit which makes for an overall smaller set of protrudences on the case. The case also has a rotating navigational bezel. In the past I have thought these bezels to be too easy to turn. This one is much more stiff, making it perhaps to tough to turn (though it is possible you need to break it in a bit as this is a feature I admittedly don't use). Coming in mostly black the PRW-2500 is a less nerdy looking Pro Trek watch, but is still a Pro Trek through and through. I continue to notice slight upgrades in these watches over time, including the strap resin material which seems to be softer and more flexible than ever. While you don't even notice the watch on your wrist because of its comfort and weight, it does take a beating well. Perhaps not as well as a Casio G-Shock, but the Pro Trek is still water resistant to 200 meters and has metal caseback as well as a healthy amount of plastic padding. You also appreciate how the crystal is inset a bit compared to the bezel which should protect the screen/dial as much as possible. The face of the PRW-2500 was specifically designed to offer a range of environmental information at a glance without having to cycle through mode screens. The time is placed at the bottom of the dial, which also has the moon phase, tidal data, barometer graph, and calendar displayed all at the same time. There are some options such as removing the tidal data from the home screen in favor of a more complete calendar display. The tide chat data has its one function mode screen as well for more detailed info. Like all Pro-Trek models the full list of features is long. In this model these include, but are not limited to, world time, full calendar data, several alarms, automatic backlighting, stopwatch, count-down timer, moon phase, tidal data, thermometer, compass, barometer, altimeter, and more. There is a bit of a learning curve to figuring it all out, but long time Casio users won't have any trouble figuring it all out. People who need a lot of data at a glance will appreciate this watch a lot. Those wanting to see mainly the time might prefer another Pro Trek piece because the time is not in the center of the dial on the home screen ? though it is prominent enough. Casio's continuous improvement and attention to their electronic gadget watches is always impressive and the watches just keep getting better. They are also inexpensive enough to upgrade each few years. In black resin the PRW2500-1 retails for a fair $300 while its titanium sibling the PRW2500T-7 is $400. Fancier or more colorful version likely exist in the Japanese domestic market. All in all a great ? yet subtle ? evolution for the world's greatest gadget watch collection. Keep 'em coming Casio. : 2018-08-0031 : : /: : , : 2018 08 30 ~ 2020 08 29 22 25 1 . 2018 08 30 Copyright ? danawa Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. At a glance Specifications Support Tough Solar Power Tough Solar ensures stable operation while using power-hungry functions Triple Sensor Altimeter, Barometer/Thermometer, Digital Compass Multi-Band 6 Atomic Timekeeping Introducing the new Pro Trek PRW2500, a high performance tool developed under the supervision of meteorologists to take on challenging environments. Like all triple sensor Pro Trek models, the PRW2500 features easy-one-tough operation of its Altimeter/Barometer, Compass and Thermometer. A reconfigured duplex LCD layout provides optimal upper & lower LCD layout for information at-a-glance when you're on the go. In addition to numerical and trend graph data, unique arrow icons help to indicate characteristic barometric pressure patterns. 200 meter water resistance has also been employed to ensure strong water resistance for river trekking & rafting where one would encounter strong water pressure. The addition of tide & moon graph/data provides convenient information for sea kayaking and fishing. Titanium band digital watch with black face. Multi-Band Atomic Timekeeping (US, UK, Germany, Japan, China Receives time calibration radio signals which keep the displayed time accurate Auto receive function (up to 6 times per day) Manual receive function Signal: US WWVB, UK MSF, Germany DCF77, Japan JJY40/JJY60, China BPC Frequency: US 60kHz, UK 60kHz, Germany 77.5kHz, Japan 40/60kHz, China BPC 68.5kHz Tough Solar Power 200M Water Resistant Duplex LC Display Tide Graph (tide level for specific date and time) Moon Data (moon age of the specific date and moon phase graph) Digital Compass Measures and displays direction as one of 16 points Measuring range: 0 to 359 degrees Measuring unit: 1 degree 20 seconds continuous measurement Graphic direction pointer Bidirectional calibration and northerly calibration function Magnetic declination correction Bearing memory Altimeter Measuring range: -700 to 10,000 m (-2,300 to 32,800 ft) Measuring unit: 5 m (20ft) Manual memory measurements (up to 14 records, each including altitude, date, time) High altitude / Low altitude memory Total Ascent / Descent memory Others: Reference altitude setting, Altitude differential Barometer Display range: 260 to 1,100 hPa (7.65 to 32.45 inHg) Display unit: 1 hPa (0.05 inHg) Atmospheric pressure tendency graph Atmospheric pressure differential graphic Barometric change indicator Thermometer Display range: -10 to 60 C (14 to 140 F) Display unit: 0.1 C (0.2 F) Low Temperature Resistant (-10 C / 14 F) Full Auto EL Backlight with Afterglow 5 Independent Daily alarms Hourly time signal World Time 31 times zones (48 cities + UTC), city code display, daylight saving on/off 1/100 second stopwatch Measuring capacity: 23:59'59.99" Measuring modes: Elapsed time, split time, 1st-2nd place times Countdown Timer Measuring unit: 1 second Countdown range: 1 minute to 60 minutess, (1-minute increments) Reset time: 1 to 5 minutes (1-minute increments) Others: Time-up alarm, progress beeper Battery level indicator Power saving function Full auto-calendar (preprogrammed until the year 2099) 12/24 hour formats Button operation tone on/off Accuracy: +/- 15 seconds per month (with no signal calibration) Storage Battery: Solar rechargeable battery Approx. battery life: 5 months on full charge (without further exposure to light) 23 months on full charge with Power Saving Function (without further exposure to light) Module: 3258

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